Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Nasazura's Rest: Main Temple


Draconic Administrator/Mentor
as written by Script and Lobos

Sylvire led Josh inside and into the vestibule, allowing him a few moments with which to take in the sight of the extravagant chamber before she spoke again. "As I said, the Elysian Vanguard act in the service of the Light. The Light, as a concept, represents all that is good in our world. Joy, peace, love and hope. Its antithesis, the Void, represents the opposite - destruction, hatred, chaos and misery."

She continued to walk as she explained, leading Josh through the chamber and towards the rest of the temple. "Those who join the order swear to dedicate themselves to the cause of the Light, to stand against the encroaching darkness of the Void, and to further the light in all things by their actions. In some cases that means fighting against those who would bring death and disharmony to the world, but it also encompasses humanitarian causes, as well as tasks of preservation and healing."


The interior was both more than expected, yet everything anticipated. Glancing around, Joshua listened as they walked and Sylvire explained, wincing slightly at the description of the Void. The rest, though, sounded as expected.

"Sounds almost like the concept of a church, just, in service to an ideal, as opposed to a god." Musing in response to the woman, he shrugged, almost seeming like he had something more to say, but elected to just leave it at that.