The Ishmus of Souls Stephen Lawward/Nevermore


"There is no power on this earth that can stop me"
Keeper Name, Age: Stephen Lawward, 24.

Keeper Personality, Appearance, and Characteristics:

Stephen is an Asian male, in his twenties. Stephen is quite tall, slim and with black hair. Stephen wears black glasses nearly 24/7. Stephen usually wears a white shirt with a black tie.

Keeper Backstory and Background:
Stephen (Nishi Kakuei) was born in Japan but later moved to America. Stephen now works at a corporate office and lives a normal life. Now and then he goes to the gym and does some yoga. Stephen is a keeper, that is all. Stephen is a vigilante at night using his familiar as a weapon.


Familiar Name/Alias: Nevermore

Familiar Personality, Appearance, and Characteristics:
Nevermore looks like Ryuk (from Death Note), with black crow-like wings. Nevermore has long slender arms, with a very slim waist and long legs. Nevermore is black and blends very well into the night (especially at midnight). Nevermore has grey skin and red eyes.

Familiar Skillset:
Nevermore has a crossbow which is magical in nature, able to fire arrows very quickly and over long distances (525m, revolver-like reloading at 2 shots a second approx and firing six shots each reload round.). Nevermore is fast and smart but not strong or durable at all. Nevermore's running speed is around 20ms. In combat, he floats around at a distance and fires his crossbow. Nevermore caps his weights at around 320kg. His crossbow bolts are infinite but require about 10 minutes for every 100 bolts.