The Crow, The Owl, and the Dove Recruitment [5/7]


Active Member
We already have four players so far; Now I'm just looking for two more! :D

One hundred years ago, the orcs led an attack the old kingdom. Dragons burned down many villages and one sorceress sought to rise above all. She was defeated, but many of the fantastical creatures were driven from their homelands and most became extinct. The humans sought to rebuild society with the remaining creatures and slowly, they rose to where they are today. Elves, shifters, faeries, mermaids, and elementals all living in harmony underneath their new king, Alick Lurus. Wyverns, incubuses, imps, and various other creatures of evil haven't been seen for years, but something in the wind tells everyone a storm is beginning to brew. A new threat is on the rise, one Alick can't bear to fathom.

9 out of 15 positions are available, though if you aren't feeling any of the available positions, you are free to create your own character. We have everything on discord, except for the IC, which will be placed on here.


1. Follow all STC rules and terms of service.
2. Be polite and courteous to your fellow partners!
3. Characters and players must be 18+ only. Please try to be diverse in age.
4. At least one post a week. You may post more, but be mindful of others.
5. This is a mature rp, so expect possible violence and heavy language. Fade to black for sex scenarios to keep things tasteful.
6. One paragraph minimum. Quality over quantity. From another rp site, just an idea of what kind of writing I expect:
Players should be confident in their writing ability and have a thorough understanding of genre, themes, story elements, and character dynamics. You will be expected to take an active role in driving the plot forward without derailing the focus of the game. You may be expected to create and/or control NPCs as necessary. Grammar and spelling mistakes should be few.
7. Just because this is casual rp, doesn't give you cause to be lazy in spelling and grammar. I don't want to notice that the moment I look at your post. Make sure your writing is legible.
8. No power-playing, god-modding, or auto-hitting, unless you are given express permission.
9. Real pictures. Anime and semi-realistic isn't allowed.
10. Maximum of two main characters and two positions.
11. Have fun!

If you're interested, here are the positions:

Kael, Character: An assassin and a pagan, Kael looks for help towards no one. He is a one man band set to achieve a goal of earning justice on his parents' behalf. He caters to a prideful attitude, extreme celibacy, sexist remarks, and is a jerk with a hidden heart of gold. See TV Tropes Classic Anti Hero and Jerk with a Hidden Heart of Gold.
Colleen, Character: Colleen is a bold, independent, and righteous young woman. She has a stable lifestyle and uses her freedom and productivity to help others before herself. Her nature is that of a strong-headed girl with many stories to tell. She wears a pendant composed of one pink pearl and two small white pearls on a silver chain given to her by her mother when she was small. See TV Tropes Spirited Young Lady and Defiant Captive. CLAIMED BY ZEPHYRIA
Alick, Character: Simplistic and reckless to a fault, Alick is anything but a true charmer. Brave and loyal, but somehow managing to get in trouble from time to time. He's a compassionate person from head to toe, but not necessarily. He is currently the King of the mainland. See TV Tropes Prince Charmless and Bitch in Sheep’s Clothing.
Andraste, Character: This Queen Regent will stop at nothing to rule over the mainland. After she failed to poison the previous king, she will stop at nothing to poison the current one. She is a sorcerer whose parents were falsely hung and accused of high treason. A necklet that's been wrapped around her neck for centuries. Inside the delicate, dark purple-black jewel are souls- human souls- which help her retain a youthful and ageless appearance. A break of the fragile jewel and the Queen's hair turns white, her skin wrinkles up, and she is reduced to nothing but bones. See TV Tropes Classic Villain and Affably Evil. CLAIMED BY NEMO(edited)
Edith, Character: Arthur's wife and a talented sorceress, something she has kept secret from her family for decades. She has one child with Arthur named Thomas and works as a spy for Andraste. A unique ability she has is the ability to see through birds eye view and tell the past, present, or future. Soon, she will be faced with the ultimate decision. What is worth saving? Her family or her power? CLAIMED BY CHEWY(edited)
Greagoir, Character: The leader of Blind Bones, a tribe North of the mainland, situated on a small remote island. He is growing tired and weary, but is still physically fit and mentally strong enough to lead for the next couple of years. He is a pagan and does not approve of the injustices new people have done to the Mainland or the politics and views of the Royal family. He seeks peace, however, so does not fight against them.
Macaulay, Character: A King from the neighboring kingdom, hell bent on throwing Alick to the wolves. He is greedy for power and is the kind of person who doesn't take no for an answer. He's sexist and a bit of a charmer with his silver tongue. While there hasn't been any need to call war, there has been tension between him and Alick for a while now that people are starting to worry what will become of the Mainland.
Fand, Character: The healer of Blind Bones tribe. She was taken in by Greagoir at a very young age when her parents were reduced to nothing but ashes by flame beasts, a type of two legged dragon composed of nothing but flames- One of Andraste's small children. She is scared of them immensely, as it brings back the nightmares and anxiety she felt experiencing their immense power. CLAIMED BY NEMO(edited)
Diana, Character: Lady Diana Bellamy is a woman of many secrets and skills. She is placid and quiet, preferring the gardens or library over grand feasts and parties. She's survived many hardships, from enduring the difficulties of arranged marriage to being openly disgraced because of her relationship with a higher noble. There is nothing more she wishes for than freedom from her gilded cage. CLAIMED BY RHEA
Lasair, Character: A talented archer in the Blind Bones tribe and a bit of a tease to the ladies, and perhaps, men as well. He's a jovial sort, knows his way around cooking and basic herbs. He's the son of Greagoir, the tribe leader, and although he doesn't approve of Greagoir's ways sometimes, and Greagoir sometimes doesn't approve of his son, they're bound together like linen and cloth, never to be separated.
Jerald, Character: A pompous knight with long hair. He finds himself particularly attracted to the fair maiden, Diana Bellamy, and often tries to woo her with gifts, trinkets, and various paraphernelia, none of which she has accepted yet. He's got a cocky attitude, enjoys arguing for the sake of arguing, and has a bit of a rough past with Alick, his current king. They are on rocky terrain because of this and Alick makes sure Sir Jerald the Brave knows his place.
Abertha, Character: A knight of Alick's and a mentor to Squire Caddoc, a small boy eager to become a knight. She's trained long and hard to make a name for herself. She was never interested in frilly lace or courtly love and sewing. Abertha went against her family's wishes when she was thirteen and cut off her hair, bound her chest, and became a squire. No one found out her true identity until her time to become a true knight happened. Everyone was shocked, but her hard work paid off and Alick allowed her into service as a knight. She's been with him for more than ten years now.
Emilia, Character: A lady in waiting to Queen Regent Andraste. She believes she knows her lady like the back of her hand, is eloquent in all manners of speech, fluently speaks elvish and orcish, and is generally seen as the most beautiful of Andraste's ladies. Emilia of House Du Perron is confident and graceful, not a woman to be trifle with, and an excellent harpist. She is also King Alick's first cousin, which is one of the reasons why she gets treated specially and another reason why Andraste is interested in using her and manipulating her to further her own agenda. CLAIMED BY APELSIN(edited)
Favian, Character: The Grand Duke of Warde and Macaulay's comical relief, to say the least. Favian has pledged his loyalty to Macaulay's cause and while all the girls find him dashing, he doesn't seem to have a whole lot of luck with them. He is in a secret relationship with one of Macaulay's advisors, Brandon Corbon, something that isn't expressed openly. Favian, however, seems to display quite the affection towards his King. Is that a crush stirring inside? CLAIMED BY APELSIN(edited)
Brandon, Character: This young man is Brandon Corbon, a bit of an awkward melting pot. He's the Duke of Stafford, but he doesn't like being a Duke and all the responsibilities it comes with. Therefore, he seems to spend most of his days drinking and gambling; not exactly healthy for an advisor of Macaulay, but Macaulay doesn't seem to care, so long as he gets his job done and offers him advice when he needs it or wants it.

Tell me what position(s) you'd like to claim and I'll put you down and give you the Discord link! ^^
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