Psychological Thrillers


Soooooooo, pretty sure I've watched every psychological thriller ever made. Jk I don't think that's possible

BUT anyways, I was wondering what your favorite psychological thriller movie is?

I want to watch some more movies - I'm a movie fanatic and I'm really feeling the whole "confuse the heck out of me and then throw me off guard at the very end" type of mood right now.

If you don't like psychological thrillers, shout out some other favorite movies of yours. :)
Oculus is more on the Horror side, but I'm sure it'd fit the bill for you. You should be able to find it on Vudu, and maybe Netflix and Hulu if your lucky
My favourite psychological thriller definitely has to be Identity. It's years old now, but I love it. And the ending wasn't what I was expecting at all.

I'm sure I've watched many more, but that's the only one I can actually remember right now. :)
I don't watch a lot of horror movies (forgive me for I have sinned), but I think you should try playing Layers of Fear on the Xbox One.
Falling Down, since Michael Douglas was mentioned.
Older movie. Shows a man's descent into madness. The twist isn't exactly at the end but there are a few. What's so strange is you can (OK, I can, and about half of the other people I know that saw it) end up sympathizing with the main character despite every bit of destruction and havoc he causes.
I absolutely adore The Babadook and if you haven't watched it, I strongly recommend you do.
Ngl, it is kinda weird and some scenes I thought were kinda funny but the horror isn't like the ones in those cheap jump scare films, there's a definite tension that builds so that's pretty cool too.