When Two is One Mary Jane's Home for Displaced Children


Strength of Steel, Will of Iron
This is a nice name for the city's orphanage. Run by Old Mary, children from babies to teens are brought to this either because they were given up, or their parents have suffered a horrible tragedy and they don't have anywhere to go. Most of the time the children will spend their entire lives never knowing, or never again knowing, the love of a caring mother and father as they grow up to adulthood and leave to live out the rest of their lives in a cruel and unfair world.
A new day arrives as the sun rises above the towering smokestacks of the factories. People who make their living literally waking up other people to make sure the workers won't miss work. They leave as quickly as they arrive. The Grounders don't get much daily information as the Commons or Royals, but what some do know is that a Foreman by the name of Johnathan Baker and a Drowned Crew dancer named Mary Callai went missing about a week ago. Now the Guard is a bit riled up, or at least more then usual. Still despite the increased patrols and random shakedowns, the Guardsmen still didn't do much to solve the problem. Only add to the difficulties of the Grounders.
As Sierra walked through the halls of the orphanage, a man, around mid-30s walks up to the girl and takes her hand. The man is Mary Jane's assistant, Constantine. An orphan who also lived in the home since he was very young. He was accompanied by his lightning frog sitting on his head at all times. "Sierra, it's almost time for breakfast. It's not nice to keep everyone waiting you know."
"Now come on. It's a special day today so you'll want to hear about it." Constantine tells her and takes her into the dining room where at least 3 dozen other Orphans from the ages of 4-16 sit on wooden tables and benches. The ones without food stand in a line where a greasy looking man with a Crystal Dog elemental serves the kids oatmeal and milk. The ones with food sat themselves on the tables and ate their breakfast with their friends or in solitude.
The children are served their breakfast in the form of a bowl of oatmeal and a carton of milk. After getting their meal they sat down with their friends or by themselves to eat.
After a significant amount of people having sat and were eating, an old lady finally made her presence to the orphans. She is the Orphanage's owner and founder, an old and wrinkled woman in her late 80s with a Fire Ferret hanging from her shoulders. The woman walked with a limp and needed a cane, but she held her body straight and strong giving her an aura of wisdom and authority. She sat at the head table and gave an announcement. Clearing her throat she spoke with an old but clear voice.

"Children, while I know you are here for many reasons, I saw there should be no reason that you should share the same love that loving parents can give you. Still I want to give you the chance of having that love, so it is that time of year again. The time for the Adoption festival is near children and I hope you are all ready and willing to perhaps find your new homes there to give you a new chance at life."
As dawn draws to a close, morning arrives and with it, some renewed festivities. A festival known as The Adoption Day held by Mary Jane's Home for Displaced Children is being started in the city square. Festivities, food, games and most importantly couples or parents looking to adopt are heavily encouraged to attend as the Home offers interviews with children in order to adopt.

The entire orphanage is being taken to the Town Square in the Commons District. There the orphans would have access to all games and food they wish but those who wish to be adopted will stay with Mary Jane and Constantine in order to easily conduct the interviews with potential adoptive parents.
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