The Wrath of the Nexus

The Oracle

Prophet Leader
This is my a tech/magic RP based on a concept of a world that I came up with. This is my first attempt to create a Roleplay here, so if I messed up somewhere, please let me know.
Without further ado, Ima start.

You find yourself in a dark room... you are sitting at a large table, with many people sitting around it, but you cannot recognize them. At the end of the table, a man with just enough light from the crystal ball on the table in front of him to make out his top hat and suit.
"I have gathered you all here to inform you of a threat to everyone and everything: The Nexus. You have been taught that there are only 5 soul types: Bulks, Rapids, Irons, Mechas, and Nons, and that they lived in tranquility until they found each other, but they broke into war. Well... that's not entirely true. The real ones who ravaged the land were the Nexus. They had all the strengths of the others: The power of Bulks, the speed of Rapids, the durability of Irons, and the intellect of Mechas. Nons don't really specialize in anything... They brought the land into war, chaos, and destruction(A war appears in the crystal ball). Eventually, due to our sheer numbers, we won, but they are still alive. They are still alive, just small in numbers. And the few that exist are strong. Your first objective is Saeculantru(A massive crystal-filled cave appears in the crystal ball).You need to strengthen yourselves, and when you're ready, join together and go to Saeculantru, and challenge the being that lurks within. I will give you your next objective once you beat it. I don't have any more time, but I trust in your abilities.
Good luck.
You wake up.
It was all a dream, but an intriguing one.
You aren't some champion hero...
Do you answer the call?

Application format
Format for making characters.
Race: (I encourage making your own, but I'll make a list of preset races)
Special abilities: (Start with three)

Soul type: (Bulk=Strong, Rapid=Quick, Iron=Durable, Mecha=Smart, Non=a little good at everything.)
Morality: (Scale of 1-10)
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So... What is this RP about? Is this a RP where our characters fight one another or is it more SoL? Also, care to give extra info about Soul type and Morality?
Ok. sorry for bad explanation. gonna edit after post unless I get busy. Morality is how evil/good, Soul Type is more or less your strength.