The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Nintendo Switch

Believe it or not, I had considered a Zelda RP numerous times. Just haven't been willing to take it seriously.

Believe it or not, I had considered a Zelda RP numerous times. Just haven't been willing to take it seriously.

Zelda AUs can be really really fun. One time I was roleplaying with this girl about Link and Vaati having studied together to be in the Royal Guard. Link winds up leading a Rebellion against the corrupt king and Vaati is sent to investigate his village for rebels since he was promoted to head mage. It was really fun.
Current chatter indicates this game is going to release in March for the Switch and Wii U! So excited.

Breath of the wild on the switch looks amazing, i think the switch is am amazing idea! i also saw recently they are making a pokemon game for the switch called pokemon star, it will be the sun and moon version for the swtich i myself grew up playing pokemon so that is awesome to me, but i saw something about skyrim on the switch to... that would be freaking amazing !! if you can play xbox and playstation games on a portable device that would be very cool.
I'm extremely excited to see what Nintendo has in store for us this time around. Here's hoping it's as great as I think it'll be!