-Record of Grey Callous during his battle with Castor Devon in the ruined seraf

"Grey you know all to well a man like you cant simply kill me, tell me do you fear death?" Devon Requested with a sneer holding the faceless helmet his kind were famous for " no amount of blood, sweat or tears can rescue you from the fate that you have brought to yourself by coming here, although i envy you greatly you get to enjoy your end where i am uncertain if i will ever have one."
Greys muscles tensed he had already used to much of his power to win and yet his gut was screaming to press on, his mind whispered to him of his acomplishments thus far and how this was the final obstacle he had to over come to do his part to deliver sanctum from the darkness that had spread destruction upon her. He reached across his body and gripped his long blade the leather tensing with his grip
" Castor this will be the end for one of us" He voiced locking his hard grey eyes on Castor drawing his weapon gripping the blade and dragging it across his palm. A dim light emerged from his hand illuminating the blood pouring from him, Castor set his helm upon his head and held his hand out calling his weapon, the broad blade he nurtured cam to him with a flash as he stepped down from the alter. "Villiany thrives when innocence dies Castor" Grey finished setting his feet holding his bloodied hand high by his face his blade behind him.
Castors steps were steady and long, to grey it seemed an eternity before he was within striking distance but he knew if he moved a second to soon it would be his demise. He waited gathering his strength and stealing himself for the onslawght. The light in his palm erupted brightly and his blood rose from the ground, it felt heavy something he knew was coming, he had lost to much and was weak from the battle outside the temple, but he shook all doubt from himself as Castor took the final step he needed. His hand tightend on his blade as he launche it the through a long , and low arch singing toward his enemy but was met by Castors massive blade. Biting into one another the swords sparked and grinded, their feet moved aroud one another, pulling away Castor thrusted in rapid succession. Driving his blade to the side Grey pushed himself inside his opponents range an orb of his blood forming his palm the light burning brightly heating up in his grasp. He pushed the sphere into Catsors abdomen with a shout. The shining armor protecting him collapsed inward crushing his ribs. The blast sent him flying backward into the ruined alter blood gushing from the crushed armor"
Castor pulled himself from the rubble as Grey darted at him " Grey do you think I am a fool" he shouted as their blades clashed and retreated "I know your kinds power and its limits you have nothing left. Give in to the temptation of your rest" Castor laughed parrying knocking the Nobles blade away delivering a strong kick to his chest sending him off the alter. " why are you so stubborn, is it family, a woman, the children of the world " he questioned laughing maniacally as he approached Grey trying to pick himself up " I dont get it grey you had so much potential" he raised his blade to bring it down for the end. "Its a shame really you would have been a powerful ally. He dropped his arms with crushing force only to be stopped by Greys magled hands glowing brightly cutting in deep spilling more of the Noble's precious bl ood .
" No this is about Sanctum, no personal gain no family just the future and the promise of peace i have seen" His eyes pieced into Castors helmet sending chills up his spine " And i wont be the one who failed her" Grey stood still gripping the blade. Castor tightened his grip and twited to pry it away. Grey let out a thrundering shout as the blade tore his skin away pushing all his power into his grip shattering the blade. Light burned through his hands as he turned the point of the shattered sword and thrust it through Castors heart " his blood poured from the wound as castor stumbled back removing his helmet garsping at the shard of stell in his chest
" Grey you are right this will be the end for you" he grinned wiping the blood away form his mouth calling another blade to his hand as grey lifted his panting, now very weak. Castor lurched forward, sparks flying as the dance of thier blades met again and again, Greys arms grey heavier with every blow " Just let go grey ill end you quickly" Castor grunted as Grey locked blades with him.
"Castor my end is not this day im afraid" Grey Retorted as he drove The Galimatis' blade away he struck him hard in the cheek throwing teetch and blood to the floor, He lifted the crystal around his neck to his mouth and bit down hard as Castor recoiled, poised to finish it Grey thrust his hands forward blooded palm glowing a deep blue, his grey eyes burning brightly brow furrowed deeply. Castors body stopped.
"What the hell is this" Castor panicked struggling against the Noble's power " this isnt posible."
Grey grunted as power rushed through him, " There were rumors amongst my people, Of noble powerful enough not only to manipulate thier own blood but the blood spilt of those around them." Castors eyes grey wide, he began to struggle more and more thrashing wildly throwing his life fluids to the floor " If i were you i wouldnt struggle you are losing far to much of your blood Castor, but its no matter i have an open wound to pull from" Castors blood began to lift from his armor and the ground slowly glowing bright blue from within, ,Castors blood was light much like his own when he was at his best. "Can A Galimatis live without blood" He questioned as he began to draw it from his body faster and faster.
Castor began to feel numb as he screamed out in pain thrashing wildly the color of his skin turning pale. Grey collected all he needed, the skin on his palms reforming, forming the rest of it into a hardened rod, he relinquised control of Castor gripping the rod, He breathe was labored as he gazed upon the noble fear in him. Grey thrust the rod into him with all his strength through his heart, Castor erupted in wailing squirming on the ground. the rod absorbed into him, slowly the blood rushed into him, he tore his armor off pulling his shirt off clawing at his pale skin in pain, his veins then turned black. Castor foamed at the mouth, jerking violently
"Sanctum will recover and thrive " Grey asserted "Enjoy you end Castor."
Castor stopped jerking long enough to glare at Grey " Foolish man you havent the slightest idea whats wating for you at the end of this world" he coughed black ooze struggling with his speech " It is far worse than the Dark One will ever be"
Grey crouched by him is eyes ablaze with light " I suppose i will overcome that obstacle when i get there "
Castor paused for a moment and smirked" I suppose, You stubborn man " Castors body fell limp as the last of his breathe left him Grey watched Castor for some time before standing and giving his enemy a nod. Pacing up to the alter he grasped the relic droplets and long rivers of blood levitated in the temple around him. The light in his eyes faded and the blood splashed to the ground and Greys legs collapsed his skin turning pale. He clutched at his slipping conciousness fighting to stay awake, but the darkness claimed him.