Free Steam Games to Good Home

I'm hoping that you update the list, and I'm hoping to grab a game i'd never buy myself XD So... Uhm.. S.. SOMA! T.T *Cries* I'm going to get so scared! But If i can manage to get my stream to work it... The reactions will just be the best! T.T

Steam Name is Lovelessesbutterfly Like here!

Alas! I must regretfully inform you that someone's already claimed it. You're free to snag another of your choice, though!
Update! the following games have been added to the master list:

Alien Breed: Impact
Alien Rage - Unlimited
Cargo Commander
Dead Effect
Dino D-Day
Fancy Skulls
Kingdom Rush (x2)
Lovely Planet
One Finger Death Punch
PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate
Pixel Piracy
Planetary Annihilation
Shadowgate (2014 Edition)
Shogun: Total War Collection
Sir, You Are Being Hunted
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2
Super Sanctum TD
System Shock 2
Velocity Ultra
Xotic Complete Pack
Zeno Clash

... with a bunch more to be added after I get home from work.
More games? MOAR GAMES.

Anomaly 2
Apogee Throwback Collection
bit.Dungeon II
Blackbay Asylum
Blades of Time
Blood Knights
Deadly 30
Deep Dungeons of Doom
Drive to Hell
Eador: Genesis
Etherlords I & II
FATE: Undiscovered Realms
Frozen Synapse Prime
Hero of the Kingdom
Heroes of Annihilated Empires
HOARD Complete Pack
Knights & Merchants
Prime World: Defenders
Puzzle Kingdoms
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny Revised Edition & For the Gods DLC
Rune Classic
Runespell: Overture
Super Cyborg
Ubersoldier II
Wizardry 8

... to be continued. Again. Because work x_x
Woah, you are a very generous person and I commend you for that. There are lots of good games on here I'd love to try, decisions decisions...

Would it be possible to grab Not the Robots please?

My steam name is Mr.Robot (ironic I know)
You could always check out a small but very fun game called Boring Man: Tactical Online Stickman Combat.

I can guarantee there is a fair share of cancer and awesome.
Slightly shameful request for KOTOR 2, in exchange for some Holiday Cheer
SN: NotDeadAxl
Psst! You. Yes, you. The one right there in front of the monitor. I heard you liek vidjagaemz...

Seriously though. I'm something of a Humble Bundle-holic, and have an excess of Steam games sitting unused in my library. As I can't use them myself, I'd rather give them away to people who will actually play them :D

Though I have quite the collection, I understand I don't have enough for everyone (or at least probably not.) As such, I'll only be giving away one game per person on a first come, first serve basis.

Drop a line here or shoot me a PM if you see something of interest. You can find the complete list of available games I'm giving out RIGHT HERE.

Hey man! love what you're doing here! really honourable!

onto the selfish part... happen to have that Grim Dawn still? a few friends of mine have it and it'd sweet to be able to play it with them!

Steam name is Dickie
might be able to find it easier searching alexifacultas though!
Wow. The fact that you have such an extensive list of games is amazing. The fact that you're giving them all away... Simply put, awe. Do I need to pm u with my steam id?
Oh boy..! This is awesome!

Are any of these still available?

-Goat simulator
-Sir are you being hunted
Holy crap. When you said you had accumulated a collection, I didn't expect THIS much.

If you're still doing this, could I have Outlast if it's still available? :)

My steam is Brobots
Do you mind if I offer up some of my inventory as well? I have a few games (mainly multiples bought with the intention of distributing) but not enough to make my own thread, I don't think