[Small Group RP of 5] Modern Crime in Small Town


Active Member
Basically, two biker gangs: Blackhawk Boars and the Rebel Pythons have had an ongoing rivalry for a long time. Technically speaking, the biker gangs are actually outlaw motorcycle clubs, but a lot of controversy surrounds the legitimacy and dealings of these motorcycle clubs, and as such, they are seen in a negative light by society. These biker gangs are known for stirring up shit in the small town of Carlisle Point, which was founded in 1800s by Carlise Baker and that little bit of history is useless.

I want to have a small, fun, and laid back rp, but just because it's laid back doesn't mean I won't impose strict rules. Below are the list of expectations/rules I expect my members to follow:

1. Follow all STC rules and terms of service.
2. Be polite and courteous to your fellow partners!
3. Characters and players must be 18+ only. Please try to be diverse in age.
4. At least one post a week. You may post more, but be mindful of others.
5. This is a mature rp, so expect possible violence and heavy language. Fade to black for sex scenarios to keep things tasteful.
6. One paragraph minimum. Quality over quantity. From another rp site, just an idea of what kind of writing I expect:
Players should be confident in their writing ability and have a thorough understanding of genre, themes, story elements, and character dynamics. You will be expected to take an active role in driving the plot forward without derailing the focus of the game. You may be expected to create and/or control NPCs as necessary. Grammar and spelling mistakes should be few.
7. Just because this is casual rp, doesn't give you cause to be lazy in spelling and grammar. I don't want to notice that the moment I look at your post. Make sure your writing is legible.
8. No power-playing, god-modding, or auto-hitting, unless you are given express permission.
9. Real pictures. Anime and semi-realistic isn't allowed.
10. Maximum of three main characters.
11. Understand that if you choose to make a woman whose part of a biker gang, that she knows her place. More info in the gender and race section of this wiki article.
12. Read the wiki article thoroughly or you'll be fucked up and screwed with how this rp works out.
13. Read the wiki article.
14. Look at number 14 and do just that, then have fun!

And an example of my own CS (though all you will personally be required to submit is name, age, username, picture, occupation, and position in gang, if you have one):


Name: Juliana Weiss
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Occupation: Waitress
Sexuality: Homosexual
Personality: Juliana is a feisty, outgoing person. She's good at conversation, but usually only talks if she has something to say. Despite her friendly aura, however, Juliana doesn't hide the fact that she's part of a biker gang. This leads to Juliana being surround by social stigma that she's not genuinely the caring, generous young woman she appears to be. Her tattoos carry that same stigma, unfortunately. A lot of people believe she's into drugs, criminal activities, and guns, but this has yet to be proven.
Pets: Duchess (Female Dachsund), Honey (Female Doberman-Rottweiler mix)
Likes: Lady Antebellum, Acoustic Guitar, Singing, Shopping, Dancing
Dislikes: Smoking, Rainy Days, Sour Candy, Ignorance, Alcohol Breath
Dreams: She doesn't think she has any dreams, but having a child with her boyfriend and raising a family sounds nice.
History: A country girl at heart, Juliana grew up on a small farm near Acorn Ridge, Nashville. She woke up at six o'clock each morning— just when the sun was starting to rise— eat breakfast, then help feed the chickens, groom the horses, and milk the cows. After that, she would get ready for Sunday school. Her childhood was filled with a daily ritual that molded her into becoming a strong and diligent young woman.

Juliana had plans. She had plans to travel, plans to go to college, get a degree, and become a veterinarian with a specialization in farm animals. People didn't understand what made her throw away those dreams during her second year of college. It started with a boy named Garrett. He was part of an elusive biker gang. Juliana got along great with Garrett until he started pressuring her to do things she wasn't interested in doing with him.

Her life soon became that of a clingy woman, desperate for attention and love. Juliana dropped out of college, reasoning that it was too difficult for her, that she much preferred an easier path to success. One of the women who hung out with the biker gang secured her a position as a waitress within Marcy's Diner and the gang sort of became her life blood due to experiences in the past where she felt neglected and hungered for social interaction. Now, she's got herself a boyfriend from that same biker gang.

Relationships: Aidan McKellan (Boyfriend, Been with almost two years)
Bryan Weiss (Father, Alive)
Lisa Weiss (Mother, Alive)
Other: The biker gang Juliana's a part of is called Blackhawk Boars.

ALSO, to shed some research and light into the kind of biker gangs I'm referring to, think about Sons of Anarchy, and also consider reading about the biker gangs/motorcycle clubs here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outlaw_motorcycle_club
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