Looking for Partners


Active Member
Hello everyone! So, I got a few RPs in mind that I'd personally love to do with you all. It can be 1x1 or a group of any size, doesn't really matter to me at all, but I'll go with what you all feel is best. The ideas are as listed below.

GhostTales is about animals protecting a small town from the supernatural that wish to cause harm to it. I really don't have much to say on this one quite yet, but we can plan and work things out with it if anyone wants to do this.

While out exploring one rainy day, a young white-and-orange kitten named Kussa ends up getting killed. She awakes to find hemself floating in limbo with floating clocks all around her. A demon cat known as a Reaper offers to give her a chance to come back to life if she agrees to help the demonic cat.

If she agrees, she has until midnight to change the lives of a given vessel her new ‘friend’ picks out for her. She has to find out the problems going on in their lives and fix it in order to move on to the next.

While she’s doing that, other Reapers from the Rift have gotten word of what’s going on, and are hunting the two to put a stop to it all and take Kussa's soul straight to the underworld. It’s quite literally a race against time for the two and there’s no telling what’ll happen to them on this adventure.

Darkwoods is about two half-sibling kittens that got to a small town in the middle of a dark and spooky woods called Darkwoods. There's a lot of paranormal and supernatural creatures there. As well as mysteries that have still yet to be solved. Danger lurks within the shadows of the woods, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Welcome to Cards of the Heart! Why do I call it well simple: Heart Cards. Cards that exist inside of you. And they allow you to turn into the monster that's on said card. Each monster has four moves, like Pokémon, They can even evolve into stronger forms, sort of like Digi-evolving in a way? But they can only do it one time per battle. And you have a certain number of hits. And once you run out of hit points, you lose and return to normal. You can also use magic cards and things like that to help aid you in battle. Maybe traps too? We'll see.

Everyone is born with Heart Cards. Mostly. You can get infused with one or more if you're one of the unlucky ones to never be born with one before. But they have to be unlocked first. However, you can get your Heart Card or Cards stole from you. When they're stolen, your age speeds up, making you an old person. Or you die. I'm unsure which us. I was thinking that if I did the latter, you could be brought back by someone else with a new Heart Card or something. Depending of course. I was also thinking that if you get your Heart Card stolen, you go into a coma, unable to wake up until you get it back or a new one. Since you'd be losing your soul too. But we'll see. Also, 'evil' Heart Cards can take someone over and possess them. How you get new Heart Cards depends on if you steal someone else's, or the time calls for it. You feelings will channel and become strong enough and will give you a new card.

Welcome to Deadwater! It's a quiet little town that's surrounded by woods for as long as the eye can see. You're either lived here your whole life, or are a newcomer to the small little town off most maps. Everything seems normal there. The people are nice and friendly as you'd expect... Until one day something happens. A dead body is found, people are going missing. It's your job to figure out what's causing all this to happen. Or if you wish, one of the killers. The choices are yours. And yours alone. Pick wisely now. Whichever you choice made lead to your untimely end....

Somewhere hidden off the coast of Shora, there is a facility called Prison, a name given by the creations there. To a passerby, nothing is odd about it. Behind the fence line with “Private Property- DO NOT TRESSPASS” signs posted all over it, animals live there against their will. They aren’t normal animals though. They are humanoid animals that were created by the scientists there. They were called Anthrians. The humanoid animals have never left Prison as their creators forbade it.

They live in unreasonable conditions, trapped in cages and cells, but they know nothing of the outside world. The only way you’re allowed to live the Prison is after you are taken to the back room where something happens to you, changing you into a killing machine. Every now and then, the head scientist summons them for physical tests. Escape from the whitecoats (scientists) is what they dream of. Lately summoning is more common and the tests are more painful. The food is becoming worse tasting. Clearly, reform is coming on Prison.

The head whitecoat is fed up with treating the experiments like people. It’s not what he wants. He wants genetic killing machines for his conquest as soon as possible. Right now escape is the main focus of the Anthrians that haven’t gone through the mind-changing effects, but he has malicious plans and only the humanoid animals can stop him.

Upon escaping the Prison, the Anthrians find an island to call home. While on the island, they find out that their kind isn’t liked by humans and non-mutant Anthrians. This is due to the mutants that follow the whitecoats' orders going around causing problems for the four islands. Now, they must try to get along and avoid being taken back to the Prison. And figure out a way to put a stop to their creators' plans.

Which side are you on? Are you one of the whitecoats helping in the conquest? A nice one that's trying to help the mutant animals while they're in the Prison? Are you an evil mutant that works for the evil whitecoats trying to stop the rebels? Are you one of the rebel mutants that were able to escape, living on Iwaya Island? Are you still trapped in Prison waiting for your chance to escape or someone to save you? Are you a human that lives on the island or a non-experiment Anthrian? Are you friendly or mean?

Set in my Secret Abyss world. Life in Deadwater seemed to be going alright for the small town and everyone that lived there. But that wasn't going to last at all. Rua Bandini's mundane life is put to a sudden end when the zombie apocalypse hits Deadwater. Now, Rua and her friends are forced to fight for survival in a world devoid of hope. Will they be able to do that? Or will they loose all hope and fall to the zombies that are taking over the world?

A group of cat-like creatures known as Squeakles make their way out of the laboratory they were created in. They stumble across a forest and wish to stay there. However, there's already another species living there. A Clan of beings called Teaselz. They don't take kindly to the experiments being there and hate the little cat-like creatures.

There are magical gems called Osirus Stones.There are seven stones in total. Each of the seven colored stones has an animal spirit inside of them. They are as listed below.

There is the Ruby stone, that is where the four-tailed fox, Kearn lives. He uses dark powers to protect his host and those they care about.

There is the Gilded Stone, where the dark Badger, Rectos, lurks. Abandoned and disgarded by his Pharaoh before being locked up, the badger harbors hatred and longs to extract some revenge, making whoever is his host desire the same from his or her enemies.

There is the Turquoise stone, that a crane, Gigirana lives. She was beautiful, but very jealous of her brother, who her pharaoh loved more. The host who possesses her gives into his or her jealousy, and she grants them green skin and the courage to get what they want.

The Black stone of Pyros, the last remaining true dragonsnake creature, is sought by many, for that Osiris beast stone grants the host the ability to command the elements.

The white stone of Beatrice the White Lion is said to grant the host courage, strength, and the ability to create light swords.

The Topaz yellow stone of Cheza the cat holds a very vane, spoiled Egyptian feline who is said to bring good luck and happiness.

And the last, the Purple Stone of Sajor, grants the user the swift feet of the horse, and a wisdom that the wild things have.

Evil beings want to use these gems to take over the world. Are you one of them? Are you looking for the gems to take over? To protect them? Do you have one of your own? What will you do?

These are only a few of the ideas that I have floating around in my head. If anyone's interested in any of these ideas, let me know and we can plan something out.
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I'm up for those GhostTales and Squeakles storylines! Tell me, in GhostTales, what separates the animals that protect the village apart from any old animal? And in Squeakles, what do the Squeakles and the Teaselz look like?
I'm up for those GhostTales and Squeakles storylines! Tell me, in GhostTales, what separates the animals that protect the village apart from any old animal? And in Squeakles, what do the Squeakles and the Teaselz look like?

What separates normal animals from the protectors is that the protectors have something different about them. Let's say, you have a werewolf puppy as protector that can turn into a human form. Or a cat that was cursed by a witch, or one that has fire or ice powers. Things like that.

As for the Squeakle things, picture a Furby for the Squeakles. Though instead of being bird-like, they're cat like. In a way, something like this:


The Teaselz look like this:


They can be any color that you wish.
First off, did you draw those, because if you did they're amazing!
I'm personally feeling more of the Squeakles storyline. Should we take the discussion to PMs?
First off, did you draw those, because if you did they're amazing!
I'm personally feeling more of the Squeakles storyline. Should we take the discussion to PMs?

Indeed I did draw them! Thank you very much, I'm glad you like my art!

We can if you'd like. I could get a thread set up for us for once we're dong discussing what we want to do with it. I can even give you the base I made so you can make your own Squeakle or Teaselz for the RP.
Cards of the Heart. I love original Mook-battling/cockfighting RPs.

How complex are the mechanics for someone who's pretty much forgotten how to TCG, if you're going the TCG route?

Also, I'd like a group edition
Cards of the Heart. I love original Mook-battling/cockfighting RPs.

How complex are the mechanics for someone who's pretty much forgotten how to TCG, if you're going the TCG route?

Also, I'd like a group edition

I'm glad to see that you've taken interest in this idea of mine.

TCG? Could you explain what that is please and I'll try to offer a good answer then?

A group is fine. We can do a group RP of it if you'd like.
I'm glad to see that you've taken interest in this idea of mine.

TCG? Could you explain what that is please and I'll try to offer a good answer then?

A group is fine. We can do a group RP of it if you'd like.

Trading Card Game.
Oooh, thank you for cleaning that up. I don't think it would be too complex if I went down that route in the RP.

Already got a few ideas for my partner. I'll wait to see if others fancy the idea.
Already got a few ideas for my partner. I'll wait to see if others fancy the idea.

I hope others do. It's one of my better thought-out ideas I feel. But we'll have to wait and see. The card you mean? It can be anything you'd like within reason of course. Nothing like super powerful that no one can beat or anything like that. A strong one is okay that's challenging to beat, just not impossible.