Akashic Arcana Magic Power Standard - Classification

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Magic Power Standards
All countries calculate the strength of a spell by ranking powers in accordance with their abilities, from E to A, with A being the highest. Currently, Magic Power standards are calculated by:

Potency (Strength of the Magic Power)

Offensive Magic
  • A - Can destroy large sections of a city
  • B - Able to cause grievous harm to a human being
  • C - Capable of moderate wounds and destruction
  • D - Causes small injuries or low amounts of property damage
  • E - Would barely harm a fly

Defensive Magic
  • A - Nigh indestructible
  • B - Tough to break
  • C - Moderate durability
  • D - Easily shattered
  • E - Destroyed by a stiff breeze

Healing Magic
  • A - Can fully restore the health of several people at once
  • B - Able to mend all ailments
  • C - Repairs internal damage and heavy external wounds
  • D - Heals minor external injuries
  • E - Struggles to heal scratches and paper cuts

Body Enhancement Magic
  • A - Advanced to superhuman levels
  • B - Greatly increased traits
  • C - Moderate boosts
  • D - Insignificant improvements
  • E - Did it actually do anything?

Capacity / Scale of Mana Required (Complexity of the spell and mana required to use)
  • A - Minimal Mana Cost
  • B - Low Mana Cost
  • C - Moderate Mana Cost
  • D - High Mana Cost
  • E - Extremely Inefficient

Processing Power of Magic (Speed of Magic Design and Casting Time)
  • A - Instant Cast
  • B - Small Cast Time (3 seconds or lower)
  • C - Moderate Cast Time (4 to 10 seconds)
  • D - Long Cast Time (Over 10 seconds)
  • E - Bring a book to read (Over 5 minutes)

The MPS is the combination of the three. Magic Power is not indicative of combat ability. The three grades are averaged out, rounded up, for the final evaluation.

Things to consider when using magic
It is safe to assume that if someone trains a certain ‘spell’ or ‘ability’ enough, that the affinity with said spell or ability increases. If the skill is high enough and developed properly (for example; by following courses planned-out by teachers who are masters at said branch of magic) and not developed with haste (self-taught, taught by uncertified teachers) it would allow the caster to cast said spell or use said ability with more skill, resulting in the output of said spell or ability to be higher than someone who lacks the skills the caster has gained by following planned-out courses etc.

For example; if somebody trains with a ‘basic’ fireball spell, that certain somebody would gain more and more affinity with the spell because he or she gets to know how it works, how it functions and how much mana it drains. If the certain somebody is able to limit any and all spilling of mana and to efficiently cast the fireball spell by influencing/modifying how it is cast, it could eventually - because of its fine-tuning - turn into a spell that is more powerful when cast by the certain somebody then when it is cast by a random mage.

Inherited Magic
Ever since the introduction of magic, certain individuals possessed powers beyond the capability of normal humans. An example would be the 10 Imperial Families of Japan, where each family has their own Inherited Magic. The King of Britannia also possesses one of the strongest magical art. The Inherited Magic exists beyond the MPS scale and often surpasses even the rank of A-level spells.

Special Classification
Strategic Missile level of destruction and can only be described as a miracle or apocalypse. Only world leaders have the amount of mana or knowledge to even produce this kind of magic. The S-Rank Magic was what destroyed the entire Middle-East.

EX Rank: Can only be described as an act of God. No one has shown this level of magical arts. Only described in legends of the Ancient times. It is believed that Gods in mythologies like Zeus, Thor, Shiva and etc. were mages with EX Rank abilities.
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