Chains of Retribution The Rusty Nail

What men were out there assuming women were hungry? Because Grisham hadn't met many of them in his lifetime. This young woman was clearly... Not well, and very drunk, and he did not have the time for this.

"I was going to order you food? But no, I don't even know what a Scion is. I'm trying to CLEAN the fucking BATHROOM before I pass out from the smell. Because I need a job, fuck off kid, sorry about whatever happened to you. But leave me the hell alone." He growled, backing down and walking right into the bathroom then closing the door in her face and locking itm hopefully by the time he came out, she'd be passed out or gone. Or he would have died from... Germs. Or tetanus.
"Oh, riiiiight. You expect me to believe that?! You don't fool me! That's something s Scion would say, especially to catch a Bloodstone off-guard!" Snarling when he shut the door infront of her face, Aimée slammed her fist into it. Her beast was brewing close to the surface and it was taking the drunk a lot of self-control to keep it at bay.

"Ass!!" She wrenched open the door and still holding the knife stepped inside.

"Oh, fuck... that smell." Biting back bile, she fought to keep from puking all over.

"You have one minute to prove you're not a threat to my Pack before I gut the shit out of you!"
He was expecting some calm and quiet, but this girl was just... Set on fucking up the first job opportunity he had gotten. He liked bars damnit! Even shitty ones. He wanted to help, also, did she and her issues have to get in the way?. He watched her wrench the door open, breaking the lock, and the moment she perked through it he aimed at her face with the extremely dirty mop he was holding and used it to swing at her head.

"I do NOT give a shit about packs right now. LET ME FUCKING CLEAN."
"Oh, ewww!!" Backpeddling as quick as she could to avoid a mop to her face, Aimée ended up tripping over her feet. Grabbing onto the stool to keep from falling, she swore loudly as it toppled over with her momentum. For a few minutes she just sat in absolute confusion as to what happened.

"That was so disgusting... please clean that before you actually mop the floor." Rubbing her face while waiting for the room to stop moving.

Yeah, he wasn't a Scion. They were way above cleaning and the more she thought about it, the more she came to the conclusion they'd probably only come here to burn. Groaning, the very drunk female tried to get up.

"Stop yelling, damn..."
He waited, tense and on guard until it was clear that she wasn't going to swing at him again.

"Stay down if you can't even walk, Aimee..." He said with a sigh. He lowered the mop and went back to cleaning. "I told you I could order you food before you went crazy for a minute. The offer still stands... Or you can nap somewhere until you feel well enough to find your way home." He added, calming down pretty fast as well. He was mostly reacting to what she did, and had only become violent when it had seemed necessary.

And maybe because she had broken the door and he would need to fix that lock as well.
"I can walk, damn it! It's just the floor is being rude and moving around on me. That's different." Putting her knife away, Aimée briefly thought about eating and shook her head, feeling all kinds of ill.

"My parents used to eat... now they're dead." Aimée grumbled and finally got back up to her feet. She didn't move closer to the bathroom and instead snagged a chair. That was less likely to tip on her. Or rather, she was less likely to fall backward with something to rest against.

"Food does sound good though. You planning on working here until it opens again?"
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The floor is being rude? this girl was full of excuses for her poor behaviour, wasn't she?. But she looked like she was in the age for it. So Grisham rolled his eyes and kept mopping the floor in the best way he could. It wouldn't shine, but he'd at least get some of the grime off before he got down and dirty with... the toilets. He was avoiding the inevitable, because it was the main problem. But he was also sure nobody would blame him.

"It's likely. Especially if you keep breaking things for me to fix..." He grumbled, with no real bite behind his words. After taking a glance at her to check she wouldn't fall on her ass or tip off of the chair, he continued with his self inflicted duty.
Having caught his grumbling about the locked door being busted, Aimée snorted in slight amusement. She didn't even know why there was a lock since the bathroom had more than one stall. It seemed dangerous and dumb. So, maybe she did the place a favor by breaking it. Shrugging, she placed her boots on the ground to center herself and huffed as the smell lingered. Worse yet, it was now on her clothing from where she had fallen.

"The lock shouldn't have even been there. It's silly and pointless with multiple stalls. Buuuuuuuuuut, sorry?" She was, more or less but her drunk mind really didn't care. Pushing up off the chair while nearly tipping it backward with her leaning on the back, Aimée squeaked and flicked her hair over her shoulders and turned to face him.

"I can't take the stench anymore, Grishman. How about I give you my number and we can talk more about what's all happened in Lutetia at another date?" Unsure if he was even interested, she hoped he would be. She was lonely and didn't feel judged when around him.
She may be drunk as hell, but she wasn't wrong about it lock. It was... a weird placement for it to say the least.

"Apology accepted... it's fine." He said to her, might as well take it. He wasn't about to keep a grudge against an alcoholized girl when he had been way worse. Still was a lot of the time, just not tonight, by chance.

"Hm... sure, I'll text you when I have free time. Or if you don't want to share a number, there's pictogram. I barely use it but i made an account ages ago." He didn't know if she'd be a user. But most young people used social media nowadays. Be it for work, fun or pleasure. He couldn't blame her for wanting an out. It'd be boring as hell, and uncomfortable to just be there while he cleaned an entire bathroom and what he could of the bar.

He handed her his phone, unlocked. It was a sturdy model with an even sturdier case that looked well taken care of. Not old. She could choose to put her number in, or to go into the Pictogram app and follow herself. He didn't care which one she chose to do.
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Smiling brightly when he accepted her apology, Aimée finally managed to stand up straight. There, that was so much better. Shaking her head to make sure the right side of her face was still covered, the drunk patted the chair before returning her attention back to Grisham.

"Mmm... I think for now I'll just give you my number. My Pictogram is uhh... pretty private." Trailing off, she wondered if she should get a second one for Pack business. Maybe.

"Ooh, your phone is pretty awesome!" Aimée took it and imputed her phone number before handing it back.

"Hasta la pasta!" With that, Aimée headed rather haphazardly out of the Rusty Nail and hailed a cab to get her back home.
He saved her number as whatever she had written in the contact information and got back to what was going to be an extremely busy night. He could tell. He checked the cleaning supplies that were available, since for some reason the cleanliness of this bathroom was personal now. The supplies... Weren't great. So he left for a bit after also checking that what they were going to need most of all were new fucking pipes. PIPES. He almost had to open a hole in the wall before he found a different access that was left there to make fixing these kind of issues easier. Good. Thank god and whoever had fixed pipes in the Rusty Nail before Grisham. He who hadn't done it enough times to feel confident he'd fix the problem and not worsen it. But he also eh... Didn't think it could get MUCH worse.

And so he went shopping for the good industrial shit that was cheaper the more of it you bought. The products that could probably disintegrate flesh, and hopefully would be enough to deal with the grime at the bar. It was... An ordeal, he thanked the local deity again for his enhanced strength and once he returned, for his facemask.

At some point while he wiped, moped, scrubbed, bleached, found cement in pipes, stared at it in disbelief, inserted the new ones and tested how functional they were... His new soon to be boss, or so he hoped, left. He turned off the lights and closed up front, and be just left Grisham inside. At least he left the back door open, the keys were just hanging from the lock on the inside, Huh. This man truly gave no fucks, did he?. He would've questioned it more and harder if he didn't have so much left to do! He was on a roll, on fire, he may have made a pornstar martini or two for himself while he was at it. He didn't just get the bathrooms working, alright? He left the rest of the bar decently clean, found a family of rats in the vents that he promptly vacated. One of them was a bit bitey, but he healed pretty fast.

Evening turned to night, the sun came up and made it's way onto the sky. Grisham was going to nod off under a table (again) if he didn't catch some shut eye. He also desperately needed a shower and a change of clothes. So he closed up from the back at around 12 and went to find a nearby gym or pool he could shower in.

He yawned the entire way to his van, catching dirty looks and sneers. It was fucking rude, mind you, but he was fairly sure he looked like a stinky homeless bum. Then he got there and remembered that for once he was staying at a legit camping where they had facilities he could use. So he did! He did and he congratulated himself, in little whispers, a hundred times. It was probably a short lived delusion from the lack of sleep. He scared the reception staff a little bit when he passed them by, but... yeah, they had probably and hopefully seen worse shit. The shower did wonders, he could literally feel the dirt and grime that HE had accumulated, sliding off of his body. He almost fell asleep in the stall, resting his shoulder against the wall. It was a mistake to do that under the spray of warm water, so he left once he felt clean enough. Squeaky clean enough. He only half heartedly dried his hair with a towel and practically sleep walked to the van. Where he warmed up goopy oatmeal that had been left in the fridge with yogurt and milk overnight. He heated it until it was almost boiling, and ate half of it along with a raw sausage before he fell asleep, towel half on-half off.

When he woke up, he noticed that he had sent a message to Aimee. He didn't remember doing that, at all. But... Well. It was done, and it was harmless. The message was just a picture of the clean bathroom and one picture of a cement filled and corroded pipe. Just that. Nothing else. He'd deal with it later though, because it was half past two and he needed to get going if he was going to be at the bar before opening time. So he got dressed in very clean clothes. Military green cargos, a tank top and a lumberjack red and black shirt with boots. He grabbed the essentials and the keys to the back door, closed up and left. He arrived at the bar at ten to three, and started looking around to check if they had a coffee machine he could inject an overly sweet caffeinated drink into his veins from. The smell of bleach and disinfectant was oddly soothing, and he pushed any mid-clean streak flashbacks that threatened to invade his mind, AWAY.
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When Marcellus arrived in the morning he stood out front of the Rusty Inn searching his coat pocket for the keys. It took more minutes than it should have for him to remember he had left them behind for.... fuck if he knew the guys name. He fully expected to arrive to the place robbed or worse, but he just didn't have it in him to give a shit anymore. The bills had piled up, and the place was going under. He had given up on the place years ago, and it had only gotten worse with neglect. Part of him even hoped this would be the final nail in the coffin. An excuse to walk away without making the willful decision to abandon his father's legacy. An excuse to have the choice taken from him.

He trudged to the back of the building, letting himself in....

Of all the things he expected to find as he stepped across that weather worn threshold, the smell of disinfectant cleaners was not one of them. Any other time, the smell might have been less than pleasant but under the circumstances of what the place had smelled like the day prior it was.... hell it was a breath of fresh spring air.

"Well, I'll be damned," Marcellus said. "I'll be damned."

He was in such a state of shock that he just stood there. He had the look of a drowning man that had just been extended a hand in a world where kindness did not often visit the unfortunate. Shock, awe, and a touch of disbelief and suspicion all mingled into one.
Grisham could see and smell some of the convoluted emotions poor old Marcellus was going through. He watched the man just... Stand there, from where he was behind the bar. He had arrived barely ten minutes ago, poured himself three fingers of some blended, spiced whiskey and downed it in one go. Which he fully intended to pay for later during his shift or after when he counted, if he was the one counting. He was now just hanging out and cleaning the glass he had used. Looking a lot like he belonged there.

"Good day boss, what's left to do before opening time??" He asked with a grin, leaving the now clean glass to the side and leaning on the bar from behind. He looked like he very much belonged there, and it was entirely his intention to be seen that way. He also looked very tired, but proud. A bit like a dog expecting to be told he was a good boy and get some head pats. Maybe even chin scritches.
All the stunned man managed was a grunt of disbelief. He looked towards the bathrooms, the question forming on his lips but he failed to find his voice just yet. He finally cleared his throat and gathered his composure.

"I don't know what you're running from, but this is as good a place as any to do it at," he finally said. "Can't afford to pay you much and the clientele are pretty shitty."

He studied Grisham a moment more, still trying to figure the man's angle. He was likely desperate for a job if he pulled this stunt without even establishing employment or wages. But you don't generally go looking for a job at a place like this if there are other avenues open to you.

"What's your name?" he asked.
He was technically running, but working behind a bar was a position he very much liked. It was interesting, it had access to alcohol and you met all sorts of people. If they came. They' d have to work on that. So people showed up and didn't piss on the goddamned floor. The decor could also use... Help, he was sure. But that was a field he DEFINITELY wasn't well versed in, so he'd leave it be.

"Grisham Raven, can I ask yours or should I call you boss forever?" He asked, straightening up and coming out from behind the bar.

"Ah! Another question first though. Who the hell did you piss off? Because there was cement in your pipes." It was probably good to know the enemies this bar had. Or... Had had, especially if they tried that shit again.
"Marc," he replied.

Grisham's question seemed to amuse Marcellus, and a snorted laugh tinged with disdain was the initial response.

"You'll learn soon enough," he said. "You see, this place is right on the edge of Bloodstone turf. Still expected to pay its dues, but without all the benefits of the downtown businesses. The Iron Jackals have been trying to put this place out of business for months. Used to be the Bloodstone's where enough of a deterrent, but not lately. A few other businesses around here have closed up shop recently. The less revenue being generated out this way, the less valuable it will be to the Bloodstone's, and the more easily it will become contested."

He sighed and made his way to the bar to pour himself a drink. The weariness was beginning to push through the shock of his arrival.
Bloodstone turf, that girl Aimee had mentioned being part of that group. Hadn't she? He was pretty sure she had mentioned it. Still founded awfully déjà vu-y for some reason that he couldn't figure out. And it wasn't a priority.

"Are they wolves? The Iron Jackals. If they aren't, I'll be able to guard your pipes well enough, Marc." He said, watching him as he made himself a drink. Just to see what he'd choose to drink. He was his boss after all, better to know what he valued. "And maybe I can also go back at the Bloodstones so they either throw us a bone, or give us some sort of discount if they won't keep other jackalasses out of here." He offered, coming closer to the bar and leaning against it but leaving Marc his space. He should text Aimee, tell her to bring her friends or something.
"Wolves?" Marcellus asked. "No, just your run of the mill humans."

He picked up a bottle of a locally distilled brandy and looked at it before returning it to its place. His expression turned sour at Grisham's suggestion.

"Don't you go fucking around with the Bloodstones," Marcellus warned him. "We open in an hour, I'm going to go get some coffee going in the back."
Well good, at least he would be able to keep them at bay for a while if they were human. Or so Grisham hoped. He had no pack at all to back himself up. And he wasn't particularly imposing at first. But that could be arranged.

"M not gonna fuck around, just say Hi, remember we exist! Or something of the sort." Probably less nicely worded. But this was 2024, not some flowery regency court. He nodded when the man mentioned coffee.

"Kay! I'll ready the rest over here. Just let me know, anything you need me to do!" He said, looking around the place with a soft hum and nothing things that might help. He did have plenty to learn from Marc. But shit like having the menu in QR form would help plenty nowadays. Just like that, it was his first second day working at the Rusty Nail.
Teeth. So many teeth.

Jasper's hybrid wolf form towered over Marie, larger in memory than in reality. Spittle dripped from his teeth down onto her broken arm as she jabbed it down his gullet, depositing the red orb within. Suddenly Jasper wasn't the scary wolf anymore. He was just Jasper Moore, a young man, probably barely more than 18. Fear tinged his eyes and before her very eyes he became a red mist.

Marie Palisade was on autopilot, jogging through the streets of Vargeras, and after that vivid scene came to a close she realized she was dangerously close to Bloodstone turf.

And sick. Very sick.

She ducked into an alley and deposited her lunch there, reflecting on her reverie. It wasn't the actual course of events, of course. She hadn't actually seen Jasper's face until the operation postmortem debriefing in the hospital the next day. The lieutenant had provided her with a dossier on the young man. The mugshot hung in her head and wormed its way into her visions, riddling her with guilt for her actions.

It had been self-defense, of course. No one doubted that. She saved at least 4 lives that day, her bosses said, even as they provided her with discharge paperwork. Fucking liability to the force, eh? A hero and a liability, all wrapped up into a neurotic ball of regret.

As she walked away from the pile that had once been in her stomach, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and took a look around. She was in the alley beside an establishment, The Rusty Nail. Hopefully they serve food, she thought as she pushed the door open and was hit with the strong smell of cleaning products lingering in the air. She approached the bar in her sweat-soaked tee-shirt and yoga pants and sat at a stool. Behind the bar was an older gentleman, head and shoulders taller than she was, his back turned. His hair was completely grey and he was dressed in forest camouflage for some reason.

She shrugged and looked at a couple of the morose faces around the building before getting the barkeep's attention. "Excuse me. Do you serve food here?"