Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived парагон's characters


Dead On Arrival.
This is where I will Bio characters if I can remember how to bio.

Riley Evers.​

Lieutenant Riley Evers is the last surviving crewmen of the UNSC Aberdeen. Having limped the ship as far as she would go, with the help of summer the shipboard A.I., he stumbled upon an independent pirate outpost, run by a pirate Queen by the name of Elizabeth Vane, built into the largest asteroid in the belt. After a tense stand off Riley negotiated a trade which enabled him to keep his ship and receive repairs. Eventually he decided to stay and he became incorporated into the pirate fleet and given the rank of Captain.

Appearance: he's 6'3 with ginger hair that's cut to a fine fuzz atop his head. There are burns covering the entire right side of his body from his scalp to his toes. His eyes are brownish green and he wears a olive cap to hide the burns.

Weaknesses: he's rash and impulsive, prone to acting in the heat of the moment instead of stepping back and planning ahead. At the age of 34 he's a young Captain and his lack of experience occasionally shows through. He also likes to fix his own ship when he can, this takes him away from his duties and responsibilities as Captain.

Strengths: he's an excellent pilot and a cunning naval strategist when he's not acting on impulse. A skilled engineer that can tackle most things except FTL drives. He's not prone to violence, opting to try talk his way out of a situation if he thinks it's possible, this makes him approachable to some and a tempting target to others.