Akashic Arcana Genesis || Disciplinary Committee Recruitment ARCHIVED


Active Member
Christian's Office

Christian walked into his office; immediately de-stressing due to how he himself had arranged his furniture and the overall layout of the office;

The office's white, ornamental walls gave the entire room the illusion of being extremely spacious; whilst the wide - and rather large - panorama windows let through enough sunlight to gracefully warm the room; inducing a strong feeling of warmth and the knowledge that one is truly welcome. The lamps that illuminated the room at the darker- days and nights were fitted against the wall; shaped like a delicate art-deco work.

Christian walked over to a separate room and opened his wardrobe; putting on a more comfortable set of clothing consisting off a tight, form-fitted pair of black sweatpants and a white tanktop that further enhanced his impressing physique. He happily kicked-off the shoes he wears with his suit, and sighed; before gracefully sticking his feet into a pair of comfortable sneakers.

"Well then... on to those interviews..." He mumbled before walking towards the door. He needed to let in the physician he had asked to note down the results of the physical exams, without interfering in said exams. He opened the door and the warm light of Christian office illuminated the hallway; and in turn, the physician.

"Are you Christian? The Disciplinary Committee's captain?" The white-haired woman asked; her green eyes twinkling curiously as she eyed the office behind Christian's broad body.

"Yes, that's me." He, in turn, said and immediately followed-up with; "But please, come in." He smiled and allowed the woman to step in.

"You remember what i asked you to do?" He asked, immediately following with a quick summary of her duties during the physical exam; "Please note my commentary along with the students their names, height and weight." He walked towards a cabinet and pulled out two long-necked glasses. He held one up for her and smiled, asking her if she fancied a drink without audibly asking her. She gestured a 'no thank you', so Christian continued; "I want to be able to review the notes at any moment. Obviously, discretion will be provided, since i'll lock away the students their respective dossiers in my personal file cabinet." Said file cabinet was a rather large white structure that only opened for Christian. It stood next to his rather lithe-framed desk. The majority of the furniture was lined with pure silver that took in the sun's warmth and radiated it into the room.

The physician nodded; appreciating the discretion.

"Well then, let's ask the first student to enter." Christian said, only to bring the physician to one of the very comfortable chairs. "How rude of me, please sit down." He said; a slight blush adorning his well-cut cheeks. The chair on which the physician was seated had lithe supports that were ornamented with art-deco designs. The physician smiled at Christian and took out her own personal device; opening the first, empty document. She nodded whilst saying;

"I agree. Do you want to access their psychological files as well?" The later she asked; raising her left brow in curiosity.

Christian simply chuckled and smiled at the physician as he answered; "Obviously. And please, do provide a copy?" He then quickly stretched out his body, preparing for the task at hand.

He coughed before walking towards the door, his mind filled with anticipation and excitement before opening it and holding it; showing one rather muscled arm along with the rest of his stature. He proceeded to look at the students who were patiently awaiting their turn to partake in the interview.

"Please, come-in." Christian said whilst smiling, using his other hand to point at the group of students; his voice surprisingly warm and welcome and a curious but gentle shimmer making his already bright blue eyes shine just a little brighter.
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Einar arrived at the Disciplinary Captains office before anyone else did. He waited for Christian to let them in. As he waited the line got very big. "This'll be fun," he muttered to himself.

He eyed the other applicants as they arrived. Some looked like they would be formidable while others he wondered if they would even be a challenge. He was about to strike up a conversation with the person next to him when Christian came out and let the applicants in.

He walked in the office and was surprised of the way it looked. "This is a nice office you have friend," he said to Christian as he looked around. He liked how spacious it looked.

Hanzo ran down the school halls surprisingly making it there about the same time as everyone else. Getting in line he noticed that there was a lot of applicants. "Looks like I have competition," he said out loud. He hoped that he left a good enough impression on Christian during the exam.

Shortly after he arrived Christian came out and let everyone in his office. He wondered what kind of things they'd have to do for the position. He hoped that it wasn't anything that he couldn't handle. He was pretty confident that he could get the position.
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It took Artoria longer than she expected to respond to the recruitment message that had gone out. She had to race from the Gym all the way to the Disciplinary Captain's office. When she had arrived, there were already a few people there before her, and she looked like she had ran a marathon to get there. Quickly composing herself and catching her breath, the Princess greeted those present and took a seat.

When they were called in, Artoria recognized the Captain in more ways than one. They had exchanged glances at the monorail station, but there was something else familiar about him. Then it clicked. While everyone else had greeted him, Artoria gave Christian formal curtsy. "I thought I had recognized you before." Trying to remember his full name was a task in and of itself, so she would need to limit it to what he was more commonly known by. "It's good to meet you again, Prince Christian." She wondered if he would know her, then realized that he likely did, due to his station here at the Academy.

Glancing at the other applicants, the Princess steeled her nerves, convincing herself that she was ready for whatever trials lay ahead for her.
Uriel looked down at his watch, tarde tarde tarde... [late late late] he thought to himself as he strolled casually towards the office. His dark hair was tucked behind his ears, his outfit was simple, a casual button-up shirt with jeans and a pair of dress shoes. After all, he knew that if a physical was needed, they would need him to undress anyway.

He was almost certain he could not possibly be the last one. His rosy lips curled up into a smirk as the sun shone through the windows of the building, the weather was perfect and not humidly scorching like it was at home. It was great being back in the Academia, all the newbies seemed to have more of a chance at survival than what his class did when he first entered.
He slid his hands in the pockets of his jeans, his right eyebrow raised as he saw the group waiting outside of what he assumed was the office.

Who would've thought, he licked his lips as he followed it with a smile, everyone suddenly wants to defend the world like the heroes they wish to be.
Footsteps echoed down the hall, the scorcher had just gotten out of an intense meeting with the Robotic woman and her tom-boy of a lover. One would assume she had just got done murdering someone on the account of her right hand having dried blood on it. Though that was more on the account of her 'little' meeting with the president and her loud-mouthed. Ass-kissing. Carpet licking! body pillow fetishing! Thunderstruck in the head Bitch!!! Needless to say, the first impression she got from Xena wasn't a very positive one. The very thought of that woman alone right now was enough to make Ruby's irons that much hotter, in fact it looked as if flames would shoot out of her any second, and her teeth clenched so tight it was a wonder they didn't break. At one point she even had to stop and punch the wall just to let out some of her anger in a more controlled manner, leaving a crack in the wall and her knuckles bruised.

'Fan-fucking chocolaty Buttery tastic!!! Like I didn't have enough problems thrust on me by this whole, FUCKING SCHOOL!!' You would think that someone like Ruby would yell out what she was thinking, especially being so livid, and for a time before the school she did. Yet every time she ranted out loud her guardian Eliza would scold her, and nag her, and bitch and bitch AND BITCH! bitchbitchbitch! So it got to the fucking point Ruby was so sick of it she learned how to keep it in!... In fact, she learned to keep everything to herself. It was just how it had to be.

The anger didn't fade but now she was feeling more melancholy and it started to show in her face and body language. She continued onwards, not really paying attention to where she was going. 'Why did she have to say That name? Like, it's really not bad enough without having to deal with, threatened expulsion, Being made to retake an exam for first years, or a fucking lawsuit for defending myself against a moron!.... Ok, that last one was debatable, but for god sakes! Can't anyone cut me a break?!' Her head started to hurt so bad she felt like she was going to cry. 'Can't anyone try to understand what I'm going through? Just one person? Someone that isn't one of my plushies?' Peter cherub tail seemed like the only one she could talk to right now, maybe she should just go back to her apartment and get ready for her fight. Perhaps giving the Presidents Girl-toy several 3rd-degree burns would make her feel better.

Finally paying attention to where she was going, her only response was to stare at the display in just... She couldn't find the right words. Turns out Rubies sub-conscious had led her to possibly the one person in this school that could listen to her and that she could trust. Christian. She stood in front of his office just looking. The bloody hand and the bruised knuckle could lead to some awkward questions that she really didn't want to answer, but she felt a little calmer. Despite the line of students, some of which she recognized. "What? What's going on here?" That did need an answer.
Christian gently bowed his head in appreciation as the first student said he had a nice office. His expression changed to a stern one when he called him 'friend', however. He decided to ignore it, and instead said;

"You can take a seat at the comfortable couches near the window." He smiled gently, only to laugh as Hanzo walked through the door; "Welcome back, student. I'm happy to see you here." He then thought back about the earthen spike that had risen from the ground and almost kicked his butt. Yeah; Christian was just in time to call forth a water elemental barrier.

Christian's expression went from stern to happy when he saw who was next to enter his office;

"Artoria..." He whispered; soft enough that no-one would hear it.

When she greeted him and curtsied, he bowed his head gracefully whilst saying; "Your Royal Majesty, Princess Artoria Pendragon. It's an honor to see you once again; as always." He smiled brightly at her; remembering the times he had met her at court. Yeah; she had grown a lot since the last time he saw her, but it was nice to meet someone from his past.

Christian then noticed the other student who stood by the door, so he smiled brightly at him as he said; "You too, can take a seat at one of the comfortable couches." He then briefly touched his shoulder; his warm, lithe hand gently embracing his musculature before letting go and saying; "I'll be right with you all-," He was then interrupted as he heard a familiar voice. So he stepped out- and away from the door, softly bumping against the one near the door whilst saying; "excuse me.", before calling out to Ruby;

"Ruby, come join us." Christian then held open the door, smiling whilst waiting for Ruby to step through. He continued to force the smile; even after seeing his former best-friend having a bloodied hand. He decided there would be enough time to ask about it after the introductions.

'An impressive group; yeah, very impressive...' Christian thought as he stood there; looking over the group of students who were all already seated on the couches.
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It was at this moment that Jayden came walking in. His right eye was swollen shut, and a small healing rune was written on it, clearly from one of the nurses at the clinics scattered around the Academy City. He walked with a slight limp from his left side up to Christian. Jayden waited a moment before doing a quick rundown on his tardiness. "Jayden Williams, reporting for the Disciplinary Commitee recruitment, SIR!" he added emphasis on the last word, US Military style.

Jayden then hands Christian a note from one of the clinics, near the Gym, that gave notice that he was injured in a "training mishap" and to excuse his tardiness. It was signed with a huge signature with a heart, followed by the nurse's number. Jayden waited to be told to sit down before moving to take a seat, taking one next to Artoria, much to her likely chagrin. He was stone faced and serious the entire time.
Einar took the Cold shoulder to mean he didn't like being called that, especially by someone he didn't really know. He would have to talk to him later and see what he would prefer to be called. He looked at Ruby and saw the bloodied hand. "What happened this time?" Concerned showed on his face. He knew she was a trouble maker but he still liked to try and be helpful to her. Half the time she ignored him though so he wouldn't be surprised if she ignored him again.

He walked over to the couch and took a seat. The couch was very comfortable. It had just the right amount of cushioning. He leaned back and crossed his left leg over his right. He had to be careful not to get too comfortable, he didn't want to fall asleep.

Hanzo was happy that Christian was glad to see him here. To him that meant that something he did during the exam had stuck out. "Glad to be here," he said to Christian. He was about to take a seat when he noticed Artoria talking to Christian.

He was about to go greet her when he overheard them exchange greetings. He didn't know that either of them were royalty. Not knowing how to greet royalty he decided to just go back and sit down.

Then suddenly the door swung in to let in someone that looked like he had seen better days. The man proceeded to salute the Disciplinary Captain and give a short military style introduction. This man was obviously military or from a military family, much like him. He liked this guy and decided he was going to have to talk to him later.
Artoria took her seat like the others, glancing around at those currently present. She didn't recognize any of them, and greeted them all with friendly smiles. Hearing a loud angry female voice caught her attention, and the Princess glanced towards the door, where Christian had gone to to call out to whomever that voice belonged to. Ruby? Why does that name sound familiar? Whoever she is, she sounds rather.. upset.

And then her good mood was soured when he walked in. She felt some strange vindictive satisfaction when she saw how swollen his eye was, but would otherwise avert her gaze, refusing to make eye contact with Jayden. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the overly showy and obviously military way he greeted the Captain. Anyone that was particularly perceptive would likely notice the Princess' strange reaction to the military kid, as though there was some tension between the two. Even when he took the seat next to her, Artoria managed to keep her friendly-looking expression, even though she was screaming internally. This guy...
The single-file of students walking like lost sheep into the office kept Uri's face in a mixture of curiosity and amusement; It was to be expected to be somewhat professional if not very, but these kids were more rigid than a corpse at this point.

However, the most amusing part was the young blonde girl, and her rather strange interaction with the head of the DC - Christian. Uriel ensured to not pay too close attention to it, after all, they might've been long time family friends or some junk people of class care about... Back home, if you know someone, you let everyone know you know them and take pride in your relationship with them. So the mystery surrounding the pair made Uriel raise his eyebrow in confusion.

Before entering all the way into the room, he decided to take a look down the hall just before entering the office, a fiery red woman stormed the halls like a hurricane above water ready to strike land. His eyebrow raised and as he walked through the door, out of the corner of his eyes saw her built yet feminine frame stood behind him; the most puzzled of looks imprinted on her strong features.

Standing by the door with his back smooth against the cool-white wall that held the frame of the door in place, not really wanting to follow the group of students, but rather sit back and observe them. Watch for strengths and weaknesses that one shows when in a comfortable... or in this case.... uncomfortable environment.

His hazel coloured eyes scanned the walls, the windows and decour of the room. In-taking the kind of person that would on a regular day sit in this office, perhaps with a cup of coffee in hands, and read through the endless amount of books that it looked liked they would read.... Yeah.... This office was decorated by someone that though wished to be out there, they remained locked within the four safety walls of their own mind. After all, Uriel would know how that is.

It took him by surprise, making his muscles tense up and his eyes dart towards whomever laid a hand on his shoulder; "I'll be right with you all-" Christian's voice said smoothly like chocolate dripping off a strawberry on a hot summer's day, as he proceeded to step out of the door and more than likely calling out the red fiery mess that approached earlier. Uriel's cheeks took a warm blush to them as he cleared his throat and walked towards the couches, finally getting some sort of formal invitation from the host to take a seat...

A criminal, I am
, Uriel thought as he sat down, crossing his leg and resting his ankle on the tendon of his knee, poorly raised... I am not. He let out a soft huff as he looked over the rest of his peers now, seeing them more up-close-and-personal. Taking in their features, and the way they looked at the room in either awe or discomfort; the difference between the two being rather hard to tell.

"Jayden Williams, reporting for the Disciplinary Committee recruitment, SIR!" a voice boomed from behind them; Uriel spun on his chair to allow him to take a look back and see this... fairly tense young boy, his body barely being held together as he more than likely just got out of the infirmary.

Probably a new first year, based on the obvious beat up he took, Uriel said looking over the limping boy.
However, his eyes were drawn towards the person that would more than likely run the interviews, the tall and, admittedly, rather handsome man that stood in front of the boy. He had the aura of someone that held on to a power of great proportions, but it made Uriel wonder, how great of proportions...

Frankly, I cannot wait to find out...
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"Ruby, come join us."
"Wait? What the hell is thi..... Aw screw it." She was in no mood to press the question, so she did as the old saying goes. 'When in Rome do as the Romans do.'It was then she noticed Christians smile Ruby could see that he was clearly forcing it. Likely because he saw the hand with the blood on it. 'Jesus Christ, how do I even explain this?' Taking her place next to a rather tall and admittedly handsome looking man, Ruby mumbled incoherently, her back to the wall; Pulling up her ORB she checked her messages...... Yep, the exact time was sent. It was still early in the day so she didn't have to worry about being late for the big showdown. "Christian." She called out. "I need to discuss an important matter with you after this." Not very subtle but hey it was vague enough and Ruby was at the point where she just didn't care.

A young but strong voice caught her attention, at first just rolling her eyes not really showing any interests. That changed when she saw how the boy looked, his eye swollen shut and his left side had a slight but noticeable limp to it. It was rare to see, but Ruby the ruthless mage, the Scorcher of many. Looked genuinely concerned about Jayden's well being; Not many would have guessed or even fathomed the possibly of the scorcher being anything but a true boogyman that would devour the youth, but in truth Ruby loved kids. They were about the only thing she was patient with, possibly due to her not wanting any child to suffer even a fraction of hell she endured. In fact, she was so shocked at the state he was in, she almost missed what he said. "Jayden Williams, reporting for the Disciplinary Committee recruitment, SIR!" Now this line made sense.

"What happened this time?"
..... Oh. She didn't notice.... Him. Ruby responded to Einar's inquiry with a dry, almost tired tone "Let's just say I've been having a very bad day and leave it at that." Of course, it was Einar to dare bring up the metaphorical elephant in the room. Sighing again feeling like all eyes were now on her bloody palm. "The blood is mine by the way. If you didn't pick up on that." Showing her palm one could faintly see nail marks among the dried up blood. 'Alright. Time to stop looking like a serial killer.' Silver flames instantly covered her hand, the blood sizzling into nothingness leaving the Scorchers hand completely clean. Opening and closing her palm she gave a small satisfied smirk. 'Guess I should count my blessings while I can.'
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Christian's attention was redirected from the group of students, towards a rather... scathed boy with a healing rune adorning his right eye. He looked at the boy as he neared; Christian's own eyes partly closed as he focused them on the boy. At the boy's rather... militaristic way of speech, he simply frowned. However, when he was handed the note he said; "Please, take a seat at one of the comfortable couches."

He then quickly opened the note, gave it a quick - but thorough - read and then gave it to the physician, whilst saying; "Please, keep into consideration the contents of this note when compiling the physical exam's final result." He then turned and walked towards the row of couches and stood in front of the students, whom were all looking at him. He stood there; his expression a contend one as he began to speak;

"First, i'd like to welcome all of you to the Disciplinary Committee's day of recruitment." He then coughed, before continuing; "Before we start, i'd like to introduce myself." He then looked at the students; one by one, until his eyes connected with those of the student who had blushed after he had touched his shoulder. He chuckled a little; quickly continuing with his introduction to prevent any sudden... blushes, to appear on his defined cheeks.

"My name, as some of you might now, is Christian. This is, however, not my full name." He chuckled lightly, running a hand - and thus revealing his developed bicep - through his black hair before continuing; "You see, as son of the United European Union's High Queen and heir to the Dutch throne, i have several other names and titles which you might or might not, know." His voice was sweet and warm; not at all 'drooling' with pride or giving the impression that he was better than all of the attending students. "My full name is Matthew-Christian, Charles Casimir Victoria van Orange-Nassau." As he said his name, he felt his blood rushing towards his cheeks; causing - rather adorable - blushes to appear. "However, i'd like all of you to either call me Christian, or sir." He then smiled before grabbing the partially filled long-necked glass of Coke, and sipped it; sighing contently as he felt how the liquid traveled through his throat. He had kept an eye on the student who had been looking at him; intrigued by his interest.

Christian quickly peeled his gaze off of him and then looked at the physician and gestured her to stand up, which she did. "This is the physician who will be assisting me in the physical examination, which is a part of the recruitment process." He quickly scratched his stubble-covered, defined jawline and one could see the rather adorable twinkle in his bright blue eyes as he continued; "Since this is all rather simple, but might still take a bit of time; i have arranged for beverages to be available to you." He then took out his personal device, activated it and pushed a button; causing a piece of the wall to slide back and up; revealing a multitude of fresh and energizing beverages. Tea and coffee was also available; skillfully-crafted white machines with silver inlays could be operated to produce the freshest of juices and best of coffees. "Please, help yourselves." He said, before focusing on his personal device again.

Christian then switched to another screen on the device; its silver inlay glimmering with magic as the crystal flat screen called forth the picture of a rather handsome guy with high cheekbones and a strong, defined jawline. Christian immediately recognized him, and said the stated name aloud;

"Uriel Barbaros Zapata, you'll be the first to be examined. Could you please come with me?" He then stepped back, allowing Uriel to pass whilst pointing at a strong, white door; "After you."

Going through the door, Uriel would see a room with the same walls and lights; but without windows. A small, circular platform that was raised only one or two centimeters from the floor, stood in the middle of the room. A skillfully crafted, grey clothing rack stood in one corner of the room, whilst a table with tools to measure someone's body sizes, stood right in front of the circular platform; allowing easy access for Christian. Perfect insulation allowed for total and utter discretion; everything discussed inside the room, would stay inside.

The physician would follow both Christian and Uriel, but would stay out of the room. She would receive the examination's results from Christian after he was done.
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Uriel was never the type to stare at someone, so it was quite strange of him to take such interest in someone. Maybe it was the fact that he knew he had to charm his way into this committee if he so much as wanted to graduate and have enough extra curriculars...

He looked over at Christian, their eyes meeting momentarily as he let out a small chuckle, Uriel raising his eyebrow as if challenging Christian.

Pretty boy if you want to tease at least warn ahead of time, he smirked before licking his lips and leaning forward, straightening his legs and resting his elbows on his knees, slouching just a little bit as he hid his face with this hands, intertwining his fingers as he listened to Christian's introduction.

It was impressive, a prince that had muscles? Unheard of. But when Christian reached up to run his slender fingers through his ebony coloured hair, Uri could not help but smile a little, his lips pressed against his hands, hiding pretty well the thought that immediately crossed through his mind.

Interesting really, a physical exam was usually led elsewhere, not on the day and at the office where the interview was led. Was this position that rigorous that a particular physician was needed?

Uriel's eyes traced towards the wall as it revealed an assortment of drinks, probably to allow for him and the rest of the students to relax and spend time rather than to just sit there idling and twiddling their thumbs in boredom. He was not interested in a drink, he had plenty of water in his system, trying to flush his system clean of the obvious intoxicating amount of alcohol he had from the night prior, well... it allowed for him to be as hydrated as could be.

Uriel arched his eyebrows in surprise, what are the chances he would be the first to have a one-on-one with this guy?
He stood up after his name was called out, fixing the sleeves of his shirt and making sure he looked rather presentable as he walked through the white door.

The room was rather simple, the natural light from the prior room, however, was missing just as were the windows. Only allowing the overhead lights to colour the white room and the small stand in the middle of the room.
He looked back at Christian and saw as the doctor slipped out of the door.

Huh... one can't even blush at this dude without being caught like a mouse on a trap, Uriel smile, this was bound to be fun.
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Christian waited for the physician to leave the room; then looked at Uriel and stepped forward towards him; giving him a hand;

"It's a pleasure, really. As you know; call me Christian or sir, i don't mind either." He chuckled a little before tilting his head to the left. "Like i said; i'll be examining your physical state. This is because - if you were accepted into the Disciplinary Committee - you'll have to be able to properly perform your duties, both with- and without magic."

Suddenly; Christian blushed a little. "Well then, the examination will go as follows; i'll ask you to take off your shirt and pants, but do keep on your underwear. When you've done that i'll take measurements of the basic parts of your body. Think about leg- and arm length, chest width, that sort of thing." Christian realized that it might be rather... awkward to strip in front of someone he barely knows, so he chuckled nervously before saying; "As... As you can see, i'm wearing clothing that's... you know, easy to take off.-" He then partially hid his blushing face behind one hand as he continued; "-If, if it would make you more comfortable, i can either do the same i'm asking you to do - which would only be fair, or ask the physician to take the measurements and step outside myself." He then stepped back; straightening his already tight tanktop; even further bringing forth his musculature.

"Its... its up to you. Oh, and obviously... the female students will have their measurements taken by the physician..." He quickly added.

'Why... The... Hell... am i rambling?' He asked himself; his heart racing and his head pounding. 'It's just taking measurements... it's just an easy examination...'
Uriel looked at Christian as he explained the process of the exam and the purpose it served.

A smile crept up on his lips as Christian expressed the fact that there might be some discomfort in stripping in front of a stranger, "I don't mind if you're clothed or not, I've done plenty of these things in the past..." Uriel reached for the buttons on his shirt, starting from the very top, slowly undoing them carefully to not tug at the buttons too hard as to not rip them off the seams, his voice had the slightest accent to it, it was smooth and soft like vanilla mousse, "also, you don't need to explain yourself to me, we know how girls are with their insecurities and what not" he winked teasingly at Christian.

Gently, slipping his long and well shaped arms out of the constricting cotton-blend of fabric his shirt was made out of, he turned around, his back to Christian as he folded his shirt, neatly tucking the white cuffs of the shirt in, and perfectly setting them down at his feet.

Proceeding with his silver rimmed belt, he continued doing so, his back exposed the harsh truth that hid behind a life of crime and violence. The true ruthlessness of his homeland forever imprinted on his back in the various shapes of scars and bruises that were neatly covered by the ink of his tattoos, most of them being what appeared to be crows and ravens in elaborate designs that made it seem almost as if they were a mural of black and white art against his olive skin.
He managed to slip his pants off, again, neatly folding them and setting them and the belt on top of the white shirt. His shoes placed next to them, ensuring they took up as little space as possible. The only thing now adorning his well sculpted body were the rings on his fingers, the white cotton boxers he had so delicately picked out the night before (since mind you, he was sober enough to manage to do that) and the tattoos on his skin.

He turned around and looked at Christian, out of all the things Uriel was, shy or insecure were not two of them. He was possibly the most arrogant asshole out there, but boy, he knew how to use it to his advantage.

He licked his lips once more, this time ensuring that the golden ring that adorned his tongue pressed against his bottom lip, leaving a trail of smooth and glistening saliva, his eyebrow arched.

"What now, boss?" he asked, almost teasingly.
'I've done plenty of these things in the past...'

The same phrase; over and over again kept on haunting Christian; causing internal conflict to arise as he watched how Uriel had started to take of his clothing. After a little while; he began to feel like a creep. So, at the time Uriel began to take off the belt and, in rapid procession, his pants; he turned around; naught but his muscled, imposing back visible to Uriel.

"You do realize I've provided a clothing rack?" Christian said; a slight chuckle in his voice as he was trying to decide whether or not take off his tank-top; the feeling of having Uriel stand there - wearing not much more than his underwear - , without he himself taking off atleast something.

'He did say it wasn't really necessary...' Christian thought; immediately followed by another; 'At least i'll feel better if i do this...'

He then slowly grabbed the board of his skintight, white tank-top and pulled it up; the diagonal muscles on back, just above his hips, tensed up as he moved it up and over his chest; slowly but surely revealing a fair-skinned, white back. His arms; imposing as ever, went up as he pulled off the tank top; his biceps flexed since the fabric was rather... stubborn. He tilted his head down; his cheeks burning, realizing he was doing this, in front of a student. When his arms were raised enough; the sides of his chest expanded; visible from where Uriel was standing. Christian slowly pulled off the tank-top and laid it to rest on the table with the measuring tools.

"I'd like to say we're equals; and this makes us equal." Christian said as he slowly turned around; revealing his handsome, defined face and strong neck; followed by the dissipating black stubble that covered his broad, muscled chest. His abdomen came next; a thick, black line of stubble leading down, until it disappeared into the skintight, black sweatpants he was wearing. He immediately moved; not giving Uriel a chance to get a real good look at him. He turned towards the table with the measuring tools and grabbed one of the many measuring tapes, the word 'metric' etched into the material the measuring tape was made off. When he got it, he turned back; now revealing his full, unclothed chest- and abdomen area to Uriel. In his mind, he screamed; the sight of the guy standing there not leaving him unmoved; the already-apparent blush on his well-cut cheeks intensifying as he quickly eyed him from top to bottom.

At the - rather teasing - question of what was next, Christian yelped quietly; immediately realizing Uriel must have heard it. "Well... I'll start taking the measurements." He then slowly laid his warm, lithe hand to rest against Uriel's chest and pushed him back; forcing him on top of the stand. He then immediately pulled his hand back; chuckling, his eyes glimmering with a yet unseen shimmer, he spoke;

"Please stand here, stand still, and let me take the measurements." Christian said and grabbed Uriel's left arm, stretching it to the side, like the left part of a T. "Obviously, you can talk to me if you so wish." He said, putting the cold measuring tape against his middle-finger and rolling it off until it touched his arm's socket, remembered the measurement and shifted his weight to the other side, his abs and chest moving as he himself moved' doing the exam same with Uriel's other arm...
Uriel laughed in his mind, realizing how he probably sounded like an absolute whore by saying he does this often, not really knowing whether Christian knew he meant physicals... not randomly getting naked in front of strangers. I mean... at least Christian was a handsome stranger, right?

"Hanging causes wrinkles on cotton blends," Uriel said with a wink.

It was rather awkward to stand so bare before this man, the overhead florescent light making his skin appear paler than what it actually was.

Uriel ran his greedy eyes over Christian's body, examining the way his muscles flexed and relaxed as he undressed, perhaps as a way to show some sort of solidarity; Christian was obviously someone that liked to empathize with people, specially when they were in a vulnerable state... much like Uriel was.

"Equals...?" Uriel let out a soft chuckle, "you're a prince, dude. I'm just the son of a small town politician." He said with tongue in cheek, Uriel was the son of a murderer, a criminal, and a corrupt man. He was in no way, equal to Christian's kind and delicate nature. Perhaps that was why he felt so interested in Christian, because in a rather weird way, Christian was who Uriel wished he could be.

Uriel raised his eyebrow at Christian as he approached him with the measuring tape in hand, "Well... I'll start taking the measurements." Christian had said as he found his hand against Uriel's cold chest, sending electricity up his spine; mostly because of the swift change in temperatures but of course, the fact that Christian blushed as he laid hands on him added to the reaction his body had. Almost instinctively, Uriel's eyes looked for Christian's, a sly grin across his mouth... Until Christian applied force towards his chest, making him stumble backwards and on to the stand.

Oh so this is how it is, boy? Uriel grinned fully as Christian chuckled. His blue eyes shining with innocent mischief, playfully following up by taking a hold of Uri's arm.

"Please stand here, stand still, and let me take the measurements." Christian said pulling it upwards to make it so it was parallel to the ground. "Obviously, you can talk to me if you so wish."
"Talk to you? Why would I want to do that?" Uriel said with a teasing tone.

It never really bothered Uriel to be probed and pushed around by doctors, it was actually something he had grown accustomed to. Especially considering that as he grew up he was often tested on to ensure he would be able to perform his later assigned duties; but hell, he always hated how cold the tools used were whenever they would press them against his skin. Goosebumps creeping up the side of his bicep, his teeth grinding together as he tried to remain still; Christian's attention shifting over to Uriel's right arm.

"Why do it yourself rather than have the physician do it?" he asked curiously, "Is looking at almost bare-ass dudes that entertaining?"

It seemed as a joke, the way it was phrased, but Uriel was rather curious about it. He had assumed it was more a matter of doing the interview as he measured, but what about the females? Christian had said it himself, the physician would take care of them...
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"Well, just know you can..." Christian blushed as he replied to Uriel's question as to why he'd want to talk to him.

When Christian saw how Uriel's skin was rippling with goosebumps, he looked at him before saying; "I'm sorry, the measuring tape... as always, is rather cold." He then continued with the measurements of Uriel's arms, then went up and said; "This... might feel constricting. Please stand still." He then pushed the measuring tape onto his neck; holding his down with one of his warm hands; feeling how Uriel's heart was beating; the sensation causing his cheeks to redden and the black stubble on his chest to make way for goosebumps of his own.

At the question why Christian did do the examination himself, rather than letting the physician do it, he blushed; followed by a loud yelp as he heard how Uriel asked him if looking at bare-ass dudes was that entertaining.

With red glowing cheeks, he stepped back, before stepping forward again; now reaching towards Uriel's back with his left hand; holding down the measuring tape to take measurements. Meanwhile, he answered; "I believe that, a man who has no appearances or layers of clothing to hide behind, is more trustworthy than those who hide themselves so carefully." He blushed even more as he reach around Uriel with his other hand, pulling the measuring tape around Uriel's chest. Christian got close to him; close enough that Uriel would feel the heat radiating from his body, and if Uriel himself moved enough; he would actually feel Christian's body.

After having taken the measurements of his arms, neck and chest he bended over and took the measurements of Uriel's upper legs. One could see Christian's sizable bum; perfectly enclosed by the sweatpants he was wearing.

"We're done, Uriel." Christian then said; blushing slightly as he raised his body up; perfectly eyeing Uriel's impressive body. He then tilted his body and grabbed his tank top; putting it on in front of Uriel.

"Your physical condition is... impressive.-" Christian started; the way he said it sounding flirty; even though Christian never meant it to. "You're well-developed, and seem quite... fit." Once again, without trying; he sounded flirty.

"You can put your clothing back on, and when you're done, i'll accompany you towards the office." He then smiled sweetly and genuinely at Uriel; his perfectly white teeth showing and his twinkly bright blue eyes brightening up his appearance.
"Well even if you didn't allow me to speak to you, there is very little you could've done if I decided to do so, don't you think?" Uriel replied as Christian blushed at the prior question meant to be a playful jab at the Prince.

With a small grin on his lips, Uri let out a small huff as he tried not to let out a laugh, "Don't worry about it, I'm just being a lil' bitch". Suddenly, Uriel's eyes looked at Christian with curiosity as he warned him about feeling constricted, taking the measuring tape right against Uri's neck, and using his hand to hold it in place. With the warmth of his skin palpable, Uriel's heart began to race, he knew it was just a measurement needed, but not once has he ever gotten used having somebody wrapping anything around his neck.

In order to relieve some of the edge he created for himself while having Christian pressed the tape against his neck, Uriel spoke softly but loud enough for Christian to hear, "Y'know, Prince, I don't know how royalty does it, but we commoners prefer other kinky tools to choke out someone... I personally use my hands, but I once had a girl try to use this like leather belt specially made for it... you could look into that" Uriel said teasingly, laughing quietly to himself, again trying to keep as still as possible. His own dumb joke helping him take some of the edge off.

Uriel laughed at the yelp Christian had let out at his rather curious question. Maybe saying bare-ass dudes to someone of high-society was not very smart of me, Uriel thought, still holding a grin as he expected the answer to fall out from Christian's mouth as he tried to defend himself after blatantly being basically accused of being a pervert.

Christian's well sculpted cheeks took a red pigmentation in color, and took a step back before reaching in again to measure yet another part of Uriel's body.

"I believe that, a man who has no appearances or layers of clothing to hide behind, is more trustworthy than those who hide themselves so carefully." Christian finally replied with the blush still prominent on his cheeks, his hands carefully reaching around Uriel's torso.

"Oh, I'm trustworhy either way, with or without layers of anything" Uriel raised his eyebrow and added emphasis on to "without", a tint of flirting added onto it mostly to see how Christian would react. With little to not thought, he then took a tiny step forward, really just to impose some sort of playful challenge as the space between the both of them had closed enough that their skin would come into contact, "but of course, don't take my word for it," Uriel said quietly enough for Christian to hear, his voice almost tempting, his slight accent coating the words like smooth syrup.

Letting out a small chuckle as Christian moved down to measure out the uppermost part of his legs.

"We're done, Uriel." Christian said as he stood up and slid his tank top back onto his perfectly well built torso.

Impressive? Uriel grinned at the compliment Christian had stated oh so matter of factually that made it sound like it was more of a backhanded flirt attempt.

"I could say the same about you, sir" Uriel said teasingly, licking his lips as he reached down for his clothes, slipping his arms through the arm-sleeves and proceeding to button them up with the same gentleness he undid them earlier. Followed by his pants and then his belt, leaving his shoes for last, "but of course I won't since I wasn't examining no one."

He had finished his earlier thought as he proceeded to fix the cuffs of his sleeves, and running his hand through his silky dark hair.

"I think I'm done," He said to Christian, a sly smile across his rosy lips, his hazel eyes still bright and with a hint of mischief in them.
Christian chuckled at Uriel stating that he could say the same about him; waving it off with his hand before stepping towards the door that lead into the other room in which the others were waiting.

Meanwhile, Christian couldn't help but think back about the moment Uriel had stepped forward; their chests bumping into each other as Christian got back up again. The mere thought; drooling with the intense need to feel it again, caused Christian's cheeks to flare up again. Or the moment Uriel had suggested considering a leather belt for... kinky purposes.

'The thought... it does sound rather interesting....' Christian thought; immediately pushing the thought away: 'Not now...'

At the mention of being done, Christian smiled at Uriel and opened the door; "Well then, let's go back to the others." He then began to walk, assuming Uriel would follow.

When he walked towards the Physician, who was observing the other students, he told her; "Artoria Pendragon is next for the physical examination. Since she is female, i'd like you to handle it." He then sat down on one of the comfortable couches; allowing the other students to converse with him him.


The physician stood up and straightened her white medical coat. "Artoria Pendragon, your royal highness, you are next for the physical exam." She then stood out of the way; allowing Artoria to pass and walk towards the same white door...