New User Messages from the Dark


New Member

My name is Shado. Sometimes, I'm also known as Silvereil or Tenebryn. I'm a roleplayer of 10+ years in the semi-lit to literate level. Despite having 10+ years of roleplaying, most of my roleplaying experience has been spread across just 3-4 sites, so I'm trying to expand my horizons a bit to see what else is out there. Story Teller Circle popped up in one of my Google searches, so I decided I'd take a look.

Outside of writing, I spend most of my free time reading or playing video games, particularly of the fantasy RPG genre.

I look forward to exploring more and seeing what this place has to offer! Thank you!
Nice to meet you Shado. I'm geniusinmath or you can call me Michael. Welcome to the STC family. We hope you have a wonderful time.