Iron Throne, the Lost City - Passion, Blood and Death (2 of 6 players)


Queen of LaLa Land, state of Capital Bulshit :P
One City. Three Factions. No Laws. No Rules. No Peace, Until You Gain Power, Die, Or Escape.

The year is 3017. Welcome to the Iron Throne, the Lost City. Capital of the Afterworld.

After the nuclear war, solar flares, and natural disasters sweped acros the Earth, very few embers of Human civilization are left in the devastated land-scape, ravaged by radioactive storms, electrical dis-charges in the thin atmosfere, sudden heat waves caused by solar flares passing thru the thin atmosfere, and poisonus acid rain. Mostly scattered iliterate tribes, living in caves or other natural shelters, roving bands of nomadic raiders, twisted and mutated by the harsh climate of the Afterworld, or clans of scavengers trying to make a life in the ruined skeletons of the citys of the Beforeworld. But the Beforeworld is gone, has been for a 1000 years. All that is left, is the Afterworld.

The only place in the Afterworld, that can call it-self a city, is the Iron Throne. Risen from the ruins of one of the old citys, sheltered from the cruel climate by a massive sealed dome over it, build centurys ago by one of the crumbling Beforeworld goverments, in a effort to create a oasis for the re-birth of Human civilization. Originaly called Eden, the city got its prezent name, after a group of anarchists, mal-contents and outsiders over-thrown the Joint Goverment of Eden, and conquered it. The first Emperor of the post-overthrow era, named the city the Iron Throne, and the name sticked. Today, there is no longer a Emperor, there is no longer a single ruler of the city, as the three factions constantly vy for control of it. The population of the city numbers in the hundreds of thousands, but that is just those who are recognized as citizens. The escaped slaves, the mutants, the insane psychotic canibals, and other marginalized groups swarm the bowls of the city, living in sewers and under-ground societys, vhere ever the faction enforcers dare not go, unless heavily armed and prepared.

Races: Human (look in a miror, limited to Loyalist or Evolved factions). Mutant (can be all kinds of mutations, from small to huge, some giving special abilitys or enhanced physical prowes, but nothing OPd please, sane or insane; insane Mutants are limited to the Horde faction, and the only Mutants that can be Loyalist faction are Slaves). Cyborg (enhanced Humans, mostly limited to Loyalist faction, since they'r the only ones who have the tech to do it, but some dezerters can be found in the Evolved faction, same rules for enhancements as for mutations, can be all kinds, but nothing OPd or outsyde the realm of today's tech). Cannibal (insane Humans, only limited to Horde faction, or sometimes those "less insane" ones and more able to control there urges, can be found in Evolved faction, but rare).

The Factions:

The Loyalists- the one faction that stil clings to the long-gone days of law and order of Eden, and the Joint Goverment. Vhile generaly idealistic and determined to restore the long-lost hope to Humanity, Loyalists are also bigoted to the extreme. They belive that only pure, un-changed Humans have the right to survive, and if they ever prevailed in the power struggle, they wuld organize a cleansing, to rid the city of its entyre mutated population. There long-term agenda involves the gradual "re-civilizing" of the entire wasteland beyond the city, by force if necessary, vith the final goal being the re-establishement of the Beforeworld model of society, thru-out the world. They make no distinction betwen the Evolved and the Horde, both are "filthy mutant-lovers" in there eyes, in adition to seeing the Evolved as a society run by uppity bitches.

Loyalists are striktly hierarchical and traditionalist, beliving only that can bring about the stability the Human species needs to rebuild. Only adult, healthy males are alowed in the ranks of there army, vith women being limited to the stereotypical roles of house-wives and child-bearers. Also, all decision-making power is in the hands of men. The children are raised acordingly, and schooled in gender-separate schools. Mutated humans are killed on sight, or at best, enslaved to provide menial labor in Loyalist house-holds. Vhile all this makes for a relativly stable society, it is also limited in adaptability, and extremly poorly suited to overcome un-expected chalenges.

Loyalist military is the smalest of the 3 factions, but also the most professional, disciplined and homogenus, and vith akcess to the highest level of technology, reflecting the education level of the faction. How-ever, Loyalists suffer in comparison to the other 2 factions vhen it comes to natural abilitys of there soldiers, since they discriminate agenst mutated Humans, many of vhich have superior abilitys to normal Human stock. Also, they are the worst-suited to survive outsyde the protective Dome of the city, w/o technological aid and fully-sealed suits.

Loyalist battle tactics reflect there outlook. Straigt-forvard and efficient, but not innovative or adaptable. They prefer a direct, brute-force aproach, and they are VERY good at it, relying on there tech-superiority and discipline, taking teritory and fortifying it. They are ill-suited for guerila warfare or espionage, how-ever, and very vulnerable to unconventional tactics from the enemy.

Faction Classes:

1) Trooper (male only, Human), max. armor - heavy, max. weapon - medium, mobility - medium, bonuses/penaltys - ranged attack +1 dice roll, ranged attack vs. melee enemys +2 dice roll, ranged defence -2 dice roll, defence vs. melee enemys who get close -4 dice roll. Face-to-face defence bonus +2 (added to any other bonuses/penaltys), flanking/rear defence penatly -4 (added to any other bonuses/penaltys)

2) Civilian (no gender restrict, Human), max. armor - light, max. weapon - light, mobiltiy - high, bonuses/penaltys - none. Face-to-face defence bonus +1 (added to any other bonuses/penaltys), flanking/rear defence penalty -8 (added to any other bonuses/penaltys)

3) Slave (Mutants only, no gender restrict), max. armor - none, max weapon - light (melee only), mobility - high, bonuses/penaltys - melee attack + 1 dice roll, melee attack vs. ranged enemys at close range +3 dice roll, ranged defence - 4 dice roll, melee defence +2 dice roll. Face-to-face defence bonus - none, flanking/rear defence penalty - none.

4) Assault Trooper (male only, Cyborg), max. armor - heavy, max. weapon - heavy, mobility - low, bonuses/penaltys - ranged attack +3 dice roll, ranged attack vs. melee enemys +6 dice roll, melee attack +2 dice roll, melee attack vs. ranged enemy at close range + 4 dice roll, ranged defence -1 dice roll, defence vs. melee enemys who get close -2 dice roll. Face-to-face defence bonus +1 (added to any other bonuses/penaltys), flanking/rear defence penalty - none.

- Loyalist Faction Theme

The Evolved - Descendents of the original group of anarchists who first over-thrown the Joint Goverment, centurys ago, the Evolved have come to call them-selvs that, in both literal and ideological sense. They are natural enemys of the Loyalists, because they see them as throw-backs to the values of the Beforeworld, the same values that caused the Beforeworld to destroy it-self, so long ago. Expanzionism, imperialism, teritorialism, chauvinism, bigotry. There long-term goal is to rid the Iron Throne of Loyalists, as wel as pacify the Horde and integrate them, and secure the Iron Throne's place as a beacon of the Afterworld order of things, vhere old, and misguided values have no place. How-ever, they have no plans of expanding beyond the city's borders, since they belive its not there business to tell the rest of the world how to act.

Over the centurys, the Evolved have changed how-ever, developeing a distinktly matriarchal society, haveing come to see the female gender as the more rational and level-headed, less prone to haveing ego influence decision-making, and more suited to lead a society, as such, vithout it destroying it-self in the end. While the fighting force is mixed in gender, the positions of power are rezerved for women. The Evolved do not discriminate from Mutants, except those who are obviusly insane and hostile. All children of the Evolved are raised together, to learn to respekt each-other, but also teached the mistakes of history, and the reason why males are un-suited to lead.

The military of the Evolved is a very diverse lot. They do not put as much emfazis on strukture and discipline as the Loyalists do, but focus more on recognizing and developing the talents of each individual soldier. This de-cohezion makes them very adept at assymetrical warfare, infiltration, sabotage and guerilla tactics, adaptable and un-predictable to deal vith, especialy vith the high percentage of mutants making up the ranks, many of vhich have unikue abilitys. The lax rekuirements give them significantly more numbers then the Loyalists have, but the lack of struktured discipline, as wel as lower level of tech-savvy also makes them much less efective in conventional warfare.

The Evolved battle tactics are that of ambush, seting traps, deception, hit-and-run, and harrasment. They wil never directly attack a enemy position, if there is a way to confuse/weaken/mis-direct the enemy first, and open up a hole in there defence they can exploit. Highly mobile and adaptive, they prefer to make the enemy fight on there terms, and do not do wel in a straigt-forward situation. Especialy fond of explozives, and using them ofensivly or defensivly. This makes them VERY good at keeping the enemy force off-balance and guessing, but also very bad at actualy defending a position, if the enemy pushes for a koncentrated attack, and does not fall for there tricks.

Faction Classes:

1) Soldier (no gender restrict, Human/Mutant/Cyborg/Cannibal), max. armor - medium, max. weapon - light (or melee medium), mobility - high, bonuses/penaltys - ranged attack vs. ranged enemy + 1 dice roll, melee attack vs. ranged enemy at close range +2 dice roll, defence vs. melee enemys who get close -2. Face-to-face defence bonus - none. Flanking/rear defence bonus +1 (added to other bonuses/penaltys).

2) High-ranking civilian (female only, Human/Mutant/Cyborg), max. armor - light, max. weapon - light, mobility - high, bonuses/penaltys - none. Face-to-face defence bonus +4 dice roll. Flanking/rear defence bonus -2 dice roll (added to other bonuses/penaltys).

3) Civilian (no gender restrict, Human/Mutant/Cyborg/Cannibal), same stats as Loyalist civs.

4) Operative (female only, Mutant/Cyborg), max. armor - none, max. weapon - medium (or melee heavy), mobility - v. high, bonuses/penaltys - melee attack +3 dice roll, melee attack vs. ranged enemy at close range +6 dice roll, defence vs. ranged enemy +2 dice roll, ranged attack from the flank or behind a enemy +5 dice roll, defence vs. melee enemy -4 dice roll. Face-to-face defence bonus +3 dice roll, flanking/rear defence penalty - none (added to other bonuses/penaltys).

- Evolved faction Theme

The Horde - The purest expresion of the state of the Afterworld, the Horde are, for all intents and purposes, the ekvivalent of barbarian hordes of ancient times. A loose colection of existencial savages; criminal Humans and Mutants, psychoticaly insane ones, cannibals and all kinds of scum, the Horde belive in only one law - the law of the strongest. They see both of the other factions as weak and nothing but prey, and they have no clyar long-term goal, asyde from claiming the Iron Throne for them-selvs, and eradicating both other factions. As for expanding beyond the city, they will do that, and make it a part of the surounding savage wasteland, erasing any distinktion betwen the two.

The power strukture of the Horde is simple and straigt-forvard. Species dont matter, gender dont matter, the only thing that matters is how tough you are, and how many skulls you smash to climb tovard the top. Education is non-existant, beyond survival skills, and most members of the Horde arent even literate. Children are protected to a degree, and are the only real "civilians" in the Horde, until they are of teenage years and old enogh to fight, then they become fair game to anyone. The Horde has by far the highest natality of all factions, since rape is very common, but many of the children also die early, since mis-treatment and diseases are common. Even so, the Horde has the most ability to replenish there numbers, not just to natality, but because most of the City's un-dezirable elements, and those that manage to find a way thru the Dome, from the surounding wasteland, join the Horde.

The Horde has no "military" in the traditional sense. Evryone in the Horde is expected to fight vhen called on, there are no civilians and non-combatants. That means they have by far the largest fighting force of all the factions, but also the least capable one, vhen facing the more techno-sofisticated and organized units of the Loyalists and the Evolved. But the fact that they have so many highly mutated and dangerous individuals in there ranks, means that they also have the biggest potential for super-human abilitys in there ranks, some of vhich can be very deadly. And the sheer mass of bodys they can throw at the enemy, makes them a formidable threat, despite the lack of any discipline and almost no technology.

Tactics - there are no prefered "tactics" to the Horde's attacks. They are savages, and they fight like savages, using there ferocity and weigt of numbers to there advantage. No fear of death, no hezitation, no mercy. They may lose a 100 fighters to storm a fortification vith 10 enemy soldiers, but they wil do it, and keep moving, vith 2 new fighters replacing evry 1 fallen. One thing they do favor, is terror-tactics. They wil leave mutilated and butchered enemy corpses, vhere the other factions can see them, and be intimidated by them.

Faction Classes:

1) Warrior (no gender restrict, any species exept Cyborg), max. armor - light, max. weapon - light, mobility - v. high, bonuses/penaltys - melee attacks +3 dice roll, melee attacks on ranged enemy at close range +6 dice roll, ranged attack -2 dice roll, ranged defence -3 dice roll. Face-to-face defence bonus - none. Flanking/rear defence bonuses/penaltys -4 dice roll (added to all other bonuses/penaltys).

2) Children (same stats as Loyalist or Evolved civs, exept no armor and only melee light weapons).

3) Warlord (no gender restrict, any species exept Cyborg), max armor - medium, max. weapon - medium, mobility - high, bonuses/penaltys - melee attack +6 dice roll, melee attacks on ranged enemy at close range +12 dice roll, ranged defence -1 dice roll. Face-to-face defence bonus - none. Flanking/rear defence bonus/penaltys -2 dice roll (added to all other bonuses/penaltys).

4) Berzerker (Cannibal only, no gender restrict), max. armor - none, max weapon - heavy (melee only), mobility - extreme, bonuses/penaltys - melee attack +12 dice roll, melee attack on ranged enemy at close range - always hits, only modifyed by armor, ranged defence -6 dice roll. Face-to-face defence bonus - none. Flanking/rear defence bonus/penaltys -4 dice roll (added to all other bonuses/penaltys)

- Horde faction Theme.


Armors - light: chainmail, thick hardwood plate, bone armor, sheet metal plates, kevlar vests, etc.
Armors - medium: chainmail (titanium rings), construction steel plates, ceramic vests, bags of rocks, etc.
Armors - heavy: carbon steel or titanium plates, full composite body armor. double-layer constuction steel.

Weapons - light - melee: varius knives and daggers, light swords, heavy clubs and un-sharpened spears.
Weapons - medium - melee: heavy swords,axes,maces, sharpened spears, stiletto daggers.
Weapons -heavy - melee: weaponized chainsaws and pneumatic hammers, acid-release swords and daggers.

Weapons - light- ranged: Any fire-arm chambered in pistol ammo, up to .357 mag, bows and light Xbows.
Weapons - medium - ranged: .44 Mag and intermediate rifle catridges, heavy Xbows.
Weapons - heavy - ranged: Full-power rifle catridges, anti-material calibers, rail guns.

Weapons - explozives: All common ones and anithing improvized. Un-afected by armor.

Combat rules:

We wil be using a 4 six-sided dice rolls for attacks/defence, plus or minus any bonuses/penaltys that apply for the situation. The attacker rolls first, and if his/her roll is higher then the defender's defence roll, the attack is sukcessful. - here is the 4 dice we wil use for this part.

The second part of the attack is armor efect. The efectivness of armor is dependent on the class of armor (light, mid, or heavy), and the weapon used to attack (light, mid or heavy). For this part, we use a single 4 sided dice. - heres the one 4-side dice we wil use for this second part

Light weapon on Light armor: 25% chance to block the attack. (dice roll of 4 to block, any other to fail)
Med weapon on Med armor: 25% chance to block the attack (same roll rules)
Heavy weapon on Heavy armor: 25% chance to block the attack (same roll rules)

Light weapon on Med armor: 50% chance to block the attack. (dice rolls 3 and 4 block, 1 and 2 fail)
Med weapon on Heavy armor: 50% chance to block the attack. (dice rolls 3 and 4 block, 1 and 2 fail)
Light weapon on Heavy armor: 75% chance to block the attack (dice rolls 2, 3, and 4 block, 1 to fail)

Med weapon on Light armor: 25% chance to block (normal dice roll for 25%), but if blocked, the defender is wounded and gets a -5 penalty to any attack or defence rolls from that point on, for the rest of the fight. And they can not take another blocked hit, they wuld die. Best option is to try and get away if wounded.

Heavy weapon on Med armor : Same rules as above.

Heavy weapon on Light armor : no chance to block it, insta-death if initial defence roll fails.

Prety straigt-forward and efective IMO, if anyone has beter ideas for combat rules, go ahead and post them!

There wil be no "hit points" or "health pool". If your hit and your initial defence roll fails, your armor has a chance to block it, you may get wounded, if it gets thru, your dead. So you got 2-layers of defence agenst any attack, provided you have armor. If they both fail, you die.

No fixed plot, just a frame-work for the world we play in, feel free to make up your own plot for your char, and work tovard a specific goal, vhether it is to gain power in your faction, defect to another faction, try to escape the city it-self, you can work vith other players, fight them, romance them, anithing you want! :) Characters are very mortal, tho, no heroes, no death-immunity, so expect your char to die, and you to make another one, and another, and another.

Also make as many NPCs as you feel are needed for your plot, and control them, kill them off, vhatever, I'l do the same with mine, our combined NPCs wil form the "population" of the RP.

I'm open to discusion on the amount of adult-themes we can have, like sex and stuff, I'd prefer it to be all-out, but fade-to-black is fine too, for the more graphic enconters. Same for extreme violence.

Character Sheet:

Apearance (pic):


Abilitys/skills (including special ones for Mutants/Cyborgs, agen, no OP stuff)


Aniway, let me know vhat you think, are you interested or not, or any ideas for the factions. :) Two things tho - please dont bug me about spelling, and dont bring magic/supernatural in-to this. Special abilitys of mutant/cyborg characters are to be limited to common-sense, and not be setting-breaking.
Nice to hear! :)

Details? What faction, class, go ahead and make a char sheet.
Name: Elizabeth
Faction/Class: The Evolved
Age: 19
Measurements: 27", 23", 32"....5'8" height
Species: Cyborg
Gender: Female
Apearance (pic):



her connectors

Her right arm:

Her wings:

Elizabeth grew up in the Evolved Faction. Having shown a natural proclivity for mechanical things, she was sent to become an apprentice with an exceptional prosthetic limb builder, Arnold Dolchest. However, about halfway into her apprenticeship, she was involved in a bit of an accident with some machinery. The accident took her right arm and eye. As such, Arnold repaired her body with what he had around.

After the faction found out about this proper, they had Elizabeth taken away and put into Operative training. Don't worry, Elizabeth faithfully continued her studies into mechanical phenomenon. After reading about it, She made herself a set of wings that both allow her to fly while also acting as an emergency piece of aror in case she got hit y anything.

While still being close friends with Arnold, Elizabeth has begun to wonder about the world outside of the Iron Throne. Despite being taught that they had no right to interfere with others, Elizabeth had always disagreed with their policy of isolationism.

Abilitys/skills (including special ones for Mutants/Cyborgs, agen, no OP stuff)

Flight: Elizabeth can fly, but for only as long as her fuel/battery lasts
Strength: Her right arm is unnaturally strong
Sight: He mechanical eyes can see miles away and record every image
Upgrade: Being a cyborg, Elizabeth is able to tinker with her modifications and maybe add new ones


A set of tools that are carried around within her coat pockets. A notebook that Elizabeth scrawls random stuff into. And 1x Acid secreeting long sword!
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Name: Hopper
Faction/Class: The Horde
Age: 18
Measurements: 28",24",31",...6'0" height
Species: mutant
Gender: male
Apearance (pic): View attachment 1457
Human form:View attachment 1458

Background/Biografy: Hopper grew into what is know as a mutant while he was younger. While he was a outcast at birth Hopper learn how to control his mutation and enhance this skill. After fighting the other mutant's Hopper began to lose his sanity.

While training on day Hopper started to find that his skin became soft and he had grown little hair's on his head. One of the other mutant told him a forbidden secret. That the mutant can change into a human so they better prey on the weak. Hopper started to learned the skill but after a while nothing happened but while he was about to be killed by another mutant Hopper was able to change into a human and attack the other mutant long enough to escape.

Abilitys/skills (including special ones for Mutants/Cyborgs, agen, no OP stuff)

Super jump: Hopper being a grasshopper mutant he can jump amazing distance's

Antennas: Hopper can sense danger with his antennas

Control: Hopper can control his mutation and human form

Shapeshift: While being insectoid at times, his ability to shapeshift between forms means that his chitinous exoskeleton is, in fact, rather thin in comparison to that of an actual grasshopper.

Weapons/items: when human Hopper Carry's a bag with clothes so he could wear just in case if he needs a disguise.
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Arnold wil your NPC right Drakey? Aniway, love the char! I'l make my own some-time today or tomorow, and a few NPCs. Btw, no sheet needed for NPCs, just the faction they are afiliated with, and maybe a couple lines of background. Also, no need for combat rules vith the NPCs, we can just agree on the results of fights for them, it wuld get over-complicated if we dice-rolled for evry fight. Just the main chars.

Draco, a bit more detail on your guy wuldnt hurt. How does his shape-shift ability work? Also, the background is litle lacking, that area is there to give us some in-sight into the character. Other then that, looks good.
More details on chars: the pic must reflect the class you make your char to be. For instanse, to be a Trooper, Soldier, or any of the fighting classes, I want to see some phizique on the character. No skinny types that look like they culdnt take a hard stare, much less be efective in a fight. I have looked around the forums a little, and I found all kinds of skinny frail chicks depicting some bad-ass fighting types. Please... I do not want to see that here, thank you. Its nither realistic nor novel, its stupid and so over-done in movies and comic bulshit, it just gets on my nerves, not to mention gives ppl the wrong idea about vhat it takes to be a efective fighter. And also please dont bother starting the argument "technikue can beat brute force" - I heared that tossed at me so many times in varius RPs by ppl who dont have any idea vhat they are talking about - short and to the point, no it cant. Trust me, I know from expirience. It helps of corse, but it stil needs a solid phyzical foundation to work; w/o it, all the technikue in the world is useless. Simply put, it suplements brute force, it can never replace it. Even for ranged combat, handling the recoil of a hi-caliber weapon takes strength. Period. At least if you want to hit something, that is. Same for wearing more then light armor and be efective, you need to be strong enogh to handle the added weigt.

Of corse, for civilian types or slaves, no such rekuirements apply (they are limited to light weapons/light or no armor, and they generaly dont see combat alot), and for mutants and cyborgs, I can allow for some latitude in this, since they may have tech-enhanced limbs (cyborgs), or just superior muscle structure due to mutation (mutants). But Humans and Cannibals dont get any latitude. They must look the part.

Hope this didnt come across as harsh or anithing, just serving notice. Thank you.
well, she is a cyborg, as such has greater strength and reflexes than your ordinary human, however, she has a lithe form
Like I sayed, cyborgs get latitude on it, and she has cyber arm, so... sure!

and for mutants and cyborgs, I can allow for some latitude in this, since they may have tech-enhanced limbs (cyborgs), or just superior muscle structure due to mutation (mutants).

I realy wish ppl wuld read the posts...
well, actually insects are extremely tough and strong, they just happe to be tiny. So a human sized insect would destroy shit like nobody's business.