Idea Is it possible to set up a storage space?


good old-fashioned loverboy
I was wondering if it would be feasible to implement a subforum storage space of sorts so people can store their incomplete drafts or ideas, or touch up their bb code and formatting before posting something, all that stuff. It can minimise having to edit a draft over and over again after it's already up and can come in handy for people who have half-finished works that isn't quite ready for posting yet. This is, of course, just a suggestion but I hope it can be considered.
I would have replied sooner, but I've been mulling over this idea. I think when it comes down to it, that a designated sub-forum for this wouldn't really be in high demand, or necessary when there are alternative options available. The built in draft function on the website allows people to preview/edit their post as many times as they like without actually posting it, even over the course of several hours without losing the in progress post. Conversations work great for half-finished works as well if you want friends to look over them before posting them publicly. And of course one can always save things locally on their computer until it's completed and ready to be posted fully.

That said, I AM going to leave this idea open for others to view and comment on. If I'm mistaken and there proves to be a high demand for such a feature to become available, I would be more than willing to consider it in more depth.
Thanks for posting your idea Griffith! I just want to say I really like this idea and would probably utilize it if were available.