Ranger, Fighter, or Mage?

Almost all mages? @LadyDovahkiin @Persona @Nilum @Enki @Pokc @theuman @Gwazi Magnum @Moonbloom @the_miserable
But I am willing to bet, that, if instead of ranger, it was power ranger, the results MAY(And that's not a bet anymore) have been different.
And who says fighters have limited potential of growth. Look at street fighter. There's a Goku in there in making.

So, mages are last for me. I mean they don't get any points for nostalgia from me. Forgettable class. Meh!
Harry Potter ??(Maybe)
So,A=B=C I guess. :emoji_thumbsup:
Who said that you can't be a muscle wizard? A musclebound person who casts magic and other stuff like that. *Points at Goku and the sort.*