Open The House of Odd


Megalomaniacal Arbiter
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A place where time and space bend it's knee, the house has many things that are inexplicable and dangerous. The house is a hodgepodge of the realms and places of power TMITM has taken over, adding each to his collection, a token of the blight he had spread across the land. Monsters and shadows, hallways that echo and groan. Some come searching for power, some come searching for treasure, some, just for excitement. Legend has it, if you reach the top of the house, great power awaits you...
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TMITM sits at his desk in his study, writing something on a piece of paper. He didn't have to, of course, but it was nice to pretend, sometimes. He finished what he was writing, got up, and looked out the window, opposite his desk. He looked out at his domain, smiling. It was beautiful. Each room, each brick a souvenir of his conquest. And then he felt it. The world, the worlds, he supposed, had shattered by some unknown power. He would love to claim credit for this event, but he couldn't. He would take advantage of it, though.
Oh, yes.
His private domain was open now, to anyone. He was about to erect walls around his domain, or cast it far away where no one would see, but he changed his mind. He would let people visit his masterpiece. After all, where is the fun in a private place when no one can share in it?
Let them come, he thought.
They could get immeasurable power, or death. It would be fun to watch this game.
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Beikelan's Ship flew over the large house, "Is this where you wanted to go?" He asked Blindfold.
"Quick pitstop Dridax!" He shouted to the man in the back seat.
"Oh, and who's this TMITM You keep talking about?" He wondered, pulling out a large weapon, which Dridax called the Suppressor, a marvel of futuristic technology, with glowing neon lines running down the side. Dridax looked smug.
He threw a smaller weapon to Blindfold, The LiteRifle. a smaller, more compact version of the Suppressor, meant for long range.
"Oh." He said bluntly. "Well, won't this be fun?" Dridax straightened up,
"Dri, Can you quickly send a few crawlers to look around?" He asked the man. And with that, several small, spiky creatures began to leave the ship.
Blindfold put down the zero- calorie rifle. "We're not here to fight him. Just to look around. Trust me. You don't want to fight him."
Dridax looked up from his seat. "The Crawlers are dead." He told Beikelan
Beikelan looked at Dridax before saying, "Alright, we're going in."
"Blindfold if he's and dangerous as you say he is, then we can't let him roam free. We imprison him or kill him, simple as."
"No, you won't. You'll die first, trying to save the other guy, and then he'll die. You'll put up a heck of a fight, though."
Beikelan snorted, looking at Dridax,
"How far is the Ship?"
"7832 light years." Dridax told Beikelan.
"So.. A few hours? Okay then, we're gonna blow this house to hell."
He walked out of the ship, beckoning Blindfold, and suddenly, Dridax was encased in his suit of vortex black Armor and weapons.