Start up!


im looking to start up a group roleplay as I want to kill some time.
I will be posting once a day. If your going to join this is a requirement as it creates destruction in the thread when there are like 20 posts and yours has been buried. Because you’ve been gone from a day to a week
I aim to keep the roleplybalive am well via having everyone post once a day and either setting up a pm or another group where you can post freely letting the more active users crest their huge stories, and the more slower paced once’s to write their beautiful paragraphs over the course of the days. This said if you’d still post in the main thread but it would be something akin to compiling the actions and dialogue of your characters and slotting it in. That way the others know what you’ve done and you’ve gotten to keep going.

That said the roleplay will be set in the grand city of this world which I shall call Greberin. A world roughly Quadruple that of Earth. Which much more varied environments however unless you leave the mega city you more than likely won’t see any of them.
The city is called Vensue and is located on the second largest continent of Drenzar which very much like America japan and most other modern nations with sprawling urban evinronments and massive cities. They pump out industry as fast as possible and are capitalist to the core.
Despite not having a real class system the roles are based largely on economical position.

With a below class for the unemployed often being buried under the city and left to rot, they often get sick and are the most desperate, they can’t get employed because there is no space for them in the economy.
Working class makes the low wages but are often the most happy with their family
The middle is perhpase the most secure and the most successful in the job field
Finally the upper class run this nation and industry as they please but are often unhappy and vulnerable to the wrath of the lower families.

There is much more and should this gain any traction what so ever I’ll start adding in more things