Welcome To Haven Crest


Persistent Drone
Welcome To Haven Crest.

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Fear The Shadows, They Are The Only Ones There When No One Else Is.

It has replayed in your mind countless times like a broken record and as you look down at your cuffed wrists it starts once more.

Maybe you were just running late to go watch that show you were really getting into or maybe you had just gotten off work and was heading to get something to eat, or maybe you were just taking a walk to clear the clutter from your mind; either way you saw it.
What was it; you still don't know. All you knew was that it wasn't normal and it was like nothing you’ve ever seen, and nothing you'll ever forget.

A huge black mass with jutting...horns? Spikes? you don’t know, before you and hunched over something as the smell of blood and the sound of something scraping against the pavement filled the dark night air. Maybe you were paralyzed in fear, maybe you screamed, you might have even just gasped; somehow that got its attention and it turned to you. The front even more grotesque than the back as it stood on it's hind legs to its full height resting it blade like front legs down and you could see the glow of its red eyes in the dim street light. Something black and wispy curl around it's hind legs and those creepy blade-like front legs, what was that; smoke? Vapor?

You probably thought you were dreaming...or at least you hoped you were.

But you're not that lucky. It grabbed you with those pincer like jaws and flung you as if you were nothing but a rag doll, and you swear you could taste the concrete of the alley wall when your back slammed against it. A thought rushes through your mind.

‘In such a busy city, why today of all nights did it have to be so empty?!’

Then your mind focuses back on what is going on before you as the smell of blood hits you like a freight train. Looking down at the ground the source of the smell is revealed; corpses. At least four mangled to the extent you can't tell what goes where, the red paints the ground and walls around you and you can tell it wasn't a peaceful death...And now it's your turn. It lets out a screech as it grows closer and lifts its blade like front legs towards you ready for another victim...then you hear that sweet sweet sound of sirens; you're saved.

The beast slams its legs down into the pavement in front of you and making it crack. It looking around trying to find the source of the sound, and just as quickly, it turned and ran. Its tail whipped you across the face before the beast jumped up onto the building behind you, and sprinted away. You're left there on the ground still seeing stars and thanking every God, Goddess, and even a few superheros for your life and how you were going to be more grateful about it.

Yet as police cars start filling the road at the mouth of the alleyway you quickly come to the horrific realization that you are a relatively unharmed person in a blood covered alleyway with four dead people mere feet from you.


Just as you feared, it happened, the police arrived and cuff you, and before you can fully realize it you're at the station. Maybe you stay quiet, it's not like they will believe what you say; it was a huge black shadowy beast!
Or maybe you spilled like an overflowing river which only made things worse as now they think you are definitely a psychopath.
In the end the verdict is the same, four counts of first degree murder or manslaughter depends where you’re at.
You're sick and pale as you sit in courtroom a few days later, maybe you have been crying or maybe you've been wondering why you. The case is so close to closing when the courtroom doors open to reveal a tall well suited man with...Pink hair?!
Well that's something you don't see everyday. He excuses himself to the judge before swiftly walking over to you and your attorney, he mutters only two words.

"May I?"

He gestures to you then the judge with a slide of his hand, you stare for a moment before nodding slightly. You're sure he can't make it worse, your attorney already did that; even they want to see you behind bars so this might be helpful...right?
It only took a couple minutes but once it was done you are out of the cuffs...well kind of. The man pretty much claimed that you were mentally unstable, a.k.a. crazy, and proposed to place you in a mental hospital instead of prison; well that's kind of better.

He represented Haven Crest, a mental hospital located on an island a miles out of mainland Brazil, supposedly the calming tropical beauty of the place helps with treatment; he was a doctor there. You didn’t or don’t care if it was on the moon, he got you out of a fifty plus years to life, and possibly death row sentence in fifteen minutes flat; you pretty much love him right now. Now all you have to do is spend five years in this hospital, a much better sentence in your mind. He hands you a card with the mental hospital name on it and tells you the day you’ll be picked up.

Now back to the handcuffs. Of course you’re still cuffed, you’re technically still a criminal. You glance out the window and see the island, it looks big even from up here.
The plane starts landing, it bounces on the water as it comes to a stop at a dock. A few white clad nurses are already there waiting for you as you wonder why white, isn’t a darker color better for a nurse uniform? This you wonder as you are slowly pulled out and lead away, there is a lot of trees on either side of the island but the smaller space in between is bare with just buildings.

Even just looking around, this place doesn’t seem like a mental hospital, it looks more like some tropical rich person resort...Well except for the other patients dressed in stark white clothing, not really a uniform though; more like just a general color with variations of it. The building is a bit bland but the beach and the trees, and the whole feel is calming; almost welcoming. The inside quickly shows just how strange this place is, it looks like a hotel or some lavish mansion of sorts. Two lounges, an indoor rock climbing wall and basketball court, a huge library, a gym, and even a ‘game room’; it looked more like a full out arcade. From what you heard and read about mental hospitals, a rec room was the most you expected it to have, this place was like going on vacation to some island paradise.

At least that is what you thought at the time, you were about to realized there was such a thing as trapped in paradise

You’re shown to your room which also looks like some Malibu dream suite, two queen size beds and a balcony overlooking the ocean; did they seriously trust you with a balcony? You’re quickly informed that you won’t be sharing the room with anybody until they know you’re not violent, whatever; better for you anyway. Your luggage is brought in and you think this place might not be so bad, you could spend five years here. You know you’ll have to go to therapy and doctor visits, and taking pills but it feels worth it; you’re not in prison.

A few days pass, they’re slow and warm like the breeze that blows in through the open windows of your room as you’re sure you’re going to be enjoying this place more than expected.

How nice it would be if it continued like that, but once again; you’re not that lucky.

Night three or four you’re awaken by someone coming into your room and all you have time to do is jolt up before you’re thrown back down and something pricks your neck. You pass out or blackout, whichever term you want to use. You wake up in a stark white room with pale blue floor, a drastic change to what your room had been before, also you’re now strapped to the bed which is just a thick mattress on the floor. You probably yell or scream, a normal response but after almost an hour you’re either too tired or too angry/scared to keep going.

Some lost time later a nurse walks in, she checks your vitals but refuses to talk or make eye contact before putting you under once again. This goes on for about a day before finally a doctor walks in and briefly explains what can only be horrifying shiz.
He knows you’re not crazy, you don't ask how, and the reason you were brought here was to be experimented on by them as they are planning on making some sort of super powered/mutated army of people; yay! That pink haired man who saved you, yeah he’s with them. He also informs you that you’ll probably live through the experimentation, but it wasn't going to be painless.

He was right.

The next few months can only be described as agony and confusion, and seriously **** on Earth!
But then, one day after all their testing and experimentation, all the injections and probing they tell you you’ll be leaving this white room; you’re going back to your original one. A strangely flexible thin metal band is slapped onto either your wrist or ankle, you’re not allowed to take it off nor would it come off without their help. You’re quickly transported upstairs to the main building and placed in your room, the next few days you’re monitored by them 24/7. It was then it first happens, maybe it was a sudden pain in your body or a feeling of sickness, all you know is they started watching even closer now as you ride out the pain or relieve your stomach into the toilet, or shake in your bed; you wonder if you’ll die like this.

But no, it’s worse.

Somehow you survive and when it is over you look into the mirror and you know something isn’t right. It might be completely obvious as you now have some freakish mutation like wings or a tail, or bright cyan eyes, maybe it’s more of a feeling, that soon turns into more as maybe things start flying off the walls or you set fire to the bed, or even start levitating. Whichever it is, they’re happy with the result and as they clap and chatter about it; you wish you could just rip their arms off. A doctor walks over to you before congratulating you, you’ve just joined the Kantala army; you snap.

Yet the moment you try to attack you find yourself quickly powerless as if someone sucked out all your energy; the band! You can see it dimly glowing and it even takes a couple of nurses to place you on the bed as your legs can’t even hold you up. The doctor chuckles and comments on your ‘feistiness’ before ordering the others to give you both some privacy, it’s then he starts telling you about this place; this inescapable island. This force field of sorts protects the island and despite allowing limited flight to those who fly and access to the ocean and spring for those who swim; you can’t leave, you’re bound to this place now.

No one will know of this place or about you, your loved ones will think you simply went missing, and you will keep becoming what they made you to be. Once everything is prepared, you and all the other patients here will be brainwashed into loyal, disciplined weapons; sad huh?
That’s why you’re going to escape, one way or another. You might be a freak now, but you’re going to find a way out of this place; surely you’re not the only one trapped here that wants to escape.

Though there is another mystery that has yet to be solved, what was that beast that attacked you and left you taking the blame of murder; it seems the doctor knew what it was...Maybe someone here knows, someone willing to tell you...

If they wanted an army so badly, they were going to get one!

((This is an Old roleplay I made a long time ago on another site with a friend. I was really hoping to revive it!))
We can start roleplaying once we can start getting things ready to roleplay once we have at least 5 people
My apologies, I see that I was tagged up there. However, even though the story does seem intriguing, I am involved in a few roleplays already in and out of this site. Plus the plot doesn't really convince me so I'm going to have to decline the invitation.
Have a nice day.
My apologies, I see that I was tagged up there. However, even though the story does seem intriguing, I am involved in a few roleplays already in and out of this site. Plus the plot doesn't really convince me so I'm going to have to decline the invitation.
Have a nice day.
That’s cool! Please invite anyone you’d think would be interested