OZ Tale's Plotchildren

The Taleweaver

Vagabond Skald
Name: Ashlynn Richards
Name of Character: Ash Embersong
Nickname: "Mama Ash" / "Bitterheart"
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Race of Character: Human

Ashlynn is a fairly nondescript young woman who spends the majority of her time not gaming in the library where she works. Every inch of her the stereotypical 'librarian', she wears her back-length black hair in a stern bun, while her green eyes peek out from behind spectacles. Though far from 'frumpy', her feminine curves are obscured by the long skirt and sweater she wears as her work uniform.

Ash Embersong, however, seems to embody the very concept of femininity. Generous curves, an ample bosom, all clad in a flowing dress, with equally flowing curls. Her clothing is usually embroidered with small stylized flames, lined in white, a reference to her character name.

In her persona of Bitterheart, her bodyshape is obscured by a tight, compressed bodysuit in crimsons and greys, while her face is obscured by a shining silver mask with no features.

Class: Assassin
Other Class: Mystic
Class Abilities
ASSASSIN'S GRACE - A passive ability that greatly enhances Bitterheart's mobility and acrobatic skill, allowing her to overtake or flee from all but the fleetest of foes. Physical barriers tend not to provide any great hurdle, either, as her increased abilities allow her to vault over them.
ASSASSIN'S INTIMACY - While in close-combat range with one foe and no others, Bitterheart's attacks seem to flow one after another without increasing or decreasing the distance between them, making them hard to follow and difficult to block.
ENVENOM - Bitterheart coats one of her two blades with a potent venom, and each strike with the envenomed weapon reduces one aspect of an opponent's abilities by 20% until the poison has run it's course. (Strength/Speed/Mana/Dexterity/etc.)
JAGGED EDGE - Bitterheart's blades inflict gaping wounds that weep blood, causing bleeding damage over time and resisting nonmagical healing.
SHROUD - Bitterheart's form seems to blur when in shadow, making attacks against her more likely to miss.
ENTANGLE - Summoning a single spirit snake, Bitterheart commands the ethereal serpent to twine itself between a foe's feet. High chance of knockdown as well as a 50% reduction in movement speed.
ASP'S BITE - Both of Bitterheart's daggers are coated in a vile poison, that inflicts toxic damage to the opponent over time while they remain in combat with Bitterheart. If the attack misses, the poison dissipates.
KINDRED SPIRITS - With a hissed word of power, Bitterheart is capable of summoning 2-6 spectral serpents, all of whom seek out nearby foes and attempt to bite them. Their bites deal toxic damage and poison the foe for a time.
CLARITY OF VISION - Bitterheart holds her blades in a ready stance, her high dexterity allowing her to fluidly block and repel physical attacks while remaining immobile.
SINGULAR PURPOSE - Declaring her intent to slay a single foe, a sigil forms on the forehead of the opponent she selects, glowing a vile green. All of her strikes made against this foe are more likely to strike through defenses as well as inflict higher damage.
FERRYMAN'S TOLL - By sacrificing all of her remaining mana and reducing her mana regeneration by 75% for five minutes, Bitterheart instantly 'blinks' out of combat range of her current foes and regenerates 80% of her maximum HP.
COUP DE GRACE - Bitterheart sacrifices [25%/50%/75%] of her maximum HP and strikes an immobile/stunned opponent with both blades, inflicting 150% of what she sacrificed.
STRONGHEART - Once activated, this Mystic's aura increases Mama Ash's resistance to poisons, toxins, potions, as well as enhancing her physical striking power. This aura causes Mama Ash's body to glow a visible red.
CLEARMIND - Once activated, this Mystic's aura enhances Mama Ash's senses to nigh-supernatural levels, allowing her to take in increased detail while examining an object or enemy. This aura causes Mama Ash's body to glow a visible blue.
FLEETFOOT - Once activated, this Mystic's aura increases Mama Ash's running speed; she usually uses it to flee from fights she cannot win without revealing her Assassin main class. This aura causes Mama Ash's body to glow a visible yellow (a color she finds hilariously ironic).
FLURRYFIST - Once activated, this Mystic's aura greatly enhances Mama Ash's attack speed and strength, allowing her to launch a combination of punches and kicks that disorient and daze opponents. This aura causes Mama Ash's body to glow a visible pink.
"HER" EMBRACE - Unlike the other auras granted by her Mystic subclass, this skill causes Ash's body to flash a sickly green once, but otherwise remains unseen. This aura allows her to stack her other auras one atop the other, without the visible cue, whereas otherwise she can only have one active at a time.
Level of Character(0-122): 114

What is your Magic? Stealth/Poison/Debuff/Self-Buff.
Weapons: Twin Daggers (Heart & Mind), self.
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 145 lbs.
Personality: In public/as "Mama Ash": Matronly. Happy. Open, friendly, charismatic, always willing to lend a hand. In private/as "Bitterheart": Cold, implacable, and merciless. Speaks little.
Sexuality: In her own words, "no".

Biography: Ashlynn is, at her core, an embittered, lonely young woman. Due to an unfortunate hereditary condition, she is unable to bear children, a fact that ended her last romantic relationship, leaving her as she is now. She turned to video games as a form of solace; what started out as a coping mechanism quickly turned into an obsession. When not working, she'd grind, and grind, and grind, immersing herself in the "mindset" of her Assassin character. Other players were just like mobs, something to be killed for XP. Her nickname, 'Bitterheart', is self-given; it's the name she'd whisper in her mark's ear before sliding a dagger between their ribs or beneath the base of their skull, depending on which she decided to use. She never much cared for the enemies she'd made, for she could always just log out if things got a little too hairy.

That changed the day she hit level 114, for that was also the day that she became trapped in Oz. Now unable to run from her past in-game, she decided she needed some form of disguise. Having already selected her subclass, she couldn't very well try Illusion magic. Instead, she created the persona of "Mama Ash", a happy, motherly woman who blended in well with most parties. Passing herself off as a Mystic main, she was perceived as much weaker than she is, due to her inability to use her Assassin magic or weapons lest she give herself away.

As the days pass, however, she begins to find difficulty separating herself from the Mama Ash persona, her disguise quickly becoming a part of her personality. More and more, she spends time in her 'guise', rather than as the assassin Bitterheart, finding the interactions with younger players a soothing balm on her anger at her condition. Confused and somewhat angry, she is unsure of where to go from here. For now, she continues to act in her capacity as a 'motherly' type while hiding her Assassin past, providing comfort and assistance to younger players who may otherwise be unable to handle being trapped in-game.

Real World Information(All Optional):
Where do you live?
Boston, Massachusetts
What is your occupation? Librarian
Familial Relationships? n/a
Any relationships with the players outside the game? n/a
What drew you to the game? Coping mechanism. (See biography.)
Birthday? July 1st.
Zodiac Sign(Western)? Cancer.

Theme Song: (Optional)