CoR Lark & Kori

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"Bloodstones is the name of the wolf pack that runs this part of town," Lark explained with an amused smile, arching his eyebrow. Their uncle really hadn't told them anything, huh? "My pack. Hence why he got pissy about us when I got on his case this morning. We keep the neighbourhood safe and out of the hands of fuckers who'd turn it into even more of a cesspit."

He rolled his eyes. "Course, not everyone sees it that way, since we ask the locals to chip in a bit of cash here and there to keep things running... but if it weren't us, it'd be someone else; and they'd be a lot less friendly about it. You'd think they'd have figured that one out more recently, but I guess some people never learn."
Was it a lot of money? Was it normal? Kóri had never seen anything like this. Back home, the pack was just... The village. Nobody paid extra, but the city was really something else.

"Oooh! That is what he meant by Bloodstones... Okay, okay. The name is hm, bold? It's not common, I don't know." They said, laughing softly and scratching the back of their head.

"What is it like when there are different packs in the same city? At home my pack was everyone I knew. Small community when you compare to the city. Is it... Ugly? Fights?" They asked, taking another long sip of beer with a relieved little gasp of satisfaction at the end.
"It can be, yeah," Lark answered, his expression darkening. "Real ugly. Too much blood's bad for everyone's business, so most are smart enough not to push things to all out war. City's a big enough place for most packs to stick to their own turf. Doesn't always work out that way, though."

He took a long swig of his drink and let out a bitter sigh. "Some people'd burn everything they have to the ground for the sake of a few extra dollars in their pockets... or for grudges that're older than most people in the damn city."
Too much blood? What exactly were the packs here getting into? Weren't there less violent ways to get along?. Kóri wasn't a stranger to blood and violence. But in hunting, from prey. Not from neighbors and brethren. Lark's dark gaze scared them a little and, not knowing what to say because they weren't sure if they wanted to know more details, they downed their beer pretty fast. Getting overly drunk from a single beer wasn't a concern. They were big enough to handle it.

"I... Um. I think maybe we change the topic? If I find a place to leave my things, can we go shift now?? I didn't know we could do it outside at all. You can show me around, maybe?" They suggested, it didn't sound like a half bad plan. And their inner fox would be pleased.

"I'm sure sure you also look nice as a wolf!" They added in the end, to encourage Lark to hopefully agree to their little crazy plan.
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"Easy there," Lark chuckled, letting his expression soften a little. "Sure, I can show you the neighbourhood, but maybe we take things one step at a time? Get some food in you first, and we can chat a little more. Won't be much of a guided tour if I can't actually tell you anything about the places we're at."

Of course, that was only half the reason. The other half was, as naive and innocent as they seemed, Lark wasn't about to go running off with a stranger without at least taking longer than five minutes to get the measure of them. The recent threat was too fresh in memory for that kind of blind trust.

"At risk of prying, can I ask why you've come to the city?" he continued after a pause. "It's not exactly a friendly place, in case you hadn't noticed already."
Oh, were they asking for too much too fast? Kóri smiled at the question and remained quiet for a bit. Yes, Lutetia wasn't a nice place and they didn't like it. They had to take a moment to collect their thoughts on it and answer.

"I will eat yes ... What is good here?" They asked, looking over the menu again, still stalling their response. They looked at their phone, it was early for night time. Their family would be having dinner now, all together.

"War." They said, in Aanar. So of course Lark wouldn't... Agh. Kóri growled lowly, frustrated with their own inability to communicate.

"Conflict, a lot of violence back home... My village was very recent...Ly put into it. Pulled in. So they sent everybody under twenty-five away. I am here on my own with Uncle Thorje because then uh .. the pups did not have to go separate ways." They explained, chewing their bottom lip. No longer smiling. "I am sorry if I am weird, or rude. I have never been away from home and um, my family, before." They weren't really reading the menu anymore. Like every time they got the urge to cry or potentially look childish, their insides itched to transform. But they couldn't do that here.
"It's fine," Lark shook his head with a reassuring smile. "I'm sorry to hear about your home. Seems like you drew the short straw though, coming here. Hate to say it, but Lutetia's not the place to come to get away from violence. Might not be a constant thing, but it's a fact of life in these parts of the city, at least."

He huffed out a sigh. "Your best bet is to keep your head down, stay out of trouble and don't get involved with the wrong people. Which arguably includes me, but... eh, I'm biased." He snorted a laugh and shrugged, turning his attention to the menu. "The wings here are pretty good," he suggested. "And not too overpriced, either. Rare combo."
The wings... Ah the chicken wings! They asked the waiter-barkeep for some wings, like Lark had called them, while they killed over the young wolf's words.

"But keeping my head down, what, like don't do anything that upsets uncle Thorje or anybody else?" They huffed, rolling their eyes. "That's complete and utter bullshit!" The spat out in Aanar. But again, language. Ughh.

"That is a sad way to live!. And why are you bad for me uh? You are the first person who is helping me here!. I am very thankful. Is it because you are a blood stone?" It kind of... Had to be that, right?. Why else?. "If a blood stone is helping me while the city uh..." They had to stop, and just gestured to their throat and put a hand around it. Mock squeezing their neck. "The damn city is suffocating me" they said, again, in Aanar.

" It doesn't let me breathe! Then why so bad?. Is not that I wanted to get away. But my mum asked me to leave and I had to... But I could have fought... I am not a coward." Maybe they were exaggerating it all, they had barely been there for a week after all. But after spending their entire life in freedom, Lutetia felt like a muzzle of smog and spite.
Lark chuckled a little at their outburst, shaking his head. "I'm not saying we're a bad bunch exactly. But packs do what they have to to get by here, and that means making enemies. You're better off staying out of the kind of business the packs here deal with, finding some friends who stay on the straight and narrow."

He leaned back in his seat. "If your uncle's the problem, you should find a way out from under his thumb. Some other work, till you can afford another place to live. Won't pretend that's easy, but shit never is if it's worth doing."
The barkeep brought out Kóri's wings pretty fast, and they smelled delicious! So they licked their lips and set the plate closer to the two of them.

"Does that mean you are not narrow? Or straight?" They asked, trying to make a little joke. "Oh um, have wings if you want?" They added right after, because that had been a sad little joke to make, and they were now a bit flushed and embarrassed that they hsd let it out of their mouth. If the pack was full of people that went against the city's rules, they didn't think it'd be so bad... But also, it was likely to mean violence and illegal stuff. What if they got caught and returned to Aanar?.

"How do I find another job? New in the city, not good with language, no good studies. I don't know." They sighed softly. There had to be something they could do though. "I need to escape Thorje, that is right."
Lark snorted a laugh. “Hey, I’m at least relatively narrow. You should see the shoulders on some of the guys, they make me look like a waif.”

He obligingly plucked one of the wings from the plate and took a bite - a fair enough tax for providing a bit of advice, he thought. “Fraid I’ve not got a magic solution for you, but there’s work you can probably find if your standards are low enough. Running deliveries, cleaning… just gotta keep looking till you find an in. What did you do back home?”
What the fuck was a waif? It wasn't critical but uh, they'd look it up later. When he actually took one of the wings, Kóri smiled, satisfied that the offer had been accepted. Lark was indeed narrow compared to themself at least. That first thing he had said... It could be nice. If only they knew the city. Maybe they ought to spend their waking hours and not working hours just running around. Scouting the new territory. Not a bad idea.

"Don't know what waif is but if you are narrow, it's good narrow." They said with a very convinced nod. "At home I did, errands? For People. Run errands, worked at the library too. Kept a look, track of books. I did a lot of hunting as well? I miss that a lot already. I Love hunting." They said, while they ate the wings. More like devoured, bones and all. Chicken bones could be dangerously brittle, but they tasted good as hell. Crunchy. This wasn't even an Aanarian thing. Kóri was just weirdly into eating bones in either form. Even among their own people.
"Well hey, that's at least one bit of relevant experience," Lark remarked with a chuckle. "Dunno if you're gonna find a library to get hired on at, but you can probably swing that as experience for a lot of admin things. I'm probably not the best person to ask about this kind of thing, though. I never really went through er, normal career routes."

He finished off his drink with a sigh and set it down. "Alright, I dunno about giving you a whole tour, but if you're really that eager for someone to stretch your legs with, I can spare a little bit of time to take a run. It's been too long since I gave the old wolf a good runaround, anyway. Just don't expect to learn much, my charades game isn't in top form."
They weren't going to find a library until their Lutetian was good. So that was another priority. Getting to know the city, learning the language. And it meant less time spent at Thorje's. Good. They nodded and finished what they had on their plate as well as their drink. Their first response to actually getting the tour being a little squeak that didn't seem like it belonged in the mouth of someone as big as Kóri.

"Then we run! That sounds very fun. I would... Ah, let's just go." They said, giving up on talking. They paid of course, before they were both off, Kóri following Lark to whenever he might lead them. It did occur to them that he could be bad news, lead them somewhere dangerous. But the risk, they decided, was worth it.
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"Works for me!" Lark chuckled, hailing the bartender to settle his own tab as well, and before long the two of them had headed out from the bar into the street, where they ducked into a nearby alley to shed their clothes and shift. Lark's wolf form wasn't especially imposing by the standards of some wolves -- nothing so much as a normal-sized wolf with a golden brown coat that wasn't too dissimilar from his hair colour. Even still, he dwarfed Kóri's diminutive fox form once they reconvened.

Lark only gave a quick nod to indicate for Kóri to follow, before setting off into the evening at a light run, leading the way down the street along well-trodden routes that avoided the busier roads, dipping through narrow alleys, across run-down parks and below gloomy underpasses to run a rough circuit of the Bloodstone's territory within Vargeras. It was a patrol route the pack often ran, be it in human form or wolf form, and so most of the people they passed spared them little more than a glance; albeit that they gave them a wide berth to avoid risk of getting in the way. Even a moderately sized wolf wasn't something your average person wanted to find themselves in the path of, after all.

Without much in the way of means to communicate, the 'tour' wasn't exactly the most illustrative, but there were a few places where Lark made a clear enough point of stopping, marking the street or corner with a firm scratch of his front paws, then turning and doubling back that Kóri was able to interpret them as being the edge of Bloodstone turf. At another point, they passed the burned-down wreck of what looked to have been some kind of bar, where Lark lingered for just long enough to suggest it had held some significance before its collapse.

The run was otherwise uneventful, though no less exhilarating for it, given how long it had been since Kóri had been able to shift and stretch their legs. Lark seemed to have fun with it as well, occasionally putting on bursts of speed that could only have been a playful challenge to test whether Kóri could keep up. But before too long had passed, when the evening was beginning to wane towards night, Lark led them both back to the vicinity of the bar they'd started in, dipping back into the alley to retrieve their belongings -- which were thankfully untouched. Either they hadn't been found, or the locals knew better than to try and get away with snatching a pack of things clearly left by a member of their local pack.

Once he'd redressed, he leaned against the wall at the alley's corner to wait for Kóri to rejoin him, letting out a quietly satisfied sigh. He'd been right - it had definitely done him good to get out there and let loose a little. His head felt clearer than it had for a while. Once he heard footsteps approaching, he glanced up with a smile. "So, what'd you think of the neighbourhood? It's a shithole, I know, but hey-- it's our shithole, at least."
It was curious how little Lark hesitated in where to go through and where to take them. He really, really knew his way around and what was better to show off. Or he went around following this path often. That was Kóri's assumption. It was delightful, fun, amazing! To take this little walk in their animal forms, and the small fox, a white fuzzball against the grey of Lutetia, didn't fall back when it came to running by Lark's side. Fox form or not. They weren't slow!. And the little races made them chitter with amusement and at times even dip between Lark's front and back legs. Like a mischievous cat. But all good things came TN an end, or so th young fox's mother insisted on. Constantly. She was right about this one at least. They got dressed and returned to Lark's side in the alley.

"Guess it is my hole now too" they said, definitely looking less tense and fidgety than before. "I like it more than uncle's shop and his next door neighbors. It is good territory, and I was right. Your wolf is handsome." They joked, grinning and stuffing their hands in their hoody's pockets. Lark definitely looked... Looser? Was that the word? He looked less sad, and that was nice. Even if Kóri hadn't realised it before, it was apparent now. They looked at the open end of the alley, not in any hurry to go find a dark corner to sleep for the night.
Lark chuckled, flashing them a smile. "Thanks. I figure it might be a little patronising to tell you you're adorable as a tiny fox, but... guess I did it anyway?" He smirked and shrugged. "I don't think you're gonna get away from that one -- I've never met another fox shifter, so you're probably gonna be kinda... novel around here. Probably more popular by merit of not being intimidating, at least?"

He ran a hand through his hair, gazing up at the night sky for a moment before returning a questioning gaze to them. "You have somewhere to stay tonight, by the way?"
A tiny fox?? Kóri pouted and whined a little bit. "I'm not a small fox! You're a wolf! Should I call you adorable little human??" They said, huffing a little bit without their heart in it. They had been warned about it, they were expecting the comments people might make. And they weren't that annoyed, but it was fun to up-play it a bit. They were taller than Lark though, and walked up to him until they were looming a bit. Non threateningly. They shook their head in response to his next question.

"Uncle just wants me back in the morning. He won't let me in before he opens the shop..." Maybe Lark knew a safe place to stay?.
Lark just laughed again at Kóri's indignant response, shooting them a lopsided grin and shrugging again. "Hey, I can't claim to be an expert on fox sizes, but I'm just saying by comparison..." he chuckled and waved a hand, shaking his head. "I'm just messing with you. Anyway... if you want, I can point you toward a cheap motel that's not far from here, but if it's just for one night and you're comfortable with it, you can crash on my couch instead? Your call. Feels like I owe you at least that much since it was me and my big mouth that pissed your uncle off earlier."
They watched Lark with suspicion. It was one thing to hang out, and another to get an invite back to someone's home. Someone handsome and with a pretty sweet smile, but still a stranger.

"I prefer the couch? If um... You are sure?" If you're safe to stay with. Which... No, there was no way they knew enough if each other by now. But Kóri did need a place to crash. Like Lark had called it. And he had said he felt like he owed them, so he wasn't likely to be looking for some other, gross form of payment for the ceiling over their heads. If Lark said yes again and they headed in, Kóri would send their location and a quick message to a friend back home. Just so someone knew where they were. In case the wolf turned out to be more bloodthirsty than anticipated.
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