Hey, new here

Well, this is probably the place to start! We have a lot of RPs here, ranging from Fanfictions, fantasy, modern, sci-fi, horror and everything in-between, which ones do you like?
Well, this is probably the place to start! We have a lot of RPs here, ranging from Fanfictions, fantasy, modern, sci-fi, horror and everything in-between, which ones do you like?
Cool man. I'm into action, sci-fi, fantasy. Stuff like that. The funny thing is I was just on your Godzilla post but couldn't enter because my account has to be approved. lol.
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Cool man. The funny thing is I was just on your Godzilla post but couldn't enter because my account has to be approved. lol.

Thank you so much for showing interest. I can hold off at least one or more slots for you! You can also help develop the idea if you want! What are your ideas? Also to get approved you need to be in the community. Talking here for an example is helping you a lot.

So to continue what songs do you like?
Hey man, welcome to the site! Being new to RPing is definitely ok, everybody here's pretty chill so you'll get the hang of it (from personal exp lol).
So do you know how to get your account approved?
Hey man, welcome to the site! Being new to RPing is definitely ok, everybody here's pretty chill so you'll get the hang of it (from personal exp lol).
So do you know how to get your account approved?

If you continue to talk in threads you can expand your messages. I would recommend around 30+ messages.
Good that you figured that out early haha.
I guess second step is just looking up the RP you wanna get into after being approved. You could check out the interest check tag or there are even some people who use the chat