Monster's Poems

Monster the Vamelfaer

Sells all the Shubi
Rather than putting them up separately, I figured I'd just go ahead and put them all in one place...

  • The Mask
  • Chess
  • Words
  • The Dancer
  • Dragon
  • Unattainable
  • Man Overboard
  • Paper Plane
  • The Bigger They Come
  • Tick Tock
  • Crossroads
  • Truth is a Mute Point

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The Mask

He wore a mask
His face was unseen
I knew not his heart
For his eyes were not seen

Why wear a mask?
Can't help but wonder
Is it out of shame,
The fear of thunder?

She wore a mask
A face I once knew
Now is hidden
She looks like him too

Why wear a mask?
What happened to you?
You once were a person
You get scared too?

They all wear masks
All look the same
No more faces
The mask means fame

Where's my mask?
I want one too
I need to blend in
So I'll continue

I wear a mask
A beautiful thing
Now I'm one of them
I feel like a king

What is this thing?
Foul little beast
It grew teeth and claws
And had a great feast

No longer a mask
But a part of me
It devoured my soul
I no longer see

Beautiful mask
Beautiful beast
I need it now
To say the least

My face - grotesque
The mask is safe
Although it seems
My skin to chafe

Now what is this?
She wears no mask
Oh I don't worry
It's no real task

Just a little pressure
On a hungry soul
It won't take long
'Til the mask takes toll
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I sit at the table and look in your eyes
Playing this game I once thought I despised

We set up the pieces; I'm black and you're white
Ready to play in this wordless fight

You take the first move across checkered square
So slight and small I can scarcely care

Now it's my turn to mirror your move
Hoping perhaps you won't disapprove

For days we go on, yet nothing has changed
For each step forward has an equal exchange

We plot and we plan to corner the other
Hoping at last their intentions uncover

Yet we take small steps, and no daring moves
And slowly our pieces are being removed

Now we're down to just two little kings on the board
And their black and white shadows on the checkered board

They dance in a circle with no destination
Doomed to move in an endless frustration

So we sit at this table in a worthless game
With no end in sight and nothing to gain

As a writer, they seem to be at the root of all I do
They're a powerful and majestic force
And I can't help but admire their beauty
The way they twist and weave around one another like two coiling serpents
The way they paint an impossible picture with an invisible brush

There are people who don't understand my infatuation
Who think the English language is nothing more than a means of communication on the most basic level
But I know better
Words can speak to you deeper than you might think
They impress something on you that can change your very view on the world if used correctly
And they connect you with other people in a way nothing else can

But with all of this, words are something of a mystery too
There's something about them that we can't quite understand
Maybe that's why I find them so intriguing
As I behold this unsolvable mystery
In hopes to be the one to crack it
The Dancer

A sheet of glass as clear as day
The frosty air so crisp
Dusted ground and slow, white flakes
Called like a temptress so sweet

A breath of wind and a flurry of silk
Gliding across the glass
Transparency beneath her feet
And the melody of scrapes

A dance to the silent rhythm
An echo in her head
Twist, spin, jump, twirl
Floating above the glass

A subtle sound not heard at first
The girl proceeds to glide
Twist, spin, jump, twirl
Determined not to stop

Intensifies in volume
She freezes in her steps
Branches spread so faint and thin
And sprout their leaves of death

The glass is broken, its fragments scatter
Water ripples slowly
As it recalls the dancer
And sings her silent song

Beware the monster that beats its wings
It stirs up hurricanes of fire
Beware the beast as it climbs still higher
The flight of the ash that stings

Beware its teeth as sharp as daggers
That cut through flesh like water
Beware its claws so keen with slaughter
They rip and tear with anger

Beware its scales that gleam so bright
Too brilliant to fully be seen
Beware its eyes of emerald green
Dark with hate and alight with fight

But most of all beware its heart
Black as the midnight sun
The way its words make you undone
And that you are a part

It's easy to look at the stars
And feel nothing but envy for them
It's easy to look at the stars
And long for their place in the heavens
It's easy to look at the stars
And assume that they have it all
It's easy to look at the stars
And sing praises to their beauty

But sometimes I wonder if stars
Look down at the miserable earth
I wonder of they look at me
And think that I have it all
I wonder if they think of me
As their unattainable star

Do they feel the chill of space
As the loneliness sets in?
Do they see the busy streets
And long to feel the asphalt?
Do they see the grass grow green
On this side of the galaxy?

I wonder if I'm the star
And the people below are "me"
Man Overboard

The first thing I notice is water
It makes sense, since it's everywhere
The expanse of deep blue,
Pushing and pulling, and pushing, and pulling
I hate it

Behind me is my wooden savior
Or was it the death of me?
It creaks and rattles as the waves crash against it
It's more of a rock than myself
I simply float, going whichever direction the sea may desire
I hate it

On deck of the ship I hear their screams
"Keep your chin up!" they cry "Hold on!"
I wonder if they were in the sea
If they would tell me something different
Or perhaps throw me something to help me float
I hate them

That water as already claimed me as its own
It continues to drag me away from the wooden island
Until it becomes nothing more than a small, yellow light in the distance
Smaller than the silver moon above my head, casting its cool blanket over me
I still hear their cries in the wind, now no more than a whisper or a memory
I miss them

I watch as my savior begins to fade
The light has flickered out
As tears begin to fall from my eyes they become a part of the sea
Water mixes with water, and my fate is sealed with a kiss
In a last shred of hope I stare into the dark, hoping to see a light
I need them

My muscles now ache, and I can't go on
I can't keep fighting its grasp
My head dips below the surface, but I struggle to stay in control
I stare at the moon above me
"Please save me," I cry, "please help me"
It tells me it's warmer beneath the waves; my arms will feel better down there
I hear it

I fall into the water's desperate arms, and allow it to carry me down
It tells me it's better this way than before, it says "You'll be happy this way"
Beneath the waves I can see what it means
The fish are looking at me
As a lowly human as come to join them in their dance beneath the sea
I like it
Paper Plane

She crumples a piece of paper and throws it to the wind
She doesn't need it anymore
But the paper sprouts wings and begins to fly
It glides over clouds
With silver lining
It braves the storms and sees the dawn
The sun rises over the mountains in golden rays
And the plane's fragile wings whisper in the breeze
Like tissue paper
Until at last it comes to rest
In the soft grass
A boy picks it up
And the paper feels the air under its wings again
The Bigger They Come

You're on top of the world but the next day you're gone
You were moving the pieces, but now you're a pawn

You think you deserve the attention you get
And now that it's gone you just get upset

The bigger they come, the harder they fall
Imagine the shock when you're not Queen of All

About time your ego was put into check
About time you saw that your heart was a wreck

It hurts too much to swallow that pride
But the last one you saw choked on it and died

You realize now that your crown was a fraud
And now's a good time to stop playing God
Tick Tock

Tick tock goes the clock
Time is wasting away
Tick tock goes the clock
You can't bear another day

The sand trickles so slowly
And yet the grains are fine
You shake the glass with vigor
To make the hours fly

Tick Tock goes the clock
Time is wasting away
Tick tock goes the clock
You can't bear another day

The glass falls to your feet
And yet it doesn't shatter
The sand just trickles downward
In a sluggish, spiral pattern

Tick tock goes the clock
Time is wasting away
Tick tock goes the clock
You can't bear another day

You're imprisoned by the glass
Stuck in a crystal box
As the sand just cascades down
Until you cannot talk

Tick tock goes the clock
Time has wasted away
Tick tock goes the clock
You won't see another day

Walking down a road
You come across a corner
You trip on a rock
And fall on your face
Because you don't know what you're doing
But you brush yourself off anyway
And just keep walking
Because the road's pretty smooth
And boring
Sometimes people join you
And sometimes people jeer
Because you just tripped on air again
And again
And again
Sometimes the sky gets cloudy
And you find yourself alone once more
But you just keep on walking
To where, you'll never know
But you know you want to get there
For whatever reason
But then the road turns to gravel
And then it turns to dirt
And now you're standing in the middle of the woods
Surrounded by trails
And the echoes of those who've passed here before
And suddenly
It's not boring anymore
You want to take a trail, but you're not sure where it leads
You search for someone to guide you
But there are no road signs anymore
And now you're forced to decide:
Do I want to go right?
Or do I want to go left?
That one looks like it goes to a town
It smells like chocolate and roses
That one looks like it goes into a cave
They say that's where you find treasure
This one looks like it leads to a mountain
Bet the view is nice up there
This one's shrouded in fog
I think I see footprints in the mud
That one might lead to the beach
But the breeze is a bit chilly


You know...

Maybe I should just buy a machete.
Truth is a Mute Point

My hands are tied and there's tape on my mouth
I feel the sting of the rope on my skin
Coring me like an apple
I taste the glue as my tongue presses against the tape
But the truth is too weak to break through
And keep you from jumping off a cliff

I remember when my hands were free
When my lips were allowed to say what they pleased
Repercussions were a moot point
Though I suppose now they're just a mute point
Do you remember that?
I doubt it, you suicidal maniac

I struggle in silence
Because while I know my bonds are breakable
I'm too afraid to feel the burn on my skin
I'm afraid of the scars they'll leave on my wrists
Better to avoid the shame
Than to see your heart glow again

Still, the walls are closing in
Time is running out
You're walking closer and closer to that ledge
But I guess I prefer to suffer in silence
Than to save a life
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