Tips and Knowledge for someone new to RP


Active Member
I'm rather new to all of this, so if there is any pointers and things you may have learned starting out that you could pass on?
Hmm well I could not think to say its a tip more as a thought from some one who has roll played across many types buuut if you don't mind allowing me to humor you ..!

When it comes to rping the single most experience I come across is how new players have a hard time acting as their own characters in that they normally don't have some pre-thoughts before hand to flesh out that character, they often act more themselves than that of their character making it kinda awkward at the start till they kinda hit their groove. I dare say the hardest thing for new folks in the rp world is to remove themselves and think in act in omission of self in place of that of their characters. More or less is to define the rules of your own character and to follow them with breaking them being something of a heavy plot point, a good way to define these rules is to play out random encounters inside your head.

But eh maybe that's just me!
Hmm well I could not think to say its a tip more as a thought from some one who has roll played across many types buuut if you don't mind allowing me to humor you ..!

When it comes to rping the single most experience I come across is how new players have a hard time acting as their own characters in that they normally don't have some pre-thoughts before hand to flesh out that character, they often act more themselves than that of their character making it kinda awkward at the start till they kinda hit their groove. I dare say the hardest thing for new folks in the rp world is to remove themselves and think in act in omission of self in place of that of their characters. More or less is to define the rules of your own character and to follow them with breaking them being something of a heavy plot point, a good way to define these rules is to play out random encounters inside your head.

But eh maybe that's just me!
that helps me more than you think, especially now that im gonna try to start doing rp with others, ill keep what you said to heart for sure, even if a character is about to do something that i disagree with i cant change, like meta playing in d&d which im a bit more
familiar with
that helps me more than you think, especially now that im gonna try to start doing rp with others, ill keep what you said to heart for sure, even if a character is about to do something that i disagree with i cant change, like meta playing in d&d which im a bit more
familiar with

Well happy i could be of help, if you need an idea on how to start building a character i could share how i go about it but it is kinda...hrmmm how to say simple but grows in complexion fast
im always willing to learn, and i Could use help building a character, im just not used to writing detailed paragraphs on their descriptors, i have a general idea what i want but typing it out into a full fledged character is somewhat daunting
I tend to have two steps Before the general Bio sheet would be made--

First is to lay out the foundation of the world this character will be in and outline pressures of this world this can be anything to magic, high technology, war, culture and general environment. You must handle these elements as things you Cant control and as such should always be kept in mind when creating your character and how they would change his/her nature in relation to how they would handle it.

mm but here is where it gets fun or at least for me, now in your head you have the vision of your character but not really anything you have thought out right? or maybe you know only that you want to make a new character and don't know where to start. Well silly as it may sound I Rp to make Rp characters lol...With the following being the start of it:

BANG! a loud sound reverberates filling the air with its perverting of the peace, turning you see some one running and another person coil in pain, how does your character react?

Do they Whip around seeing and in quick judgement understand it was some sort of an attack and the person fleeing must be some sorta ne'er do well and you give chase?

Turn around? you just heard a loud sound that was clearly something bad, something violent, spook level peeking and its got you fleeting.

Maybe your character doesn't even react to the sound, just laze their gaze to the general face of the sound and silently think "some one got shot...heh.." and go about your day? maybe you turn and see the person on the floor bleeding out only to squat down and turn his pockets out and take his jacket if it doesnt have to much blood on it, Hell maybe you just get all foggy eyed at the idea of dispatching judgment on the person running away or get all hot and bother about "free zombie" encounter woo!

Get that single aspect of personalty from that kind of mini rp you can endlessly branch out with that character, they react in one way or another think up a back story, why did they do what they did? have they some sorted past or maybe haunted by their regrets. have some hate for crime or dis-love of those who think themselves the law. you can think up and add to stories about this character and whats made them into the person they are and from this mental part of them you can start to dress them physically.
If your character is a law bitter who chases after the bad guy or a loving soul that tries to heal the victim you then only fall back to what you had done before, what is the reality that has been defined for you? what do law-enforcement use? what colors have them on their coats. maybe the culture views one shade or hue good or bad due to the mythos of history, just maybe some horrid character in history had some sorta facial hair or clothing style and it would be forevermore stained with the hate or love that person brought into the world.

All this allows you to make up a character that is colorful and life like while always allowing you to change a few things around to better suit your needs or those of the rp, dressing them while being able to give them a flair to make them stand out that fits in with the reality, or stand out horridly so if your character is as such.

As you do this you gain factoids about your own character that you can sum up for a bio sheet as well as the "character rules" you should never break less demean your own creation....within reason..mind you. This is how I go about things, once its all said and done give em a spin in an rp, maybe a tweak there or here. heheh
I think what I learned from playing and from listening to other plays complain is... your character cannot be perfect. It is always more interesting to interact with a character who is flawed in more way than one. That's not to say they can't be skilled or have talents; they just can't be good at everything and certainly shouldn't be the Most Amazing Person at whatever something is, particularly without practice.

If you're character is going to try lock picking for the first time, they're going to fail. Now, if they've been picking locks for several years, they might have an easier time or they might be considered an expert at this point.

Also, the loner-I-Can-Do-it-on-My-Own type is done a lot, which in itself isn't a problem. But people want to play the loner who doesn't like people and doesn't interact with anyone and then is upset when no one interacts with their character. If you want to have a loner type character, there has to be a reason for them to interact with the people around them (so others can interact with them as well) whether they are forced or the only way to solve a conflict/save the world, etc is to interact with other people in somehow. Don't expect people to just flock to you.

Ummm, you may think your character is pretty and they may have an overall generally pleasing aesthetic but not everyone is going to view your character the same way. People come in all shapes, sizes, colors, etc. and that means that people also enjoy all different sizes, shapes, colors, etc. Let other characters come to their own conclusions about how they feel about your character--don't force it.

I suppose that's all the advice I have. Most of what you will learn and what works for you comes from practice and an open mind that you can always, always learn something. Every role play experience I've had has been a learning experience and I will continue to improve the more I role play and the different people I interact with. You will grow as a writer/player the more you practice. :)
thank you all for your help and tips, i enjoy re-reading them when im writing so i can make sure my stuff is as fun to write as it is to read for others