Something I never understood...


Lord of Weissburg
Here is something I recently wondered about... why do character bios almost always include blood type?
It is always one of the first things and Inever really got why, the only Rps I could imagine it being useful in would be ones in a hospital settings or those edgy vampire roleplays where teens act like different blood types would taste different, they don't.

Apart from that, I see no use for it, especially if the RP is medieval themed, blood types weren't even discovered until 1900!!!

So let's discuss this.
It's strange how people's experiences of forum RP differ. I've never come across an RP that's asked for blood type in a character sheet!
I honestly never had that happen to me. I've never had to make a character and name there blood type. Well I guess I learned something.
Hmmm...I'd never run into that either. I did watch the video and the beginning made me snort. I would be the one thinking that blood transfusions would be happening too if someone added the blood type to their profile.
I'd find it to be an unnecessary detail for the most part. I think when designing profiles for characters, you need to come up with categories that are relevant to the character and the setting. For settings outside of science fiction or a modern, real-world setting, blood-types are unnecessary. A lot of people don't even know what their blood type is even in RL. (I don't despite the fact that I've had my blood tested often because I'm diabetic.)