Natoru's new home (RP? :3)



You couldn't believe your eyes! A cat, a cat was walking like a human and holding some kind of scroll! You managed to capture a small recording of it with your phone but no matter how much you show your friends they simply won't believe you when you say it's not special effects! Were you hallucinating? No way, the small recording was hard evidence you weren't!

Later that night you return to the same street you saw the strange cat in attempt to find it but no luck. Upset you decide to head to bed and snuggle under warm covers. . . UNTIL, you hear a few rather loud meows! You quickly turn and follow the sound but skid to a halt when you see that same strange cat running out from behind a few bushes in a panic! Two other cats rushed out but stopped a few seconds later, sniffing the air and then returning to the bushes.

The cat panted tiredly and let out a huff, putting it's little paw on it's chest as it calmed down. It blinked a few times as it noticed you standing in the middle of the road not too far away.

What will you do now???

(Hey! ^^ Not a lot of rules here! Anyone can join as who/whatever they want to. The time period is modern day. Season: Summer)