Implemented Separate 1x1 & group threads in bulletin boards

Should 1x1's and groups be separate subforums?

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The Wanderer Returned
Idea is in the title. It's mainly so that group role plays--which by their very nature, will draw more traffic--won't drown out 1x1's and vice versa. Alternatively, make tags for them--like how this thread has the ideas tag. (Although, I think once the site grows large enough, throwing all the groups and 1x1's into one category will be sheer inefficiency.)

No rush on it. Just figured it might be a good idea, so people more prone to 1x1 role plays (like @Becca ) don't have to swim through a sea of group role plays, and vice versa for me and 1x1's.
1x1 is a format that should not have any special categorization on a site with persistent open worlds. 1x1 is usually a self-contained entity, disharmonious with the concept of open persistent worlds.

Other sites already cater to 1x1. Emails and messengers can even support 1x1s.

I believe persistent worlds is the way to go. Omniverse comes close to this ideal. It has fantasy, sci-fi, contemporary and other settings for almost every genre. And they're all interconnected. One should be free to start up a thread (one person, 1x1, group, etc. - no need to classify!) under any of the Omniverse sub-locations. Will this clutter each sub-locations? Yes, eventually. But that's to be expected of any growing site.

But here's the trick to making a thread stand out: apply to the board owner for its canonization. A one-paragraph summary. It's like the real world. We each have our story but most are too mundane to be recorded in history books.

So, to encourage playing in a persistent world where your story may or may not have a significant impact in the bigger picture, please avoid tagging a roleplay as 1x1 (or group). Roleplays should be defined by their setting and context, not by the number of players.
@Shadelier Your response perplexed me enough to feel that some clarification on our website was warranted. We allow persistent world roleplays and offer GMs the tools to run these, but our website is far from exclusively about these roleplays.

We have entire sections of the forums setup for non-open worlds, and not only allow but encourage people to make smaller scale roleplays (including 1x1 roleplays). We have sections setup for table top games, single thread roleplays (including 1x1), and multi-thread roleplays that don't fall under the realm of open-world roleplays.

In addition 1x1 threads aren't allowed in the Omniverse Roleplay due to the nature of the roleplay (each thread represents a location in the world that people can travel through) so such a recommendation isn't appropriate.

@Nilum I always intended there to be more sub-categories and divisions available, but with the site new it would give the illusion of emptiness to have everything separated into different sub-forums. That said we're growing at a steady enough rate that we may be able to break things down further now, without winding up with a bunch of sub-forums with only a handful of threads in each.
@Nilum I always intended there to be more sub-categories and divisions available, but with the site new it would give the illusion of emptiness to have everything separated into different sub-forums. That said we're growing at a steady enough rate that we may be able to break things down further now, without winding up with a bunch of sub-forums with only a handful of threads in each.
Aye. Just figured that 1x1's and groups are sufficiently different that, even in small numbers, they benefit from separate groups. I totally agree that having more specific categories (ex: genres, writing levels, et cetera) would be a poor move with the site as small as it is.

Ergo, why tags would also work as an option too, for a while. :)
I browsed through the bulletin board today and only found five 1x1 threads. Not really enough to warrant their own sub-forum at this time. As an interim solution I added the 1x1 prefix option to make it easier to spot them out from the rest of the threads. As the site grows and we have enough threads to support sub-categories we'll likely split the 1x1 bulletin board posts off into their own forum, but for now there's just not enough yet.
I can't do multiple people roleplays because I have trouble understanding when multiple people are talking at once, even if it's in turns I just find it easier to understand roleplays with just another person
I'm going to go ahead and tag this as implemented as we've gone ahead and added further sorting options (including the use of multiple prefixes). In the event the site outgrows a single forum, feel free to re-propose ideas and thoughts on general organization.