Squidward Uchiha

Squid Style: Clarinet Jutsu
On an old forum, I made a thread that was basically just an excuse to post favorite lines from various abridged series... unfortunately, it is now more or less dead. RIP 2012-2016.

(If you don't know what an abridged series is... well damn, did you just start using the internet in 2017? They're everywhere on YouTube, just dive in. xD)

And so, to breath new life into this idea, I decided to make it a game! Sort of. I guess... I mean, the original thread was literally just posting quotes for fun, so I had to think about this for a second or two.

Okay okay, for real, the game is very self-explanatory -- post quotes and/or a series of quotes from an abridged series, then someone else will have to recognize where it's from, cite the source, and then post their own quotes for guessing. Rinse and repeat.

And hey, if you want to post but have never seen the abridged series before, you can pass and go right to posting your own quotes for other people to guess or just do it for fun. That way it's both a game and just a fun little bank to share funny quotes with other users all at the same time, much like the original thread was.

Now without further ado, here's our first batch of quotes:

"Oh God, everyone's dead!"
"Hilariously derailing one-liner."
"Best honeymoon ever!"
"... Kill me."
"Oh pay him no mind unless you want to die..." *raspberries*
"Oh, uh, sure, I'll cut them off if he doesn't join."
"Wait, what?!"
"She means your junk!"

Your move. :)