Stop the Staff!

Hey, bud. Let's take one second to think and not do something we'll regret.
I don't have a separate keyboard; the one I have is attached to the computer. Also, you're aiming the wrong direction.
I've said "one" in each post I've made. Hence, we're on-topic. :p
You think you're SO sly. Dude you're talking to a fifteen years old you have NO idea what your up against. See? Two can play that game :p
I do think I'm rather clever.

 .--. .---.  .--.
| || || || || ___|
 '--' '-''-' '--'
Hey. I'll admit that the first two ASCII word art things I posted I got online. But I made that one by myself and I'm proud of it.
The key is the [code][/code] tags. They make everything monospaced.

Without the code tag:
(o)(o)(o) (n) (n) (e)(e)(e)(e)(e)
(o) (o) (n) (n) (e)
(o) (o) (n)(n) (n) (e)
(o) (o) (n) (n) (n) (e)(e)(e)
(o) (o) (n) (n)(n) (e)
(o) (o) (n) (n) (e)
(o)(o)(o) (n) (n) (e)(e)(e)(e)(e)

With the code tag:
   (o)(o)(o)      (n)         (n)   (e)(e)(e)(e)(e)
(o)         (o)   (n)         (n)   (e)
(o)         (o)   (n)(n)      (n)   (e)
(o)         (o)   (n)   (n)   (n)   (e)(e)(e)
(o)         (o)   (n)      (n)(n)   (e)
(o)         (o)   (n)         (n)   (e)
   (o)(o)(o)      (n)         (n)   (e)(e)(e)(e)(e)