I Am Me


Aggressive Floaty Thing
I Am Me

What new labels do I add to my wall
As I add new ones every single day?
And when I add it, under what section
Should I put it, and in what way?

Each day we label someone with something new
Even though it’s unfair to do

Why can’t they see
Behind this fake
That the real me
Is ready to wake
And take over the body
In which I possess

We have all these labels
That we give and take
And through those
We create walls of words
That surround us and create these personas
Of which everybody can see

That’s it.
I’m done.
I’m tearing it down.
This fake person that I have become
Will be no more, because now I stand proud.
I have shed my labels, and now I am free.
Because you cannot change the fact

That I Am Me.