Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Van Leugen: The Nummens


Draconic Administrator/Mentor
Nexus GM
as written by Calcos

The muffled churning of the rotors atop the helicopter could be heard from within the cargo area, where Samedi and two Skull Society enforcers sat, watching as the man opposite them squirmed awake, a black cloth sack shrouding his visage and masking his own vision as well. Lance Jones panicked as he realized his limbs were bound, having just awoken from a rather pleasant butt stock-induced dream.

"The fuck is this?!" he shouted, "C'mon man, this ain't funny! You know who you fuckin' with? Huh? Do you kno-" "You would do well to realize who you are speaking to, Lance Jones!" The street thug's barking was silenced as soon as Samedi's own thunderous voice commanded their surroundings, once again rendering all quiet save the rotors chopping away at the air outside.

"S-Samedi..." Lance uttered, his voice small now, he himself wishing to match its size. "L-l-look, Mr. Samedi. Whatever I did, I can make up for it. If I wronged you, I can make it right. Whatever I owe you, I can repay it."

Samedi nodded. "You are correct," he said, unsmiling and staring hatred into the gangster's figure, snapping his fingers at one of the guards seated opposite him, who immediately removed the black bag covering Jones' face. The thug blinked rapidly, his eyes settling on Samedi, wide in horror.

"You owe me a life, Jones, and I'm collecting the debt."

The door to the helicopter was opened, and Lance was grabbed by two of the enforcers and made to look down at what awaited him below:

A smokestack, belonging to one of the many factories in the Nummens. He shook his head, struggling in his bonds to no avail. "You can't do this man! Please! You can't do this!"

Samedi cocked an eyebrow as Lance pleaded for his life. "But that's where you're wrong, Lance. In my city, I can do whatever I want..." he paused, allowing that fact to sink in before the urchin met his end.

"...including exact revenge for my son." With a wave of his hand, Samedi ordered Lance's immediate termination. The enforcers nodded, planting their boots into his back and shoving him from the edge of the helicopter's interior, watching him plummet several hundreds of feet down on a collision course with the steaming pillar below.

The last thing Samedi heard before the doors closed were the sweet, satisfying shrieks of pure, unadulterated terror.
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as written by Calcos

She awoke in the groggiest of states into an late Van Leugen Sunday morning; the sun bled through the blinds and into the bedroom as she groaned herself awake, rubbing her eyes gently in order to invoke some semblance of energy that she needed to muster to make herself sit up.

Pressing her back to the headboard, she looked to her right to see the image of Cassandra, bundled up in the snow-white sheets, sleeping peacefully without a care in the world as she continued to exist within her own little dream land. The two girls had been dating for going on two years now, and Misty felt it was one of the better decisions of her life; Cassandra was stable, for the most part, funny and easy to talk to, and a witch to boot, just like Misty herself. She was also the closest thing Misty had to another copy of herself, despite Cassandra being a white girl of Norwegian descent.

The girl smiled as she looked over at the dormant angel beside her before turning her attention to the nightstand beside the bed, opening a drawer and producing an ornately-colored glass pipe, as well as a bag of some of the finest marijuana sold on the Van Leugen streets (this particular strain was known by the local cannabis connoisseurs as "Magic Fire"). She set to work packing the bowl, the strong and musky scent of the ground-up herb filling the room instantly.

She lit the patch of green with a spark from her fingertips, igniting to life the contents of the pipe and filling the room with the odorous smoke. She didn't cough as she took a few hits, looking over at Cassandra's rousing form as she exhaled the milky cloud like a dragon's fumes. The blonde looked over at her partner, a smile forming at her lips.

"You're gonna wake n' bake without me? Rude." She sat up slowly, looking to Misty expectantly as the other girl gave a smile and mock-reluctantly passed over the pipe for her girlfriend to partake in. Cassandra wasn't as adept at maintaining her coughing fits, the smoke filling her lungs a bit too much to bear as it erupted from her chest in whooping bursts before she passed the bitter substance back to Misty.

She then leaned over to deliver a kiss to Misty's right cheek. "What's the plan for today?" she asked quite blearily, the buzz already starting to take hold. Misty smiled as she patted Cassandra's hand. "I've got some friends I gotta talk to today. Something about a new job opportunity. Big payday." Cassandra nodded, her eyelids half-closed, the thought of turning back over and sleeping through the morning becoming more and more appealing the longer she mulled it over.

"Who's the target?" she asked. Misty took another draw of the pipe, the smoke billowing out and creating an image of a serpent wrapping itself around a tree branch: a product of Misty's magical abilities. "Some rich asshole with a loaded bank account. The hack should be smooth, if all goes according to plan. He's supposed to have wicked security measures in place, but I'm sure I can handle it."

Cassandra nodded, "I have the utmost confidence in you, babe," she said sincerely. She reached out, gently taking the pipe away and having her last intake of the pungent plant, coughing a bit less abruptly this time as she released the cloud into the air, it taking the shape of a dancing monkey on a high wire.

Misty leaned in for a peck on the lips, before practically throwing herself out of bed, making her way to the dresser to gather some clothes for the day. Cassandra whistled at her half-naked figure, with Misty offering a rigid middle finger and a smile in response. The blonde-headed girl rolled back over, groaning as the reality of needing to go out into the world settled in. "Come on Cass, you've got shit to do, too."

Cassandra offered her own middle finger in retaliation to Misty's words before reluctantly pulling herself from the warm embrace of the blankets. "It's gonna be a long day..."

Misty chuckled. "Yeah."
as written by Saarai and Krysis

The machinery was loud, but not loud enough to wake up Lars as he slept in the supervisor's office of the factory he hid in. The supervisor had left not long before, Lars taking the time to hijack his office until the next one came in for the morning shift.

Footsteps inched closer and closer to the office, the door slowly opening up. Lars snapped awake, pistol in hand and aimed at the intruder, "Oh. You." He said, lowering his weapon.

"Yeah. Me." A man said, closing the door. "Sergeant Grier, Terran Armed Forces. Marine." The man said to Lars, "Nice to officially meet you." Lars said to the man, "Is it done?" He asked.

Grier nodded, "Yeah. She's safe." He answered, "Now, about business?"


Safe. What a relative term that is. Minerva thought, almost invisible where she laid on the roof of the factory Lars was in. Her tracking glob on his sleeve had lead her there, and she had rested while Lars slept. A little hole in the ceiling of the office, plugged with crystalline quartz vibrated the sound of the machines up to her where she laid with her ear to the stone she had made so that she could hear him if he got to work or had a meeting. It also kept the lights from outside from shining into the office and calling attention to her modification.

There was a faint hissing sound as she went from 'resting state' of a vague human shaped pile of sand, to her more common and more thoroughly human looking 'active state', but with the sound of the machines, she was pretty sure the two men wouldn't hear it.


"The Aschen are on-planet. My sister called me while I was leaving the hospital." Lars told Grier, "Are you sure?" He asked, "I heard the Aschen weapon going off before I got out. They're making moves." Lars said, Grier taking a seat across from him.

"You're not telling me out of the kindness of your heart. You're not trying to save any lives." Grier said to Lars, leaning back in his seat. "I want them to pay. One of them, I think, approached my sister. Threatened her with a bomb." Lars informed Grier, "This is revenge?" Grier asked.

Lars nodded, folding his arms over his chest.

"Why tell me?" Grier asked the man, "I need all the help I can get. My employer has resources I can use as well." Lars said, "I'm still MIA, and soon to be a known terrorist. I won't be much help." Grier admitted.

"You have contacts. Use them."


"Minerva..." A familiar voice whispered to the sand witch, "Minerva..." It whispered again, "Sabine needs you. Sabine will seek you out. Enjoy your stay in Van Leugen. No need to chase him anymore." Sabine's voice told Minnie.

"Change. The situation has changed."


"I sleep." Minerva answered Sabine, then sailed away from the factory roof as a cloud of dirt on the wind.

Somewhere, probably in a park, there would be a new statue later that day. Sandstone, apparently cut by the wind into a swirled shape, just placed neatly on a grassy plot, while Minerva let her mind fully disengage.


"Here we are." Godfrey said, nudging Lalita to wake her up as he pulled into the factory's parking lot. Workers were gathered outside as well as a few police cars. Something had happened. Chemo didn't tell him much on the phone, just that things had to be kept quiet.

"Yeah..." Godfrey muttered, "Here we are..."


Lalita had slept as long as Godfrey let her. Swaying in the embrace of the seat belt with every turn and looking very young without the faint, worried line between her eyebrows, she had given herself up to oblivion without a second thought.

It wasn't like he could hurt her, after all. Even if he did manage to wreck, which she thought was terribly unlikely, Lali would be just fine. Probably would wind up rescuing anyone else in trouble in that case.

Her shoulder was hot under Godfrey's hand, as if she had a slight fever... or was just hotter than the average girl. She woke silently, looking up at Godfrey, then stretching and looking outside of the hearse at the scene before them. "What--? Sorry. No questions. Let's find Chemo, eh?"


"This might be something to ask about..." Godfrey told Lalita as he climbed out of the hearse. "Gonna need you to move your car, sir." A police officer told Godfrey, "I'm supposed to be here." He told him, digging his ID out of a pocket to show the cop.

"Invictus? Okay, head in. They're in the supervisor's office, not hard to find." The officer told Godfrey, "Come on." Godfrey said to Lalita, gesturing for her to follow as he made his way towards the factory entrance.


Lalita obediently followed, but she kept her ears and eyes open on the way to the supervisor's office. A body? Well, not much she could do about that. If it had been a fire, or someone stuck in a dangerous place, rescuing was well within her abilities.

Once they were already dead... Well, she specifically Didn't want to have anything to do with souls. Just in case it turned out she had a taste for it or something.


Police officers pointed the two to where they needed to be, and the supervisor's office eventually coming into view over the factory floor. Godfrey headed up the staircase that led up to it, pausing at the top to remind Lalita of one thing.

"No questions." He told her before continuing to the office.

Chemo stood inside over the body of the dead supervisor, looking up at Godfrey once he made it. "Sorry we had to meet like this." He said to the older man.

Chemo was a fit Hispanic man, despite inching closer to his 30s he was still very youthful in appearance. His hair was cut down close to his skull, but left enough that it wasn't quite shaven.

Near him stood Sabine, a strange looking woman who wore a dirty black trenchcoat and black makeup over her eyes like a mask. She was out of place with her stoic expression and literally dirty blonde hair.

She was their specialist in this case.


Lalita nodded at the reminder, folding her arms against her middle and her wings tight to her back so she wouldn't brush up against anything and get yelled at. She gave Godfrey an uncertain smile though, not wanting to seem too happy about being at a crime scene.

The tiefling couldn't help a gasp of recognition when she saw Sabine, though her hand leaped to cover her mouth rather than comment. It was a shock to again lay eyes on the strange woman that had walked in front of her truck back in Westeria. She was the reason Lalita stopped so abruptly back then, and ended up following the convoy in the first place.

Even such a happy-go-lucky girl could not discount the feel of design to the situation. The design of the strange woman with mask-like make-up? Or... something much much worse? The fire-touched girl shuddered then, as if an ice cube slide down her spine.


"What... happened?" Godfrey asked, averting his eyes away from the corpse. "Sabine lead us to that kid. The one you-know-who employs. We got here after he, or someone else, was discovered by the supervisor. They killed him." Chemo told Godfrey.

"The tainted soldier." Sabine said, "What?" Chemo asked, "Sabine will find him. Don't worry." She answered, walking off towards the supervisor's desk. She stared down at it, almost as if looking for something.

Chemo turned his attention to Lalita, "What is it you can do?" He asked her, "I mean, what skills do you have? We can train you, but I like people who can bring their own skillset and make this easier on me." He told her, kneeling down beside the body.

"Sabine will send a friend."

"Ignore her." Chemo said to Lalita.


"Umm. I've got a more physical skill set, I guess?" Lalita answered as she squatted near Chemo. "I mean, in this situation, I'm probably not much help, unless you need me to walk through a furnace or pick up something heavy." She didn't want to mention her talents with firearms while the cops were still close enough to overhear. That was also something unlikely to be useful in that situation.

She gave Sabine a wary look before she shrugged and added quietly, "I can sometimes tell if the deceased was a bad person or not, but it usually isn't useful. And sometimes a person will carry guilt that is not their own, which makes such a reading inaccurate.". Lali tilted her hat down a bit to shadow her face with that, hunching her shoulders and her little wings as if she found such an admission very uncomfortable. It was just another sign of how not-human she was, though she tried very hard to not let it bother her most of the time.

"I can glide, if there is something high up that you need fetched quickly. Or tell you anything you want to know about agriculture, crops, livestock, or combustion engine repair." That was more comfortable though, and admitting she was a farmer seemed to relax the strange girl, just a little.


"A farmer's daughter?" Chemo asked, Maybe I should put you on some hippy assignment down in Arthegia. Teach some locals how to grow food that some banana republic is going to come steal anyways." He continued, "That was a little cynical, I had a long few days."The Canadian mercenary said, "Looks like we'll need to train you. Stick with Godfrey until I finish this and get some paperwork to you."

"Sabine can use this one. Expose the liar." Sabine said to Chemo, "No paperwork. Just work." She continued. Chemo raised an eyebrow, contemplating something from what Sabine said.

He looked to Lalita, "Undercover. She wants to send you undercover. I think it's a good idea, but not for you. It's dangerous." Chemo told Lali, "Robert, don't." Godfrey said.

"It's her choice, Sam. How do you feel about danger, Lalita?


"I'm pretty indestructible" Lalita admitted as she gave Sabine a curious look. If fate's hand was resting this heavily, perhaps it was better to not struggle against it. Standing up then, she turned to face the dirty blonde.

"But I'm also not so clever, and kinda obvious. And memorable." Lalita pointed out, stretching out her little wings to their full five foot span from wingtip to wingtip. The dark rust and black feathers shivered and rustled before she refolded them close to her back after only a few seconds of having them stretched out.

"You're sure I'm the one to send?"


"Far from it, but my own people will be seen from a mile away. The only connection you have to us is all of us in this room." Chemo informed Lalita, "Robert, seriously, you can find someone else. Don't throw this girl to the wolves, I'm not joking." Godfrey interjected. Things were getting tense, Chemo clearly had a mission that needed to be completed and was willing to use any means. Godfrey was the bleeding heart in the room, he was a wizard, an adventurer.

Espionage, conspiracies and gun battles weren't his thing and he wasn't willing to let Lalita be sucked into it.

"Sabine will guide the little sheep. Make her a wolf." Sabine said, her way of reassuring Lalita.


"It's okay, Godfrey. Really. I'd rather do this than teach people how to grow crops in a desert. Farming is boring and frustrating work, and I've never met a farmer that didn't look at me askance just because how I look. Besides, if this guy is as dangerous as you think I kinda am the right person to send. He can empty a clip into me and it might knock me down, if he is lucky." Lalita reached out to pat the wizard's shoulder reassuringly and carefully, barely touching him. She knew her own strength, but it was better not to press her luck.

Then she turned to Sabine and Chemo again, "SO how do I start. You wanna chase me out of here, just in case he is keeping an eye on this crime scene? My truck is still back by the obelisk thingie, so I'd end up walking back that way."


"No need, our target is running from us. Unfortunately for him we have Sabine." Chemo told Lalita, "She's a sage." Godfrey explained, "One of the more powerful ones ever documented. She can see the past, future and present. All of them." He continued.

"And she sees the tainted soldier." Sabine said, "He is the key." Sabine imitated the sound of a door unlocking, her onomatopoeia confusing Chemo. "Anyways, I need you to take her to the LB's clubhouse, Sam. I'll be there to brief soon." Chemo said to Godfrey, "Make sure you change into something more criminal. The LBs will help."


"LB?" Lalita asked curiously, then clapped her hand over her mouth, "Sorry! No questions. I forgot."

She pulled off her wide-brimmed leather hat then and offered it to Sabine. "Give it a good home with someone in case I don't come back this way, okay? Stupid and sentimental, but it belonged to Pops and I don't want to loose it where some dirtbag will pick it up. It belongs with an honorable person."

In her torn t-shirt, the back a series of slots so she had a place to stick her wings and the front not exactly pristine, and the ragged old jeans with fresh stains, Lalita probably did already look disreputable enough to suit as a criminal, or at least as a refugee that might be forced to criminal behavior. So she didn't think that instruction was meant for her. Without the hat, she didn't look as 'country' as she had, either.
as written by Calcos

"LB?" Lalita asked curiously, then clapped her hand over her mouth, "Sorry! No questions. I forgot."

She pulled off her wide-brimmed leather hat then and offered it to Sabine. "Give it a good home with someone in case I don't come back this way, okay? Stupid and sentimental, but it belonged to Pops and I don't want to loose it where some dirtbag will pick it up. It belongs with an honorable person."

In her torn t-shirt, the back a series of slots so she had a place to stick her wings and the front not exactly pristine, and the ragged old jeans with fresh stains, Lalita probably did already look disreputable enough to suit as a criminal, or at least as a refugee that might be forced to criminal behavior. So she didn't think that instruction was meant for her. Without the hat, she didn't look as 'country' as she had, either.
as written by Saarai

"The Lost Breed, a biker gang based out of Westeria originally, but they moved to Van Leugen after everything went to hell." Godfrey explained to Lalita, "That's a question you can ask." He added.

Sabine looked over Lalita's hat, giving the winged woman a nod. "Sabine will keep it safe, and you." Sabine said to Lalita, "We should get going. Let them finish up here." Godfrey suggested.
as written by Krysis

Of course, Lalita had another reason for giving Sabine custody of her hat. Most psychics that she had met needed a personal object to keep track of a person. Maybe Sabine didn't need an object, but it probably made her job easier.

The tiefling grinned at them all as she headed out, making sure she didn't step on any visible evidence. As she passed out of the sight of Sabine and Chemo, she gave a cheerful wave, though she would pause to wait for Godfrey before she went too far. She assumed that he meant for her to head for the hearse, but maybe he had something to discuss with the other two without her listening in.

She really had nothing more to add, since it seemed like her job had been decided.
as written by Saarai

"Robert, we'll talk more about this later." Godfrey said to Chemo before following Lalita out, "Welcome to my world." He said to her, "The Invictus straddle a line between Samaritan and spy these days. More than I like." He continued.

"The Lost Breed are nice. For bikers, at least. So, don't be worried when you meet them."
as written by Krysis

Lalita smiled and shrugged as she walked with Godfrey, "I'm just happy to have something to do. Something that I can belong to. I like people, but sometimes it is hard to get them to see past my oddities."

"So what is the deal with this Lost Breed group? Are they werewolves or something?" Her step had a spring to it as she seemed to have a hard time hiding a grin. After all, the circumstances of the location were grim and she was trying not to upset the cops with her joy.

About the time that they were nearing the hearse, it hit her that the question of morality didn't bother her. That realization made her pause for a moment, and then wear a more somber expression. Yet another sign of loosing her humanity had become obvious to the infernal-touched female.
as written by Saarai

"Werewolves, humans, witches. They're a colorful bunch." Godfrey told Lalita, "And... they're deal is that one of the Invictus leaders' brother is the president of the Lost Breed." Godfrey added, "They keep us privy to what's going on in the criminal world."

The magician waved a hand at his hearse, the doors opening to allow him and Lalita inside. "I hope you're up to this. It could get really... uh... dire."
as written by Krysis and Saarai

"Dire? How so? Bikers tend to be involved in drugs and violence, right? Not worried" Lalita had to smile at the thought of anyone trying to force her to do anything she didn't want to do. She reached out to touch Godfrey's arm lightly, trying to reassure him before she would climb back into the hearse.

"Or were you referring to the other part? Or something else?" Lali was curious, and since they were out of the warehouse, she had plenty of questions that she felt free to ask.


Godfrey pulled the hearse away from the crime scene, turning his head slightly to avoid a cameraman looking for a shot. "The other part. This man the Invictus is tracking is very dangerous and involved with dangerous people." Godfrey told the woman, "More dangerous than criminals and bikers."

"And more powerful if what we heard is true."


Lalita thought about it for a few moments, turned towards Godfrey and unaware of anyone trying to photo them. The inky river of her hair might not be uncommon, but the dark rust-colored wings were pretty distinctive. She had learned years before that the more she tried to avoid being seen, the more photographers seemed to pursue her.

"Well, then, getting them off the streets and away from innocent people seems like the right thing to do." the female pointed out as she buckled her seat belt and smiled at her guide.

She made a careless gesture with one hand then, adding, "Besides, if I was willing to go flying around inside that obelisk thing to rescue a stranger, do you really think I'd balk at-- Well... anything?"


Godfrey nodded for a few seconds. Lalita had a point. Not that long ago she was about to risk her life with some otherworldly obelisk for a stranger. A stranger Godfrey needed to eventually check up on.

"Good point. I like that you're embracing your role as a secret agent." Godfrey told her, "Maybe we can sell your life story and get a movie deal." He joked.


Lalita blanched a little at the thought of being so known, and shook her head. Her little wings hunched tightly against her back as she huddled in the seat. "Rather not. I mean, who would believe that something like me could--?"

She shivered again, then grinned at Godfrey, "You're going to change clothes, right? And then to the biker's clubhouse? Mind if I take another nap until we get there?"
"I can't say I feel sorry for him." Detective James Turn said, eyes resting on the lifeless body of what he would consider his arch-enemy, Tiberius Grayson.

The man was a serial killer, a rapist, and Van Leugen's latest murder victim. No, he was no victim, he was a plague. No one would miss him.

His body had been tied to a crane and hoisted up high for all to see. Someone tipped off the news. Cameras and reporters were there before the police could arrive.

Whomever killed Grayson really wanted to make an example of him. He was a message from the city's corrupt elite. You didn't try to expose them and live to get away with it.

Grayson was a material witness for the NPA in a case they were building against local sex traffickers. The only witness. That case, like many others, was stopped dead in it's tracks.

Van Leugen was a wicked place.

"I think I really regret not being the one to put him up there." James said, "I feel you." A nearby police officer told him, "I'm burying this case. I'm not wasting time on it, no matter what the NPA's downtown lawyers have to say." James told the cop.

"Fuck this guy. He doesn't deserve my best."
The blasted hole that was wisteria city had rotted substrate underneath it now. Cracks and shifting spaces ran deep through the planes and the citizens worried rabid things would wander in. Even down to deeper isolated places wanderers knew better than to pass unknown. The reach of space unravelling uncontrolled made a single crack in a wall meant by holy and unholy things to keep contained a similar place but scarred over now long since left too long to fester. However, while one unraveled space was thicker and firm with scars, wisteria city was freshly rotted enough to break through but far too weak to stand on. A single swirling eye of plates stared out through an anomaly and cast a thin line of awareness.

In a single glance outside the blasted world in which it was born the overbeing's psionic eye understood the throbbing planar storm behind it was what was contained by the bulwark. It merely lived here and now it had a front door. One considerably harder for the celestials and daemons of aetherkind to seal closed when it could reach the rebuilders. Its first business was finding humankind but a turn of its remote viewing revealed a massive object of interest surrounded by evidence of their structures.

A trundling machine of some large will? Some gleaming sphere that disobeys the basal planes and whirled in place rather than moving time ever forward. The basal planes formed rapids around it in objection. Until some pattern stopped the wheel it assumed and drowned the sphere when it stopped. Not one built to keep matter out but the rightful flow of time, so Myrkul found it at least not disinviting but... fragile. The sphere turning in place was both far too large and much too intricate. The leviathan of an overbeing worried it would stall the gears of humankind's construction, a loyal thing assumed, or break it to roughly fire a cable into trundling patterns and try to keep it taut. Or injure its thin connection to the world for that matter.

The thread of a remote sensor turned to a hose as Myrkul shaped an extradimensional shore to the trundling temporal gyre. A second swirling path to twirl fast enough to stabilize both long enough to step a lesser of itself between two moving vehicles abreast. Through the crack it ejected one such being to wait at the shore for its direction. Carefully the mind watched for alignments while the subbeing adjusted itself to persist in spite of inevitably losing regular contact with its overbeing.


As the moment of alignment came Myrkul threw forward one of few beings it could sustain through the crack. Aligning with the space was something to shred living flesh even if done well. Neither Jinhai or Myrkul had any such blood and bone. The walls of an empty concrete construction near the crane swelled as black motes to compose Jinhai phased out between. Some microscopic shells of psionic creatures had to drill their way from inside of cinder blocks but left only small holes. A dusty faceless humanoid in black leathery robes coalesced from clouds of motile parts as the concordance took full shape. Its first mission was to find a humanoid to rekindle as to conserve its personal energies. At least a husk to use.

A howl echoing through the ether of a displaced humankind spirit gained its notice as four spark-eyes floating on an indistinct face peer outside. A hook far above and attendant activity of humankind below. It flowed as much as floated over the windowsill to pour its humanoid form at the ground and move closer to the first living humankind they'd seen since they'd felled the traitor to the fallen emperor ages past.


As Myrkul could see the creature distance itself Myrkul loosed its attention on stabilizing shores as they wash into basal planes. It would return to chipping away the bulwark where the full force of its strength was not strained by cramming it through a needle-eye. Such effort was weak from inside but the overbeing had new options in its escaped subbeing. It jealously built a fortress of stones to keep the howling gale behind the bulwark from damaging its prize. Celestialkind built this place they would notice the Black Storm if it escaped by the quiet etchings upon the outer surface. Perhaps some alight due to the crack but it did not think they sounded alarm. Not yet.
Some days are just objectively better than others. At least that's what one disgruntled Jim Geck had come to believe.

Four months of hard labour as Femcorp's Chief Factory Engineer had turned the once ambitious, and bright twenty-six year old Terran to madness. He climbed as much of the corporate ladder as the company made clear he could, and it was still barely above an actual mechanics job. For about half the pay. Not to mention the "flexible, employee minded work scheduling." somehow became five A.M to Midnight shifts.

As Jim stepped out of his crappy, company leased pink truck an invultary twitch gripped his hands.

He shut the door of the vehicle with a loud slam, the old, neglected hinges squeaking. It made him grit his teeth so hard they creaked. He was always fine until he drove into the Employee Parking Complex. Or at least that's what his coffee, and cocaine fueled 72 hours of on-call told him.

All the planet managment staff were on something to get by. They all worked these hours, for a .50TC overtime raise.

Like a zombie hit with a tazer he jittered his way through the complex, and to the security booths that barred the elevators. Had to keep the riff-raff out, you know? He hailed the "guard", a man clearly half asleep with a Gamepad in his hand, with amounted to a grunt.

"God-Damnit, Jim!" The man lurched awake, a notoriously light sleeper.

"Heh," Jim couldn't resist, it was probably the last highlight of his day. "You been on since?"

"Last Tuesday." The guard yawned, and mashed a few buttons on the keyboard in his lap.

"Huh, this Tuesday for me."

The biometic scanners rose from alcoves in the booth, and the engineer submitted to the battery of tests. A few more minutes, and he was past the security booth, in the elevator, and in his way to to his next job. Normally he'd catch the thirty second nap, but he actually needed to read up on the next hunk of junk to break down. This one was a little dangerous after all.

And he had no experience with the factory's defensive equipment.


That was where Fate, and a being called Myrkul, interceded. Sent to work on the advanced Meltatron III Turret Defense System, Jim Geck had no idea he walked both to his death, and to a new life, a better life.

In theory.


Just as Myrkul had begun to turn aside it's gigantic attention, and the shores started to errored, something akin to an error occured. A subbeing, granted a much more simplistic one, decided to hitch a ride with the Jinhai. For whatever reason it's programming compelled it to, and so it leaped through the shaky connection before it was too late.

This creature was a Wen.

Unfortunately for Wen due to its' crossing - a much smoother task due to his simplicity - it didn't arrive next to the Jinhai its' directive demanded it follow. Between its' delay, and jumping its' sensors indicated it was at least two miles to the east of the Jinhai. Except Wen's U.I depicted it in steps, because that was simpler. Undaunted the nearly domestic creature made it's way towards its goal in a rather straight line. This was where Fate stepped in.

This path just so happened to lead it right past the garish pink building that was Femcorp Fabricators.

The scene im front of the Wen was rather garish too, according to the nano-psicamera swarms Wen called eyes.

The turret was in shambles, the ground scorched by plasma-level flames, and most importantly the shredded mass of a Humankind lay there. That last one drove every one of his sensors, scanners, and alarms in to overdrive. The big, clumsy creature lumbered over to the meat, a medical U.I opening as it did so. Scans comfirmed it was alive, but barely.

Foreign metal fragments were embedded all through his chest, his inner blood-workings were spilling out, and his lungs were at thirteen percent operational function.

In short even a Wen knew it was dying, rapidly.

Sadly for this Wen its design had revolved around repairing machinekind, not human. It had almost no tools to actually save the man, only a small store of a seditive. It administered immediately. Unable to do much more, this second Wen looked about for anything that could help. The only thing about, other than more of the Humankind's blood-works, was turret fragments.

It all clicked.

Or rather Wen did the best it could at logical deduction. To it, this Humankind clearly died attempting to defend, or repair this turret, which meant it was important. That it could fix! Quick scans indicated just how damaged it was, and offered the best way to repair it as "assimilation". . .

It thought, doing it's best to run an algorithm to predict what the fusion of technologies would look like.

The result would be a more streamlined, bipedal Assault Drone. Calculations indicated a drastic increase in both mobility, dexterity, and most importantly right now - movement speed. GPS showed as "Turret Wen" it could reach the Jinhai in time to help the Humankind, if it focused on running.

The choice was clear..
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The Jinhai stopped as the Wen paired to it by Myrkul entered its awareness. Running full tilt perturbed by a non-humankind intellect of some kind. As the robed humanoid poured around to look it was still well under the shadow of the half-built neighboring building. The crane was constructing it with police lights blaring in the construction zone further on. Threads of information entered the Jinhai's intellect informing it of the situation at hand as the Wen neared. The intellect driving the Wen some sort of regulating intellect and a defensive intellect. As threads of the Wen's thought process clarified in the Jinhai's mind they conveyed the urgency about the meat in its hands being a humankind.

Whether it was seen under the half-skeleton of a building didn't strike it as important. It looked back toward the lights then turned and met the Wen. A cursory inspection of the Humankind at distance led it to confidence that the throne of humankind was not damaged. A helmet encased it impacted only by light scarring of shrapnel and melting. The black gloved hands went to prodding the humankind as soon as it met the Wen throwing gouts of black as microscopic motes went to work squirming into the cavernous valleys carved into human flesh. Dust levitated and squeezed between organs evaluating the damage. Sanctity of personage was not something the sub-beings of Myrkul engaged in much less the pleasantries of greeting others.

A dusty voice emerges from the whole of its hooded dune of a face, "The Humankind is incapable of sustaining itself. Its interior has taken extreme damage. The spine is severed. The heart has also begun to fail due to damage. The Humankind can be rekindled by assimilation since Throne of Humankind has little damage. Hold the Humankind still."

The black robed humanoid ripped at first as sections of its surface poured away then a torrent simply poured upward away from gravity. Groups of motes poured into the body as a torrent of purple sparks as they replaced flesh with bonded psimass. The body held as energy in the concordance of Jinhai so it could be subject to psionic vivisection. A creature more advanced than the Wen whose concordance was built for more robust interfaces. As a riot of energy passed down through the body simulacra of the body's rightful self-image took shape. Broken flesh now hidden at angles just underneath the surface deeper than it had a right to be.

The clothing was not something the latent self-image of Jim Geck could describe, however, and the eyes flushed white across as Jinhai stepped into his mind and body to keep his soul enjoined. It had some difficulty reading the mind and the spirit was still disturbed by its effort but it had a name and a body to support its existence outside the Almanac.

"The humankind doesn't like you for reasons not well linked. It isn't relevant to our performance or interests so I will ignore it," a squirming young human face intones flatly from the Wen's arms.

The Jinhai idly presses at the face to stabilize it against the unstable mind so recently damaged while waiting to be put down. Brown hair, a scraggly beard, and a mustache emerge slowly growing to the point they last remained.