The Truth Comes Out


Flying Chimpanzee
It was a pretty clear night for Toronto. The stars could be seen clearly through the blue sky. The moon shone clearly through the sky, an eerie full moon.The traffic was stilling to almost nothing. Parties were winding down and apartment lights were getting turned off.
Snow covered the grass and the rooftops like a blanket. By midnight, clouds started to fill the sky and soft flakes started to fall. By midnight, it was -20 degrees Celsius and any animal still awake and had not migrated had darted to its house for the night. By midnight, she came home.
A motorcycle could be heard roaring up the street. The female driver rode up to a particular building then came to a screeching halt. She shivered from the cold and then took off her helmet and shook her bright red hair out.
Her name was Denise Cornsway.
She was 17, popular and perfect. She had no physical flaw on any part of her body, and she was rumoured to be a goddess. Her face was freckled, but perfectly sculpted, having no centimetre of fat hanging from it.
However, she wasn’t skinny. She was actually a pretty curvy and desirable girl. Denise was known for her rebellious personality and the large amounts of black she wore.
Nobody knew about her life at home.
Nobody knew how broken her family was.
Nobody knew the amount of fakeness there was to that smile.
Nobody knew how far she had fallen.
She started walking up the stairs towards the door. Her hand rested on the handle and she hesitated. Her thoughts ran through all the possibilities of what her mother would say—no, would do—when she walked in so late. No doubt that her younger sister was worried sick.
Denise wasn’t perfect.
She still made mistakes like every other human being.
If you had actually taken the time to look at her eyes that night, you would see agony twinkling in her amber eyes. She wasn’t shivering from the cold, she was shaking with fear, and the water on her cheeks wasn’t from the snow. She was genuinely upset and she had every right to be upset.
She was 17, popular and pregnant.


I found this when I was digging through my Drive today. Probably will never continue it because I have no idea what my last thought was when I wrote it. But you never knowwww... ^.^