OOC Discussion

Thanks. It's been almost two weeks since the last post in one of the scenes (and one that will ramp up events), so I'm just trying to figure out if there some folks who either decided to leave already or feel that they don't want to continue. It's a fair decision to make, but it's fair to let everyone else know as well so we can make the best decision on how to proceed.
Are there people who haven't responded at all? Is there any way to jerry rig some potential new players in to "replace" those?
There are several who haven't responded at all, either IC or checking in here. It's possible to replace with other writers, but at this point I'm more inclined to make some changes to the story arcs I was planning and remove those characters via various IC means as GM more quickly than I had originally hoped so we can focus on the writers that are here.
Based on their lack of reply both IC and OOC, I've made the decision to remove Saarai and Sostos from the RP. That leaves only bittersuite and I writing on the Research Team (and my character is one I adopted when Geck0 quit). That makes it pretty difficult to continue the way we had originally planned. As such, I'd like to share my current idea for how to proceed.

Currently, I'm contemplating a major time skip of sorts that would involve me essentially writing a "middle chapter" as a single post that would serve as almost a soft reboot opening of the RP. It would pick up where we are and cover some plot points that need to be developed early on that we haven't reached yet and such. The idea is to skip what would be me RPing with myself a lot with abandoned characters and put us in a situatino where we can pick the posting right back up where some good stuff can start (which is where we were in the Research Team thread, but alas...)

This will involve some nature of having to "auto" everyone's characters to a degree. If there anything I feel is out of the box, I'll check with each of you in the process.

Does anyone have any objections to this idea? It's currently my best option but I want to know what everyone thinks.
That sounds good to me! I'm alright with a timeskip, and I'm excited for all manner of creepy shit to start happening.
Oh, I didn't get any notifications from anywhere apart from here so I didn't realise it was my turn to post anywhere, though I did confirm my presence here last week.
i am gucci w/ time skip as well