Akashic Arcana Pretty Little Doll


Iris had spent most of the morning shut away in her bedroom, and she was bored out of her mind. She had woken up early, excited that the wait was finally over for her sixth birthday. Although it wasn't the presents she was excited for, or the cake or even the party. Iris never had any of these things for her birthday, she was excited at the prospect of seeing her father.

Iris's parents and split up shortly after she was born. Whether it was from her mothers substance addiction or her father's lack of responsibility, or perhaps both, she had no way of knowing. Her bedroom was at the front of the building, giving her a clear view of any visitors that were coming by. So Iris sat by her window, waiting and waiting. Soon she was starting to feel hungry, she made her way downstairs to the kitchen. Iris was rarely allowed to go downstairs, especially when her mother was 'entertaining guests', Iris knew to stay well away during those times. Her mother would always stress that she had to entertain the men, so they could get food.

Iris had a feeling it wasn't right, but she was just a child, a young child with a even younger brother. Eric and Iris shared the same mother, she never knew who his father was. Iris checked the fridge which was as usual pretty bare, there was some milk and some cocktail sausages. Grabbing them Iris rushed back to her room, not wanting to miss out on seeing her father arrive

Iris heard her mother stirring a few hours later, she knew then that it was nearly night time, and her father still hadn't arrived, her mother had been asleep for most of the day and her brother was with his father, it made her feel jealous and tired, and sad. Her mother always told her that her father was a let down.

6 years later

Iris watched the children playing in the park. She was meant to be home hours ago but she always avoided going home. She didn't want to face her mother, didn't want to smell the alcohol on her breath, didn't want to hear the typical speech of how daddy didn't love her and how grateful she should be for her mothers existence. Iris preferred the outdoors, more specifically being somewhere high where she could see everything that was going on. Something about being high up made her feel at ease. No one could reach her up here, from a tree.

She wanted to join with the play, she was fascinated by their use of magic abilities. The first time Iris had seen them use magic she went home to try and see if she had magic, however her mother had dismissed her immediately. Iris knew her mother and father both had magic capabilities, she had read about them in the library archive. As a child Iris never knew how low her family had fallen. They had been wealthy and strong, however her father was caught out for fraud, conning people out of millions. He was soon arrested, and her mother, ashamed fell to drink. They split soon after, and then Eric was born, and quickly shipped off to live with his biological father.

Iris was read up about their powers, her mother was gifted with fire, her father gifted with neon, although she always referred to it as light. However Iris struggled to control her magic, not having much knowledge of mana as such. She struggled enough to fit in with children, she didn't want to be the odd one out via magic as well as personality.

4 years later

Iris sat atop a ledge of her house. She had been trying to stay out of view of her mother all day. Her mother was having a 'bad day' as her mother worded it. Meaning she was stinking drunk. And when she was this intoxicated she was cruel. So Iris learned to keep out of the way.

She had tried to challenge her mother once, confronting her about her drinking problem. It was then Iris first used magic, her mother had burned her, and Iris had sent a shot of neon light right through her mothers arm, leaving both parties scarred. Iris was then quickly thrown into counselling, and soon after diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. At first Iris thought she was different people, however the counselor explained due to the trauma of her upbringing, she was emotionally unhinged, impulsive. So they spent days trying to balance out her intense emotions, trying to overcome her feelings of loneliness and hatred. Iris knew why she hated her mother, her father, and everyone she knew. She hated her mother for the abuse, her father for abandoning her, just sending money, she hated the kids in her town, shunning her, making fun of her. But being told she needed to resolve her hatred only made her hate them all the more.

Unable to understand why the bullying and abuse couldn't just stop, unable to understand why she was the one that needed to be cured. Iris soon moved out after a couple of months of counselling.

She met people on the street, many that she didn't like, but a few she did like very much. She met one guy, Johnny, he had magic abilities, he could turn himself into smoke, travel through vents as such, made for a perfect getaway with burglaries. Iris followed in his steps, using her abilities with light and fire, stealing and spending. She felt she truly loved Johnny, always wanting to impress him, he always called her his pretty little doll. After a few months Johnny tried to break things off, telling Iris she was too intense, he had grown annoyed with her obsessive, impulsive behavior, her intense mood swings.

Iris was soon alone again on the streets. Unable to deal with the fact that Johnny had just ditched her, like most people had in her life she went after him. They had fought, and in the end Iris had made good use of the skills that Johnny had taught her, however it quickly led to his demise. Iris expected to feel happy, that Johnny had finally got what he deserved for leaving her. But she just felt empty. With no one else to turn to she sought out her father. He welcomed her, but only for a while, Iris quickly picked up on the fact that she just wasn't welcome anywhere.

With no where else to go but back to the streets Iris thought to redeem herself, taking an interest in one of the best schools she asked her father for some cash, and traveled for a long time. Hoping that she could belong to the Academy.