Pokemon Sun and Moon


Grumpy Badger
So since the new Pokemon games are being released today.. I decided to bring up the topic :) What's your favorite Pokemon game, your favorite Pokemon, what are you excited about the new games, what are you disappointed about the new games. Also, gimme your friend codes if you would, need people to trade with me on occasion q.q Don't have my DS with me currently but will edit when I have mine.

(If you don't want everyone knowing your friend code, just PM to me too. :))

(I'll check later)
Rawr! I'm getting Sun. I need someone suck-- I mean lovely individual to play moon lol
I'll probably pick them up once they drop a bit in price. I always sort of feel bleh about buying a handheld game full price.
I got sun a few days ago! It's super fun - you need to get the game ASAP. My favorite pokemon game is probably Diamond (as that was my first game), and my favorite pokemon is either eevee or vulpix.
I ended up going through the game with a Mismagius, a Torracat (because screw incineroar), a Mimikyu, a Ninetails, a Pancham and a Lurantis.

my team fucking sucked but it was cute and fun
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I ended up going through the game with a Mismagius, a Torracat (because screw incineroar), a Mimikyu, a Pancham and a Lurantis.

my team fucking sucked but it was cute and fun
I had Rowlet, Lycanroc(midday form), Muddale, Toucannon, Sylveon and Arcanine :p
I'm currently in that same position with Torracat. He's so adorable as is o.o
I cancelled the evolution every time it was about to evolve >_> do not want wrestler cat
:( I'm ashamed to say I still haven't finished the first island challenge. You people are lucky I like you all too much to find time to play my games! :p
I've pokemon Moon, and it is AMAZING! Perhaps even better than Sapphire, which is my game <3
I chose popplio and named him mint and love him.
My favorite part of the game has to be the ability to clean you pokemon after battle! I got the event Munchlax and now he's a Snorlax and he is such a diva! He is so big that he takes up both screens on my 2DS and will insist that I clean him when he's only got a single price of fuzz on his foot!
Also found my first ever shiny! A shiny Salandit and I wasn't even trying! Sadly it's male so shall never evolve, but I love him all the same!
I've got a Lady Popplio ready for egg move breeding if anyone wants a certain move!
That being said I'm looking to borrow females of the other two starters, just for a bit, so I can get egg moves on them ^.^
Also looking for a Natu/Xatu is anyone has one I could borrow!