
My new phone's autocaress is horrid
It's easy. Post a tongue twister you know, whether you heard it somewhere else, or designed it yourself.

1. Please don't cheat by googling, if you can't think of a new one, make one up.
2. No reposting. This is a creative writing/rpg site, correct? (if I'm wrong, I'll edit this)
3. If you can't say the previous twister 5 times fast, admit it. Then make them try one that's more difficult.

I'll get this started.

Pad kid poured curd pulled cod.

"Irish wrist-watch"

Say it 5 times fast c:
(This one twists the first one posted by randium.. if you think it's 'reposting' I'll come up with another one. Also, great tongue twisters so far.)
Shawn and Sarah sell shooting stars and sea shells for shillings by the sea shore.
AngelicDemon demonstratively demanded demonically demented dyslexically death-dealing skullduggery.
Awww, that was soo nice of you to say. Thanks.
Sally shines shoes, she shines where she sits and she sits where she shines.
unless sally also poops alot....I failed.

Thith thing thays tho the thright this thonster teases (the trick is you say enough in lisp that you keep it and momentum)
Two witches watch two watches- which witch watch which watch? (It's more confusing when you say it because of the homonyms)
That was too easy for me, because I memorized and perfected this clusterfuck of a tongue twister that I made up five years ago. At first it doesn't make sense, but if you slow down and dissect each little section it will. It has to do with "wish witches" bewitching each other with "witch wishes". I don't mean to one up you with your own tongue twister, and if it took you a while to think of this one, just remember that it took me about a month of perfecting this one for this result.

Which wish witch bewitched which wish witch to wish which witch wish in which which wish witch cannot bewitch.

(If you can say this one time fast, without looking at the tongue twister, pm me for my ultimate tongue twister.)
didit. no more please.

Will smith the smith wills lilith to smith will smith. Will will smith smith will smith? Yes will smith will smith will smith. (this is less of a twister and more of a cool play on words)