Need some one to bounce ideas off of?


Well-Known Member
Hello I am Mizzrym! and holy crap do I love too rp BUT MoOore than that I love building worlds, characters and any number of interesting topics!


I love Helping folks break down their ideas and thoughts and bounce them around as to help them flesh out and expand upon. If you need some one to help you roll around your thoughts and ideas whatever they may be please feel welcomed to shoot me a message or start a page to talk about it, All I ask is not to enter halfheartedly as When I say deconstruct your ideas, pending on the level of detail you are looking for or the subject matter, I Will zealously pour your idea into my mind and reflect on it deeply and if you don't seem to care or be overly indifferent about it its hard for me give back a good content for your consumption.

I do tend to lean more to Sci-fi and Fantasy and don't do to well on other subjects but if you come ill do my best or sadly say I cant help you and if able point you to some one you can and or a source that you could read.

Why do I do this? Honestly its a semi selfish thing, listening to creative folks gets my own gears moving putting me in a mood to be creative with the occasional call to have a great reason to draw, it helps refine my own creative ideas as well as expand my view of many things. So I guess its a trade, I am happy to help you and through me helping you you help me kinda its just nice to be around folks of the same creative know? Not to belittle my honest love of just being creative and helping folks with it...mind you.

So that's the blunt reality of it, if you don't mind getting me creatively hot and bothered I don't mind being the wall that you bounce you-- wait no that sounds wrong, I uh..mean to say...

-Awkward pause-

Lets be creative-types and do creative things for the sake of creativeness?
Yeah I'll go with that.
I have ideas and now they are all gone. Buuut I'm trying to write a fantasy based world and I've been putting more effort into the world building than I previously had (although this is the first time I've ever created a completely fictional world in terms of countries, etc). So, tips on better world building?
I have ideas and now they are all gone. Buuut I'm trying to write a fantasy based world and I've been putting more effort into the world building than I previously had (although this is the first time I've ever created a completely fictional world in terms of countries, etc). So, tips on better world building?

Love to help, Can i get any details of what you have/working on or would you like just kind of a general "where to start" thoughts when it comes to conjuring up a world?
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Love to help, Can i get any details of what you have/working on or would you like just kind of a general "where to start" thoughts when it comes to conjuring up a world?

I think general for now. I drew out a map and named kind of the city but I have a harder time thinking of the biomes of different little towns and cities and that kind of thing. More diversity in the country, I guess.
I think general for now. I drew out a map and named kind of the city but I have a harder time thinking of the biomes of different little towns and cities and that kind of thing. More diversity in the country, I guess.

When it comes to world building a planet/land mass you have to pick a start point, a point of view that every thing can start to trickle down from and slowly give shape to. Now my tips will be from my point of view and i don't mind giving my ideas time and thought and i hope you do just the same even if its for an rp world map, that said doing some brief research on what shapes the our world will arm you with information to realistically shape your fantasy world. If you have a inland desert it means its either near the equator or a range of mountains is breaking the flow of cool air. One side may be a lush forest and the other a grass land of rolling hills sweating off the rocky spine of earth, flat lands can feed into marsh, low lands that flood, be the product of massive natural water ways. This will allow you to mold out a world with out giving it a artificial control feel, Not having a city feel like its surrounded by a land made for it but rather that the city was build around the land and changed to fit needs.

Once you have a physical landscape to play with you need only think about some loose history of the folks you would have live in this world, where do they start on this planet? all major cities in reality are Near water, near a resource that allowed them to make a product that folks wanted or was some sort of cross roads for many trade powers with Highly defensible natural landscape being a loose end. So you start at the rim of your landscape where water is be it salt or clean water, This is where major towns can bloom. they grow, they make walls, roads, expand out more building another set of walls, farm lands sprout out. wealth trickles out, how fast can your people travel? every days length travel some profit thinking person will set up a inn, maybe its crossing roads with a mine? you'll need a tavern, cat house is sure to spring up, horny miners got a pay check. homes to be close to work will spring up. could be serfdom so maybe its all owned by a lord who has some fancy house on the edge of what is now a town in its own right.

All you do now is pepper in the quarks of your world, magic, creatures, culture and faith rules that would bend and shape the world. A forest that houses some crazy monsters or maybe not so friendly elves means you'd hate to just go around it or maybe that's a plot point? have a road cutting right down the middle of the forest. could be some natural danger, maybe a volcano that broods with toxic gas now and then so you have to take some large path, could be some old volcano blew and now its cratered grave stalks the land.

So these steps summed up for you are [when placing cities and towns just place a dot to mark them]
1: Don't think about where you want towns or buildings, just think about the physical skeleton of the planet and where major elements like mountains and land/sea is. think about how above/below sea level the land is. looking at a satellite map of the earth helps for ideas.

2: Once mountains are placed you can make rivers, shape inland seas and shift things more to your vision but try not to Build your world around a town, remember your town is built into the world and is apart of it not the reason for it. Rivers all flow away from land mass such as mountains and feed a lake or flow right into the ocean.

3: Now that you have land and ocean thought out you can think about how wind blows, how the mountains and valleys effect the land itself and you can place grass lands, desert, forest and all other biomes.

4: you got water on the map now and where there is water there is life, plot your Major cities and towns around water

5: place natural resources, iron, tin, whatever magical stuff you got, farm-able lands.

6: place natural dangers, thick jungles, jagged mountains, flying man eating lizards, swamps.

7: now each major city most likely have a small town of folks that do nothing but handle those resources, a mine or quarry that feeds its raw element to a smelter or some sort of refinement then ship that finished product to the major city/owner to market to be sold. So now you have roads branching out to resources and towns/mines that handle them.

8:trade roads are as cut and clean as they can be, going right to the heart of other towns, major roads and are objects of importance, have them give a wide berth from danger. towns, farm land and check points would be lined along these roads if able.

9: this last step itself is just brushing up on what you want the world to be, adding in points of interest. moving this or that around to fit with your image but try not to over work it.

Once you done these steps you should have a nice foundation of a world for you to start placing the towns and cities themselves onto the world, how big and complex they are and all that detail mixed with the major roads and map worthy landscape.

This is however only the Physical side of world creation, the side that makes it something rp-able that would have players want to come is another topic. if you need help i can give some thoughts on whatever you are working on. :3 if you need another person to bash skulls with that is. ohoho
Oooh, this seems like a good place for my ideas.

Do you mind giving some of mine a look too?
Oooh, this seems like a good place for my ideas.

Do you mind giving some of mine a look too?

Heyo, yeah its no problem. You can message me some of your thoughts you need some help with and ill do my best to help you flesh it out!

Less you don't mind just posting them here, either or.