It's Not Kidnapping if it's Prearranged

No sooner had the final shovel of dirt fallen over the grave than talk about 'the next husband' began. Lance stifled the sigh on his lips and nodded along, knowing his parents only had his happiness at heart. At least, what they thought would bring him happiness.

He knew his mother and father been watching the Keeler family especially closely for the last twenty years as Eric aged; he had been one of the longer-living partners, actually. 93 years old before he finally succumbed to mortality and became...well, the small pot of dust which now lay beneath the earth at Lance's feet. Next to the previous pot, and the one before that, and the one before that. The vampire ran his fingers through his short, black hair and cleared his throat to rid himself of the small amount of emotion which had gathered there.

"Don't worry, Lancelot," said Thomas, the patriarch of the family, as he read far too deeply into the cough and wrapped his cold arm around his son's shoulder. "Your replacement husband is ready to be picked up as soon as you are prepared. Your mother and I worried when the one we picked out for you went off to war because the next choice is far too young, but luckily for you he came back early!"

Thomas beamed and released his son, turning to his wife, Guinevere. "We will need to stock the pantry with food fit for a younger human, my love. The 'meal replacement shakes' this generation came up with worked well for Eric, but I doubt the new boy will want to subsist on a liquid diet."

"As soon as he gets here, I will put in an order of things he likes. Don't worry, dearest. Obtaining food is so much easier these days. It will be here within the hour." Guinevere waved her cellphone at Thomas, who scowled. He'd never really gotten used to technology, despite being present for every step of it.

Lance did his best to ignore both of them. They always acted like this was no big deal. But then again, they had been together for literal centuries and never had to experience the loss of a spouse. And ever since he started thinking about the whole arrangement like receiving a new puppy instead of a replacement for Abel, his own emotional reactions had lessened. "You can pick him up whenever. I already cleaned out Eric's room. He didn't need anything but his bed for the last six months anyway."

Thomas frowned, but nodded. "Alright. Why don't you go up and change, and I'll meet you at the car. I'll grab the dowry."

Ten minutes later, the 1965 Ford Mustang that served as the family car rumbled down the mountainside toward the city of Hilldale. Despite supernaturals being out in public now, the Hargrave vampires had chosen to stay on the same property they'd owned since 1235. The castle had long since been replaced by a series of modern-for-their-time homes, currently settling on a pair of 3-bedroom, redbrick houses with pleasant gardens and nice plumbing.

Lance spent the twenty minute drive staring out the window, remembering all the changes that had come over the landscape in his lifetime. It was unrecognizable every trip, constantly in flux. Even in the lifespan of his last partner, the city had gone from small dwellings and a handful of factories to a bustling metropolis of skyscrapers and smog.

He preferred the old version.

The car came to rest in front of an unassuming family home with a garden and a pack of dogs roaming the premises. Lance watched the dogs for a moment, hoping they would be staying with the family. One 'new puppy' was sufficient at a time. Thomas stepped out and Lance followed directly behind him, wondering what this year's model would look like. He selfishly preferred the tall, slender ones with nice chests, but after so many...he knew to just accept whatever.

Thomas knocked on the door, setting off the dogs so the whole neighborhood would know the Keelers had guests.
The dogs rarely made this much of a racket. Only when someone they didn't know came by. Orr... Someone who smelled suspicious or strange to them. Jace was inside and he thought about going to see them, but he didn't. His mother was closer to the door anyway, so he stayed in the living room.

He was reading through The Chronicles of Narnia, just starting the second book. It was a series that came very well recommended and he expected to enjoy it. Ever since he got sent home from the war... Well. Very few things managed to affect him at all. He felt numb, even if he put up a fake front for his friends and family. For Lily as well, even if she seemed to know him better than anyone these days. And she saw through it half the time. But his therapist strongly recommended he did his best to keep an optimistic attitude. So... He did. Even if he'd rather be soaring through the sky, helping his fellow soldiers. Training every morning. He didn't miss the front itself, but the work associated with it. The camaraderie, the discipline. It was something nobody else understood. And now with the news about his heart... Well, everyone looked at him with pity. Nobody let him do anything. He hated it, and seethed in silence a lot of the time. He didn't express it, settling for quiet melancholy instead. Jace also hadn't left the house much lately, the city had changed a lot in the few years he had been away. And he was Not a fan.

"Yes? Can we help you?" Said a brown haired woman, opening the door for... A strange little group of people with expensive taste.
The door opened and Thomas gave a carefully toothless smile to the woman. "Yes, we are here to see the patriarch of the family. If you tell him that the Hargraves have come, he will know." Lance and Thomas remained a respectful length from the door, content (and required) to await an invitation past the threshold. It was a bothersome bit of vampire existence, but there was nothing to be done about it.

While they waited, Lance peered as deeply into the home as he could. Truthfully he hoped to catch a glimpse of his next spouse. Yet that was more out of curiosity than anything. The woman who answered the door didn't look familiar at all; she must have married into the family. The bone structure of her face was rather pleasant, if soft, and Lance began picturing how it would pair with the sharper features he'd come to know from the Keeler bloodline.

Perhaps it would look more like the old bloodline, before they'd married in that Henrietta woman a few generations back and seemed to forget how curves worked.
The confusion on the woman's face was quite clear when the asked to see the patriarch. It was off wording for the current times. It was even more odd for people to come looking for Johnathan at all, though. The old man was reclusive at best. Tended to keep to himself. But if he had invited them, rudely, with no warning to anyone else in the home... Well.

"Ah, I see. Would you like to come in for some tea while we wait for him?." She said, stepping away from the door so they could go into the family home if they wanted to.

While they waited for who? Who was coming in?? Jace got up, surprised by the sudden visit. Which he wasn't a fan of. He wasn't even dressed for it. He was in the living-room, in pyjama pants and a shirt. His hair was loose and a bit messy. He was wearing bunny slippers!. He tried to get a peek of the strangers from the living room's door. Just barely looking into the hallway that connected with the front door. This was suspicious.
"Yes, we would love to," Thomas replied, stepping over the threshold carefully. Lance followed right behind and soon the two were seated in the parlor with cups of tea which they pretended to sip. "Thank you for your hospitality. I promise we will not impose on you any longer than is absolutely necessary."

Lance paid less attention to his father than he did to the sounds from the other room. He could hear shuffling, then saw someone with messy hair peek around the corner like a child attempting to peek at their Christmas stocking. Well, at the very least he saw the top of their head and one of their eyeballs.

Was that his next spouse? He at least looked the proper age, which was a relief. Too young and Lance felt more like a babysitter than anything. He locked eyes with the man and gave a friendly nod, then turned back to look at his father. "You always say you'll be quick, Father, but you rarely are."

"All depends on how quick the patriarch is at the time," Thomas replied with a smile. "We'll see when he arrives."
The woman who had welcomed them in excused herself. She said she was going to bring them some tea biscuits, insisted on it. Jace knew his mother was just trying to get away for a moment. He had already accidentally been seen by one of them. Which wasn't ideal. But hopefully they hadn't noticed he was just having a chill day at home in his pyjamas.

"This is why I tell you to always look presentable, even at home!" His mother chastised him. But he just sighed and rolled his eyes. "Mom, I was enjoying a day off. Who even are they?" They looked so peculiar. "They say they have to talk to your grandpa. So go get dressed, comb that mop of hair you keep growing, and go get him. Now!" This was all discussed quietly in whispers and hisses. Jace grumbled a bit but he did head upstairs while his mother went to the kitchen to get the biscuits for their guests. She brought them out in the time it took her youngest son to change and tell his grandpa about their weird visitors.

His reaction was unexpected. "Already?? Very well" He had said, taking his time to look like a proper businessman, which he hadn't done in ages. Before he came down to greet their guests.

"Greetings, I hope you haven't been waiting long." He said when he finally came downstairs. He sent his daughter away and sat with them. They closed the door. Jace wasn't liking this one bit and stayed close, I'm the living-room. Now dressed in regular semi-formal attire to keep his mother off his back.
Thomas and Lance graciously accepted the biscuits with carefully toothless smiles and murmurs of gratitude. Thankfully they didn't have to actually pretend to eat them, because Johnathan wasn't far behind.

"Unfortunately so," replied Thomas, pushing back the cup of tea and plate of biscuits now that they had no reason to keep their cover. "I had expected another ten years or so myself, but it seems the last was a bit weak of constitution."

Lance grimaced. His father sounded like he was speaking of livestock rather than a person, and these meetings always ended up being awkward.

"In any case, it is lucky that your grandson came home early. We were a bit concerned he wouldn't return before we lost the last one, but fate has smiled on us." Thomas nodded contentedly and patted the briefcase at his side. "The usual agreed sum is in here, adjusted for inflation as the deal states.

"You know the constitution and personality of your grandson better than we do, so I shall ask you. Would he prefer to be informed of the situation now and given a chance to gather a few things, or shall we simply see him out and explain to him on the way? We have done both through the years, so either is fine."
Damnit, he couldn't hear what they were talking about! And his mother walked by a couple of times so he had to step away from the door and pretend he wasn't spying on his grandfather.

Behind said door, Johnathan sighed. He was very eager to receive the funds, they would do wonders for his plans. And for the family, of course. But this case was going to be a bit tricky. Not that he hadn't been preparing for the situation since their first choice took off and left.

"It'll be better to resort to a ruse until you have him in your state and you can physically prevent him from making a fuss. He is quite strong and he has formed some emotionally strong bonds with other people his age in town. So he wouldn't just go along with it. But you'll like him, he's got character. He's resistant, very polite, and he exercises regularly." He didn't mention his weakness of heart, because it was very likely that they knew already.

"So I will send him with you, with an excuse that you need help getting some work done in the house. And I will send his things after. All good?" He said. Then he took the briefcase and put it away, ready to open the door and... Blatantly lie to his family. Again.
"Ah, a problematic one. Well, nothing we haven't dealt with before. Lancelot, if you will go with Mr. Keeler to pick up your new spouse, I will return to the vehicle. I know how important the first impression has become for you." Thomas patted his son's shoulder and stood, stretching his old, old bones. "Thank you for being one of the easier elders of your lineage to work with, sir. We will be out of your hair shortly and ask that you remember the arrangement. Don't let the secret die."

Lance scowled, but did as his father asked. He wasn't entirely sure when Thomas had decided the whole 'first impressions' thing, probably back when Walden and Yates were yammering on...

In any case, he was grateful that his father at least let him handle meeting his next spouse unattended. Lance fell into step with Johnathan and exited the little room, his eyes immediately falling on the fit form of Jace. If he'd needed to breathe, the air would have caught in his throat as his eyes bugged slightly out of his head.

If there had ever been a clone of someone, Jace Keeler would definitely have been an identical clone of Abel.
"I won't, don't you worry" Said the elder, saying a proper goodbye to Thomas before him and Lacelot walked to the interior of the house.

Jace was still suspicious and looked at the stranger with a serious expression but his grandfather glared at him, probably because he was being rude. So he did his best to tame his glare.

"Alright, Boys. Jace, this is Lancelot. Him and his father Thomas need help with some yard work. You can go with them, give them a hand with that, right?. We have important business dealings with their family." Said Johnathan, introducing the two men to each other. It... Kind of only made Jace even more suspicious, because this man didn't look like he had ever lifted a hand to do work anywhere far from s desk or an office in his life. But maybe he was being a bit judgemental. Letting his prejudice get the best of him. So reluctantly he held out a hand to shake. Lancelot looked a bit out of it though.

"Hm, nice to meet you... Lancelot." It was s very old, outdated name. "Are you okay?" Jace had rough, warm hands and a very firm grip.
Jace's voice pulled Lance from his trance and he nodded. "Yes, I'm fine. Has anyone ever told you how strong your Keeler genes are?"

The vampire glanced down at Jace's hand and hesitated. Usually he'd refuse physical contact until his new partner had come to grips with their new life and Lance's vampirism, but he looked so much like his beloved Abel at that age. Strong, muscular, and proud.

He felt his hand being drawn to Jace of its own accord and he shook that rough, warm hand. It felt like he held a handful of summer days in his cold, dead palm. "Nice to meet you, Jace. Let me show you to the car."

Lance quickly withdrew his hand and turned an about-face, pausing only to shake hands with Jonathan. "Thank you for lending us your grandson." He walked out of the home to the car and opened the door, gesturing kindly for Jace to climb in.
"Uh. No?" What kind of question was that?? Jace wrinkled his nose and furrowed his brow.

However, the younger man's expression shifted to one of concern when Lance shook his hand. Not because his grip was weak or anything. In fact, he had a firm shake. But... He was so cold! His hand felt like it had absolutely zero warmth. Maybe he was sick? Was that why they needed help with the yard work?.

"See you later grandpa! Tell mom and dad I'll be back for dinner!" He was sure they'd be done by then, after all they had plenty of time. Johnathan sighed and waved his grandson goodbye before he closed the door. He told Jace's parents where he was going and what he'd be doing and then returned upstairs with the briefcase.

"Are you sure you're okay? Your hand is very cold." Said Jace once in the car, after saying a quiet "Thank you" when the door was opened for him. And greeting Lance's... Dad? With a nod.
Jace's reaction caught Lance off guard, but he quickly smiled and shook his head. "I forget not everyone is as into the history of the area as my family. Don't mind me."

Lance felt a little guilty knowing that Jace wouldn't be home for dinner. Or ever again. This was, honestly, the hardest part of the arrangement with Jace's family. The first few generations had raised the next partner with the knowledge they were destined to be the husband of a vampire, but as fewer and fewer people believed in them...well, it was easier to make everything known back at the house.

"Yeah, terrible circulation," Lance replied calmly. Which wasn't a lie. He had the worst circulation. Aka none. The rest of the car ride was made in relative silence; the vampire family took the approach of 'easier for tongues to avoid slipping by avoiding wagging.' They drove out of the city and back up the mountain, and Lance's body relaxed as they got closer to his home.

They passed the tall security gates that surrounded the property like a fortress and parked the car. "And we're here! Lance, I'll let you tell Jace about the arrangement, hm? I'm going to go make sure your mother put in the food order. By the way, Jace, welcome to our home. And if you'll give Lance here a list of your favorite foods, we'll add them to the next order."

Thomas patted his son's shoulder as he entered the house, leaving the younger men standing under the carport. It blocked enough of the sun that Lance didn't have to worry about burning, but he still didn't want to spend too much time outside. "Let's go in, shall we? I'll, uh. Catch you up to speed."
It was nice not to be forced to make awkward small talk with people he hadn't met before and likely wouldn't see again once they were done with the work they needed done in their yard. It wasn't the first time his family shoved him in the general direction of strangers that needed help with non extreme kinds of physical work since he had come back.

This property... he had seen it before. It had been years since the last time he had gone hiking though, life got too busy, friends split appart. He should find the time though, the surrounding terrain was very beautiful, and safe if you stuck to predetermined paths and camping spaces. It'd be a nice plan to make with Lilly and the dogs. An evening out exploring, followed by some alone time under the stars sounded pretty great. He'd have to suggest it to her, for later. They had just arrived and he needed to pay attention to the present.

"Arrangement?" He asked, a little bit confused. Were they going to need work done on the property regularly? Did they think he was a good choice for a recurrent gardener?. They were in for a bit of a surprise then, and not a good one. He didn't know how to do that stuff, even if the promise of good food made it tempting to accept the offer and hold on to it for as long as he could manage without murdering the poor plants.

Confused but not alarmed... yet, Jace followed Lance into the building. Everything around them screamed old money to Jace, and it was a bit cringey, but he wouldn't be here long. He could deal with it.
Lance sighed and nodded. "Yes, arrangement. Unfortunately for both of us, your grandfather decided that this was best done in the 'ask forgiveness rather than permission' sort of way, so I understand this is going to be a bit always feels easier when the next guy has been warned beforehand." He gestured to a pair of maroon wing-backed chairs in the sitting room and dropped to the nearest one himself. Despite doing this no less than a dozen times at this point, it never got any easier. There was no real way to predict how each human would react or what words would keep them the calmest.

"Jace, right? Go ahead and sit down, Jace. I guess I'll start with the simplest fact to understand. My parents and I are vampires." Lance paused, giving his new partner a moment to absorb that particular bit of information before he dumped the rest of it. "And you're not actually here to do yard work. Centuries ago, I married your however many greats uncle. You look so much like him..."

For a moment, Lance drifted off into his memories of Geralt. They'd been nearly inseparable since birth and always seemed to know there was something more than friendship between them. In a time where most would have burned the pair at the stake, Lance was lucky enough to have parents who allowed the young men to live together on their ancestral land and protected them from harm.

Well, from human harm. Lance shuddered at the memory of protecting Geralt from the vampire attack which resulted in his own turning. How different his life would be if they'd both turned!

He pulled himself from his memories and returned his gaze to Jace. "Anyway. When my husband passed away, my family made an arrangement with your family to take a replacement husband from their bloodline. It's an arrangement which has been renewed with each death, until we've arrived at today. With you. So, uh. Welcome to your new home." Lance fidgeted with the ring in his pocket. Usually he'd give it to the new man and let him comes to grip with his new marriage status in his own time, but...Jace was a walking carbon copy of Geralt. The eyes, the way he carried himself, even his voice. It was almost enough to make him believe in reincarnation! And Lance couldn't bring himself to force a marriage on Jace. He made Lance long for the true connection he'd had with his beloved rather than the empty 'marriages' of defeat.

Perhaps this time he would try befriending his new partner first.
The speech this man had just given him was so fucking weird that Jace had no idea how to answer, or what to say. Vampires didn't exist, arranged marriages were not a thing. He had a girlfriend already, on top of that. And even if he didn't, it didn't matter, because he was not into men.

"Um, yeah... Look, I don't know what kind of joke this is?, but let me just help you with the yard work and be done with it." He said. Was this family into heavy roleplay games or something similar?. He reached for his phone in his pocket anyway and kept his distance from the man on the chair. Lancelot or something, was it?, was he unwell, dangerous?. Jace tensed and looked around, just in case he got violent? He didn't look like he would. But still, even if he didn't look it, you never knew.
Lance sighed and withdrew his hand from his pocket. "It's not a joke," he replied, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "The yard doesn't actually need any work. That was just an excuse my dad and your grandfather came up with. But your room is up the stairs on the left, if you just want to take some time to let everything sink in? Mom will make you dinner when the food order arrives, too."

It looked like Jace was ready to bolt any moment, and Lance had no intentions of actually trying to stop him. They were much too far away from civilization for him to actually run home. It wouldn't be the first time one of his husbands had called someone to come get them, only for the patriarch who had given them away to bring them right back, as the deal stated. There was no need to make himself more of an enemy than he needed to be.
It had to be a joke though, there weren't other options. That story was madness in a few choice words. "What the fuck, dude, I'm not even- i have a girlfriend! I don't like- I'm not GAY." He said, glaring daggers at the guy, and taking out his phone. He tried to call someone, but he didn't have any service. And when he tried to message someone through an app, he realised he had no internet either. What??. He took a few steps to distance himself from Lancelot and started pacing, growing more and more nervous as he tried to do anything with his phone and nothing fucking worked.