Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Lutetia City: The Den

as written by Knosis

Chloe still seemed on edge as she entered the bar, her eyes taking in the faces around them. Some she recognized. Still, she sat down and seemed to relax some as soon as the pitcher of beer was placed on the table.

She pulled a chair out and spun it around so she sat in it backwards and grinned like a fox. "Sounds like a plan, honestly. I haven't done something like this in ages, honestly. Use to hang out with the guys every weekend we all had free.. Just to kick back and relax and jab each other's ears off all night.." She smiled fondly at the memories. "Never thought those days would end. Just goes to show me, eh?"
as written by Tiko

Desmond poured them each a glass from the pitcher before setting it back down.

"So tell me, 'ow long ago 'ave you started forgettin' things?" he asked. "An' is there anythin' else botherin' you?"

Memory lapses weren't particularly uncommon, especially those who where still learning to control their shifting. But it was a bit unusual for it to set in this late with no previous boughts of memory loss. Course, if it was a standalone incident it may not be cause for any concern. The girl had been through a lot lately.
as written by Knosis

"To be honest, I can't tell you exactly.. If I had any before we met, then I couldn't tell you..." She frowned slightly, taking a sip off the glass that she assumed was hers. "Just randomly, I suppose. I don't even know if I'm shifting. But the other day was the most obvious.. Was making dinner.. Then blank. Woke up in bed.

She paused for a moment. "And I don't remember between those two points of time.. That was nearly a week ago now. Since then, I randomly lose memory.. Will be at my desk at work.. The next thing I remember, I'm half way back to my old apartment which is only 15 minutes away.. But the memory lapse was more than 3 hours.." She whispered.

Her jaw clenched and she tried to hide it behind the beer glass as she drained a quarter of it in one sitting.
as written by Sentry

Jeanne swept the room in a glance, lips opening a sliver as she became fully aware of how intent the stares were upon them. She caught the cue without a problem, while slowly turning her head to catch Baron's eye. She leaned her head over slightly to indicate their company. His company. The... staring... company.

She supposed many of them remembered her face, and it certainly was unusual she'd come back to just hang out. It wasn't as if she'd been actively trying to shut down the Den, however. It wasn't her fault that Baron was keeping a woman in the basement.

Instead of shrinking away, Jeanne came up to the pool table and gave the bar that award-winning smile of hers. They wanted to stare?

That was fine.
as written by Script

Snow was seated to the side of the room, alone in a booth. Since Max's departure, it had become a common sight. Whilst there was no questioning that he was closely involved with the rest of the pack, during times of socialising he would seldom be found anywhere but the fringe. It wasn't a situation he was dissatisfied with - he'd long been the quiet and contemplative type, and he was happy with it.

A small glass of lemonade sat half-full on the table in front of him whilst he leaned back in his seat to watch the news playing on the TV above the bar. His attention was halfway divided between the report and the police officer Baron had brought back here. Other members of the pack were blatantly staring, but he kept his interest less obvious.

Still, regardless of her station and her involvement in Baron's arrest, if Baron had brought her here then she couldn't be that bad. Hopefully the others could play at law-abiding citizen while she was around.

His eyes wandered from that scene over to where Desmond had just entered, and he raised an eyebrow to see Chloe enter with him. He hadn't spoken to her since the pack meeting several weeks ago. After a moment of consideration, he grabbed his glass and stood, making his way over to them. He leaned against a table next to theirs and nodded a greeting to them.

"I don't think we've been properly introduced since I chained you to a chair," he said to Chloe, the corners of his mouth curling upwards in a small smile. "My name's Adair, but most people call me Snow."
as written by Tiko

2 hours later...

It was getting close to opening time for the bar, and more of the pack had filtered in for the night. Baron and Jeanne where no longer present - having slipped out some time ago - but several of the new arrivals had gathered around Chloe and Desmond. They offered playful jeers as Desmond set a dart whistling through the air to strike the dartboard, but despite their efforts to distract him, the dart flew true and quivered as it embedded itself into the board. Cheers followed as another glass of beer was passed into his hands.

He held it up with a grin before chugging it down until he was red in the face and the empty glass was returned to the table where a half-empty pitcher was sitting.

Bastien let out a cat-call as Chloe's turn came around.

"You know you're the first girl to come around and try to drink an Iverian under the table," he called out.

It drew some laughs and shouts of encouragement as the pack seemed to have playfully sided against Desmond, if only for the entertainment of seeing him outdone by the little red-headed woman.
as written by Faithy

Aimee just shook her head at her father. Of course she hadn’t forgotten how ruthless the Psions were. She knew what they were capable, but perhaps spending time with her roommate was making her forget things that she ought not to forget. Keeping that thought locked away in her mind, she noted how agitated he appeared and she decided just to drop it. It wasn’t like she wanted to break away from the pack or go off on her own, but sometimes it was fun just to let go and party with people that had the possibility to take her to a whole new world without actually leaving. However, with everything that had been happening, she realized that right now was not the time to let loose. Pack was home. Pack was comfort and although she wasn’t living with anyone from the pack, she was almost always at The Den because of how she felt around them.

“I’m not going to go to the party. I’ll hang out here and maybe beat you at pool, dad. Then again, I’m still pretty terrible.” She grinned and felt her phone dinging. Pulling it out, she blinked at the flashing icon indicating she had a text.

Glancing down at her phone, she read the message just as Bastien spoke up. Nodding a little, she fired off a message to her friends and shoved her phone into her bra for safe keeping. Instead of going out, mostly because the party had already been crashed, she moved over to grab another beer and silently watched her dad and Bastien play pool before her attention fell upon Snow, Desmond, and Chloe. She stretched herself out, casually chatting with the pack as it got closer to opening. She couldn’t wait to actually score herself some whiskey, though the majority of her attention was on Chloe and Desmond. Laughing at Bastien’s comment, she couldn’t help but add her own,

“Come on, Desmond, you’re not going to let that slide are ya’? She slid off the stool and made her way over to where others had gathered with a sly grin.
as written by RoxyRose

With his hooded sweatshirt hanging loosely on his body, Noel entered The Den. It had been close to two months since he had last set foot within its' boundaries; let alone, seen his pack mates. Whether the reunion was going to be joyous or rough, was still in the air as far as decided. Most knew of the boys' temper, and his relation to Julienne. The question was, who cared? Some things about the young wolf had changed, though. Mostly, he had gained some patients and worldly experience. Though that wasn't much, it was more than nothing.

He noticed first Bastien and Chloe at the dart area. Opting first for some drink, he lowered his hood and reached inside his coat for his flask. True, he wasn't old enough, but was close enough. He wasn't sure of his sisters' standing at the moment within the pack, as he had been on hiatus for the passed 8 weeks. The boy pulled his phone out of his pocket, and set it next to him on the counter. He had told Julienne he would come to pick her up as soon as she was ready to leave. Passing the time here seemed the best option, if he was to get back in good with his pack. Loyalty was hard to come by, that much had been reiterated during his leave of absence. Sipping his drink, he turned with crossed arms and feet. Perhaps he had grown enough to not be recognized?
as written by Script

Snow had returned to his habitual position on the fringe of the larger group of the pack, watching the darts game with a glass of scotch from a stool at the bar. When Noel walked in, the arrival caught his eye, though it took him a few moments to register who it was. When he did, he raised an eyebrow.

He waited until Noel had ordered his drink before speaking up. "Haven't seen you around here in a while, Noel." he remarked, "Been busy?"
as written by RoxyRose

Noel acknowledged Snow with a nod of his head, "What's up, Snow." He took another drink from the unmarked container.

"Haven't seen you around here in a while, Noel. Been busy?" the white haired wolf spoke.

The young man shrugged his shoulder, "Eh, trying to keep my nose clean, so to speak." He chuckled a bit, and wiped his nose in alliance with his statement. "Seems the pack has had its' hands full while I've been gone. Thirsty?" He offered to pour the older packmate a drink.
as written by Script

Snow thought for a moment, then necked down the last gulp of his drink. "I won't say no." he replied with a small smile. "I'm glad to hear you've been staying out of trouble. You're not wrong about the pack. Trouble's been finding us lately."

He shook his head with a sombre frown, before shaking it off. "You sticking around long?" he asked. Whilst he could've been interpreted to be just asking about the visit, there was the implied question of whether the pack would be seeing more of him. Given the events of the last few weeks, any member of the Bloodstones away from the safety of the pack ran the risk of becoming a target.
as written by RoxyRose

Noel poured a couple shots worth into his companions glass.

The boy looked to his older companion, "That bad, huh?"

Setting his mug on the counter, he propped himself up on both elbows. "Well, there's not much for me out there." He pointed a thumb over his right shoulder, meaning the outside world. "Should have been here to keep Julienne's throat in tact." This he mumbled slightly lower than the following statement, "It's always best to be where needed, right?" Assuming he could even offer any kind of help was an overstatement, considering his history. It was a nice thought, however, to have a family that actually needed you. "Not sure where I'll be staying, but the plan is to stay local." He grinned, and offered a toast with his mug as Snow's drink was set before him.
as written by Script

Snow lifted his glass in conjunction with the younger boy, taking a swig. "You shouldn't feel guilty about what happened. Julienne'd have your head if you tried to so much as suggest you'd do a better job of keeping her throat intact than she would." he said with a chuckle. After a moment, his expression became more serious again. "Make sure someone knows where you are, or if you can, lodge with someone from the pack. Things are going to reach a peak with the Scions soon. After that, it'll be dangerous to be on your own."

He took a sip of his drink. "How much do you know about that situation?"
as written by RoxyRose

Noel shrugged, "I shouldn't, considering that she is fully capable, but you know how it goes..." He left that sentence open ended. The whole pack knew the siblings' family history. Though Julienne wasn't one for showing weakness, Noel had been entirely too young not to, when the situation went down.

"Is that an invitation?" He asked regarding Snow's safe keeping comment. "I'm not sure when Julienne's going to be released, though I anticipate it being soon. She's just receiving blood that was lost, at this point. Healing fine, considering she's just as... grumpy as usual. Not sure where she stays though. Suppose I could crash her pad, sisterly hospitality isn't too much to ask is it?" He smiled his juvenile innocent grin that he was famous for.

"I know of the kidnappings, but Julienne wasn't in condition enough to go into much more detail than that. Is it really so serious?" He had been afraid of that, which was the entire reason he returned to his pack. He couldn't live with the guilt of not defending those that had stepped up without being forced.
as written by Script

Snow chuckled. "I've room, if you want it. Nothing fancy, my apartment isn't big, but I have a sofa bed." he said, shrugging.

He sighed at Noel's question regarding the kidnappings. "The Scions have Jesse and a new girl who was turned a while back. They won't let them go without a fight." Snow said, grimacing. "The girl is a newcomer who was turned relatively recently. Baron'd been keeping her down in the basement so she didn't hurt anyone on her first few transformations, but the police found her there. Obviously, it looked pretty bad. We're lucky they let him out on bail, but if we don't get her back to testify, that problem's only going to get bigger. But we all know what open conflict with the Scions will mean. Neither side will come out of it in one piece."

He shook his head. "Still, we'll get through it." he added with a small smile, "We're stronger than we were last time."

Snow took a sip of his drink, then paused. "Hold on, aren't you technically under-age drinking?" he questioned with a smirk.
as written by RoxyRose

Noel nodded, "It hit me kind of hard when Jules mentioned Jesse was involved with all this. She didn't know who though. My question is, why?"

Newly transformed wolves were always their strongest and most dangerous in the beginning, chaining them for their own good had been a practice since, well, forever. "How did the police manage to detain her, considering her condition?" He contemplated the scene in his head, "They must have some pretty tough hardware." That idea did frighten him a bit, the fact that the police had the capability to overpower one of his kind. He didn't ever get on well with authority, aside from Baron, of course.

Noel smiled brightly at Snow's question, "Well... about thirty minutes ago, maybe. But now..." He reached into his pants pocket, and pulled out his identification card, tossing it onto the counter before Snow, "Bam! Happy birthday to me! Big 18! Grown man status now!" Looking at the clock, and at the card, one would see that at the strike of passed hour, it was the young man's birthday.
as written by Script

"It wasn't the police that took her. She was with Jesse - the Scions have her." Snow explained. "As for why? Aside from a way to hurt us, Jesse's a doctor. Having someone to give medical aid is useful to them, and they're counting on being able to force him to practice for them. And keeping Re'Altarm - that's the girl - means Baron's likely to end up in jail. She can't testify that she was there of her own free will if she isn't around."

At Noel's mention of his birthday, Snow's expression lightened somewhat, "Congratulations. I don't have a card, unfortunately." he said with a chuckle, "But I'll be sure to buy you a drink... no, two drinks, since you already bought me one. You ought to make sure everyone knows - you probably won't have to pay for another drink tonight."
as written by RoxyRose

Noel shook his head. The world was definitely bigger than he ever imagined. "Oh, right. Suppose they would have been better off if the police had been the ones to try, then. Well, whatever it is that I can do to help, if anything, I'm down." Noel didn't have many skills, at this point in his life, other than the run of the mill hunting and sensory skills that most like him were born with. "Suppose it's time I stop putting off my training, huh?"

"Thanks. Wasn't really planning on making a big deal of it, but I suppose my presence in the bar alone is deal enough, right?" He grinned, "Not sure a celebration would suit the mood, though."
as written by Script

"People need moments of good cheer the most in hard times," Snow said with a smile, nodding his head towards where the others were cheering along with the darts game, "Baron's silent on the matter, so for the moment, there's nothing we can do. Better to drink and enjoy what we can, than brood on things that are out of our hands for now."
as written by Knosis

Chloe had been right about one thing -- She did loosen up after a few drinks. She had received the text and raised a brow. She wasn't sure how to answer. So she merely typed in 'Sure.', making sure it was vague on when she'd meet up with him. Afterwards, she silenced the phone and put it into her purse and forgot about it.

Even if it had been been ages since she'd tossed darts, she wasn't about to let the challenge go unanswered. Her face was already flushed pink, and a wide grin spread across her lips at the cat-call came her way "Try? I think I'm winnin'." She teased as she picked up a dart. With a rusty dart, she somehow managed to hit the board as well, a sly grin on her face.

When she went to grab for the glass of beer being passed to her, it slipped from her fingers and crashed to the floor. Sharp pains pierced her hand through the numbness of intoxication, and her jaw clenched as she narrowed her eyes at her own hand. She couldn't move her fingers in anyway. This all happened seconds after the glass shattered on the ground, and she pulled her hand away, tucking it under the opposite arm. "Sorry..." She muttered, immediately changing her expression into a sheepish smile. "Guess I am a bit more tipsy than I think I am... I'll clean it up.." She said, moving to start picking up the glass with her other hand.