Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived Westeria City: Colcord Point


Draconic Administrator/Mentor
as written by Tiko

The evening was young yet and a man and woman conversed quietly upon one of the many street corners of Colcord Point - as they often did under the cover of darkness. Late night strollers and vehicles drove past, but the woman was suitably enthralled by the young man.

Her name was Naomi, and couldn't have been more than nineteen or twenty years old. Likely fresh to working these streets.

The man was well dressed, and his clothes reflected his wealth - but it wasn't unusual for the wealthy to find their way to these streets at night. Many lonely businessmen and men of wealth were drawn to the evenings companionship that money could offer.

He smiled a disarming smile and brushed a few strands of hair from her face before gesturing for her to join him.

"Do you have an apartment around here?" she asked.

"Something like that..." Viktor replied.

He seemed charming enough she thought, and more normal than some of the clientele she gets out here at night. She felt comfortable with him, and she didn't even question when he brushed a hand against her lower back, guiding her to step down a quiet side street with him.

Out of the illumination of the main street lights, the two had some measure of privacy as he drew her into the the small doorway of a closed shop. His fingers trailed across her waist as she found her back pressed against the wall just outside of the locked door.

"Right here?" she asked with a raise of her brow.

"Is that a problem?" he asked.

He palmed a few bills into her hand as he nuzzled at her throat, inhaling her scent.

"Honey, for this much I would do you right in the street," she told him.

He pressed his lips to the crook of her neck, between her throat and shoulder while one of her hands found its way inside his coat. He could feel the quickening of her pulse through the skin of her throat, and smell the faint scent of shampoo upon her hair. It was intoxicating.

It wasn't sex he was after though.

He struck swiftly as he clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle her screams before he bit into her throat. Her eyes went wide as her arousal turned to fear and panic. Her pulse was all over the place as she struggled against him. It drew a low guttural growl from his throat but he didn't release her.

He had it within his power to lull his victims into a trance, to dull their senses and to leave them unaware of what was happening to them, as he also had it within him to feed without killing which he often preferred to do. Not tonight though. Tonight he wanted to smell her fear, and feel her feeble attempts at fighting the inevitable.

He hadn't known blood lust like this since his early months of turning, but Talyria had left him weakened and drained. The blood loss had drawn a hunger and aggression up out of him that bordered on primal, and the woman's muffled cries against the firm clamp of his hand only urged him onward.
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as written by Faithy

For the longest time, Valentina had been growing increasingly distressed every time a potential lead on her missing sire ended in a dead end. She had already lost track of how long it had been since Lily first disappeared, but it was obvious that either the Vampire was long gone, or she was so far in hiding that no one was ever going to find her. Either way, Val felt alone and didn’t know what to do nor could she do much because of her appearance. No one was going to hire someone that looked like a child to do a job or allow her to buy adult type beverages or anything fun. Money wasn’t necessarily an issue for her because she was extremely well off thanks to Lily, but that wasn’t the point.

All of her searching finally came to an end however on an otherwise beautiful night in the Wing City Business District. She wasn’t even looking for Lily, but had gone out just to people watch. That fateful night played out like most nights did for her. She picked up on a male she could feed from and after lulling him into a sense of security, she led him into an alley near a coffee shop with the lie that her mother had been attacked and needed help. Once he was away from the crowd however, she started to move into phase two of her plan, but a slumped over figure caught her attention. While she was moving towards the form, he ran off, leaving her alone in the alley.

“Hmm… I really shouldn’t look. It’s probably just a drugged out human…” Valentina debated for a few minutes before lifting up the cloth that covered up the unidentified individual. Gasping, she backed away and dropped down to her knees sobbing. There, right in front of her was her very dead sire. From the grievous injuries, it was obvious that she had been tortured with silver, holy water, and parts of her body had been removed. In fact, her head had been completely detached and was sitting crudely on her stomach. From the state of the body, it was obvious she had been killed elsewhere and dropped here to be found by someone. Slumping down, she started to cry, mourning the only person she had left.

“Nooooo……!!!!!!!!!!!” After a minute or two, she slid to her feet and recovered her sire before stumbling out of the alley.

She wasn't particularly paying attention to where she was going and nearly slammed into a couple apparently making out near a closed shop. Backing away, she glanced up with tear-filled eyes and found herself staring at Viktor very aggressively munching on the woman. Gasping, she covered her mouth, her eyes wide not necessarily in fear, but some other emotion the young vampire couldn't place at the moment. Even as his victim continued to try and get away and cried, albeit muffled, Valentina continued to stare at him in near shock at his violence. He had seemed so different when they spoke before. Frowning, she backed away even more, about to turn and flee.
as written by Tiko

Viktor's blood lust overwhelmed his senses leaving him blind to his surroundings. The woman in his arms reached for Valentina with an outstretched arm as if to say 'help me', but another low growl tore from Viktor's throat as he gripped the woman with crushing force. Her heartbeat was weak and thready, tears streamed down her face, but soon it was over as her head rolled back and her struggles ceased.

He released her and left the body to crumple to the ground, littered with the bills he had handed her.

The wound in her throat wasn't the neat puncture wounds of his usual victims, and the gaping wound looked like an animal had ravaged her throat.

He felt rejuvenated and energized, and his senses were on fire. But he also wasn't alone. He looked to Valentina, noting the shock on her face with the same sort of calm detachment as he had displayed when they had first met. She had been crying he noted. It was then that he caught the scent of death on the air - old death.

"What happened?" he asked.

Just like that the dead hooker was forgotten, and a calm, dignified facade slipped smoothly back into place.
as written by Faithy

Even as the woman tried to reach for Valentina, her eyes begging for help, the small Vampire continued to stand in place, her feet refusing to do anything except plant themselves against the ground. Her fingers remained against her mouth and for the first time in a while, she felt unsure what to do. To anyone looking, it would just seem like the girl was in shock because she was witnessing a sexual act, but that was so far from the truth. By the time the woman was devoid of life, Valentina still hadn’t moved, though she did step back another step to make sure the body didn’t fall on her.

Shifting her gaze across the female’s figure, Val wondered if she was an orphan or if she had family somewhere. From the woman’s clothing it was obvious she was a hooker, but that didn’t make the incident any less tragic. This was the first time she had witnessed a death occurring from a Vampire feeding and she couldn’t help but wonder if it happened more than she knew. Shaking her head, trying to clear her head, she shifted her purple eyes back towards Viktor, she bit down on her bottom lip, her thoughts drifting back to the scene in the alley.

“…I found Lily. She’s over in that alley…” Valentina just pointed, gnawing harder on her bottom lip.
as written by Tiko and Faithy

Viktor's eyes followed her finger. "Wait here," he told her as he moved towards the alley. The scent grew stronger as he approached, and he briefly wondered how he had failed to note it earlier. The body must have just been dumped. But why here, and now?

He didn't need to enter the alley as he saw the brutality that had been enacted upon the dead woman. Was it a coincidence, a warning?

It was with measured strides that he rejoined Valentina.

"Come, we shouldn't linger," he told her.

He threw a cautious glance around them before heading across the street with his hands in his pockets as if nothing was amiss. If there were hunters in the area, the last place they wanted to be found was standing over the dead body of a human. The police would have two bodies to sort out come morning, but Viktor's survival instincts compelled him to put distance from the area rather than take the necessary time to dispose of the bodies properly.

Something about what he had seen in that alley had put him on edge.


Even if she had wanted to move, her feet weren’t cooperating, so Valentina just nodded and watched him walk towards where she had pointed. Her body felt numb and she wondered if it was possible for her to go into shock. Possibly, but she would never admit it even if it did happen. Glancing back towards the dead woman, the Vampire frowned a little and shifted her gaze away, glad when a familiar shape came bounding towards her. Letting out a soft meow, NomNom jumped up onto her shoulder, nuzzling her cheek before making his home on her head like usual. She felt a little better with her companion, but not by much.

“She’s gone, NomNom…” Valentina whispered out the words, almost afraid that admitting it out loud would make her forget everything about her sire, which wasn’t the case.

When Viktor rejoined her, she just stared up at him and nodded without a word. Moving quickly beside him, she wanted to ask why they needed to leave, but then her brain began to work and she realized that being around two dead bodies wasn’t a good thing. But… still… they were just leaving Lily there. Sulking even more, she just kept her mouth shut and tried her best to keep up with him. Finally, it bugged her enough that she tilted her head towards him a little before speaking softly.

“Why didn’t… I mean, she was my sire… and I … we just left her there… like that… I… I … it just seems wrong.”


"And I left mine to burn in a house fire," Viktor told her.

He hadn't been back to the manor since that night he thought. It left a stab of guilt within him, but he put it from his mind.

"She's dead, nothing you do with her body is going to change that," he told her as his eyes shifted from side to side before choosing another back road as he guided her down it.

His instincts were on fire, they were being followed he was sure of it. In his haste to avoid any police, he had opted for these darker back roads, when he should have kept to the main street where they could blend among the crowds.

Up ahead a figure stepped out into the street. A coincidence? No, something was wrong. Viktor moved an arm to stay Valentina from moving further down the street, shielding her with his arm and body. He had no cause to protect her, and yet he found himself doing so none-the-less.

At their back could be heard the footsteps of two more individuals.

"Climb, and don't stop," he whispered huskily.

Was that fear in his voice?

Without waiting for her to answer, he grabbed hold of her and hoisted her up towards the railing of the fire escape overhead.


Valentina frowned even more at his comment, but didn’t say anything further. She often forgot that there were all kinds of Vampires and not everyone thought as she did, nor did she have the same thought process as them. That was probably a good thing or terrible things probably would happen. She knew that even burying Lily wouldn’t bring her back, but it just seemed like the right thing to do. After all, she had buried her parents and all the children and maids she accidentally killed when first turned, what was the difference? So caught up in her thoughts of the past, Valentina didn’t even realize they were in danger. Probably another side effect of being alone for so long and never really interacting with other Vampires.

“…What’s wrong?” She whispered her words, not moving beyond his body once she noticed the male down the street a little. In fact, she might have slid behind him just a little bit more. NomNom hissed, his fur standing on end though he remained on her head.

Climb? Valentina started to question his comment when she was suddenly hefted up towards the fire escape. Deciding now wasn’t the time to be curious, she did exactly as he told her to do. She quickly shimmied up, well as quickly as she could considering she was rather small. She had no idea what was going on, but with what had happened to Lily, nothing but bad thoughts were running through her head.


Viktor threw a glance in either direction as the the sound of footsteps turned to a run as it became apparent that the two vampires were making to escape. He waited only long enough for Valentina to hoist herself up over the railing before he pulled himself up after her, making their way up the fire escape as quickly as they could.

There was a shout from the street before a crossbow was loosed at the pair.

The bolt struck true, drawing a snarl from Viktor as he stumbled. The quarrel had struck him in the lower back, and the head of it protruded out the other side of his body. He didn't stop to see to the injury though as he urged Valentina on.

Down below the fire escape began to rattle and shake as more bodies began to clamber their way up it. Reaching the third floor of the office building, Viktor smashed his elbow into a window and ushered Valentina inside before he joined her.

Now it was him who was slowing them down as he caught himself against the window frame with a grimace. They were in a hall lined with office buildings, and there was a stairwell at the other far end. He nodded her towards it before following along.


Panic? Was it panic suddenly flaring through her synapses? Yes, that was what it had to be, because she no longer feared much. No, wait, the more she mused, the more she realized it was a combination of panic and fear. If Viktor hadn’t been behind her, then she probably would have frozen halfway up the ladder, especially when she glanced down and saw the bolt nail Viktor and more so when the individuals following them also began to climb up the ladder. Whimpering, she tried to keep up her pace, but it was growing more and more difficult and by the time he smashed out the window and motioned her to go in, her arms were shaking. Well, her entire body was pretty much shaking, but that was to be expected with what was happening.

“…You’re hurt…” She whispered with a slight whimper, not moving for a second before finally heading towards the stairwell.

NomNom hissed again before leaping down off her head. Squeaking, she grabbed a hold of him, holding the cat tight against her body before moving quickly towards the stairs. Despite his ability to morph into something terrible, she was too scared to let that happen and wanted him close to her. Once she finally reached the stairs, she glanced behind the two, knowing the men would be coming sooner than later.


By the time they made it up the flight of stairs to the fourth floor the stagger in his step was becoming apparent, and they could hear people down below, searching office rooms.

He slammed his shoulder into one of the locked doors, splintering the catch as the door opened. He ushered her inside before throwing a look in either direction and following her in. He closed the door behind him and sank down to lean back against it. Unless one where to look too carefully the damage wasn't outright obvious, especially in the dark halls, but it was only a matter of time before the people searching the building found their way to this floor.

Fortunately Viktor's breaking and entering act had already triggered the silent alarms on the building, and the police would be arriving soon. For now he pulled his coat back to get a look at the quarrel that had pierced his back, and what he found wasn't reassuring. His shirt and coat were both thoroughly blood soaked.

He gripped the head of the crossbow quarrel in his hand and with a snarl he pulled the rest of the haft through before discarding the bloody bolt on the floor.

"Something's wrong," he bit out through grit teeth.

Having freshly fed, the wound should have been healing, but it wasn't.


The longer they climbed up the stairs, the more her little legs were burning and she was beginning to regret her lack of brains at the moment, because she could have easily flown up the ladder or hell, even up the stairs. She wasn’t completely sure, but she might have been able to carry him too. Scowling at her stupidity, she slid into the room once he broke into it and placed NomNom down on the ground as soon as the door was shut. Turning to look at the white kitty, she narrowed her eyes and pointed her finger at him.


Once he knew he was not to try and leave, she returned her attention towards Viktor almost freaking out at how much blood there was from his wound. What made her have to cover her mouth to stop herself from screaming however was the act of him tugging out the bolt. Nervously pulling on her lavender locks, she frowned at his words and picked up the discarded bolt and sniffed it, before realizing she had no idea what she was smelling for.

“Do you think the bolt was poisoned…? Or maybe the woman you drank from or… …just tell me what to do, Viktor.” She tried to be strong and well, it worked, sort of.


Viktor pressed a hand to the wound and leaned his head back against the door.

"The police will be here soon," he told her.

The police came with their own risks, but he wagered those hunters would clear out at the first sign of police sirens. They would need to clear out themselves soon as the window of opportunity opened, but for now, they would wait.
as written by Faithy and Script

Thankful when they finally stopped, Valentina slid off the bike and leaned against a nearby wall until she got her bearings back. The thought that she would then have to get back onto the damn thing to return back to Viktor’s place didn’t exactly thrill her, but she would do whatever she needed to make sure he didn’t die. After all, if he hadn’t been worried about her, he wouldn’t have gotten nailed by the arrow in the first place. Letting NomNom climb back onto her shoulder, she patted his head before walking over towards Arien,

“What’s a doughnut smell like? I wasn’t allowed junk food as a kid. At least not often and definitely not doughnuts.” Valentina shrugged and sniffed the air, picking out all of the different scents until figuring out which ones would lead her to where they had hidden out. She had dropped the arrow in the room and hopefully it was still there. Sauntering off, she just beckoned Arien with her hand and made like a cute little girl, something she was a pro at.


Valentina felt her chest tightening the closer they got to the building. She knew what else was around and wondered if they had moved Lily’s body yet. The urge to go say goodbye to her sire was pretty strong, but she knew that they needed to find the crossbow bolt to save Viktor. She would just have to say goodbye to Lily later on. Sighing softly, she felt NomNom shifting to her head and she smiled faintly and plastered her face into that of innocence and adorableness. Nodding towards Arien, she chewed softly on her bottom lip.

“I’m good at playing alone, Arien. Who can resist my cuteness after all?” Valentina grinned at followed him over towards the door guards. “If all else fails, I can sidetrack them while you sneak inside or vice versa.”


Arien nodded with a smile, then slowly took a knife from inside his jacket. He drew the blade lightly across his palm, then tucked it away again. He clenched his fist to hide the blood, before starting forwards to the office building. As he walked up to the door, he put on his best perplexed expression as one of the offices there raised a hand to stop him.

"I'm afraid the building is closed off as a crime scene, sir. Are you an employee?" Unspoken in the question was a definite 'what are you doing here at this time of the morning, and am I going to have to arrest you'.

Arien smiled, a dark and sultry smile that took the officer aback. "That doesn't matter," he stated, drawing on the power of the blood from his palm. He stared deep into the officer's eyes, and in that one instant of surprise, they glazed over and his muscles relaxed.

The other officer blinked in alarm, before Arien turned his gaze on him similarly. There seemed to be more of a struggle, this time, but after a few short moments of intense concentration from both of them, the second man's eyes glazed over too. He turned back to the first. "You're going to answer my questions."

The officer nodded dumbly.

"Was there a crossbow bolt found at the crime scene?"

The officer nodded again.

"Where is it now?" Arien asked.

"It's in an evidence bag. The sergeant has it in his car."

"Where is the sergeant's car?"

The officer raised a hand and pointed at one of the cars. It was seemingly empty.

Arien nodded, "Good. Thank you very much for your cooperation. You will now both turn around and walk inside. You will walk upstairs to the top floor, and only then will you regain consciousness."

Silently and without comment, the two men turned and shuffled into the building.

"Alright, let's grab the bolt and get out of here before they snap out of it." Arien said, turning towards the car.


Valentina arched a brow as Arien cut his palm, her fingers twitching slightly at her side as the smell of blood found its way into her nose. It was about that time that she realized she hadn’t fed in a while and that she was growing hungry. Shaking her head to clear her mind of what she wanted, the young female focused instead of what she needed to do in order to save Viktor. Following behind Arien, she just let him do whatever it was he was going to do, though she couldn’t help but blink in awe at his ability to be-spell the humans, or at least that was what she thought he was doing.

NomNom shifted back down to her shoulder and wrapped himself around her neck almost like a scarf while she continued to let the scene unfold in front of her. As she listened, she became seriously jealous that she couldn’t do anything that awesome and wondered if maybe he could teach her. Did all Vampires have that ability or just some of them? Musing on her question for a few minutes, the child almost missed the answers to what Arien had been inquiring. When it was revealed that it was in an evidence bag in a car, she grinned wide. Maybe this was going to be easier than she thought. When the two guards disappeared into the building, she couldn’t help but blink with a slightly stupid grin on her face before she followed him towards the car.

“That was so awesome. Can you teach me to do that?” She scrambled on ahead and opened up the passenger side of the Sergeant’s car and snatched the evidence bag, tugging it in her arm before NomNom jumped down to curl up on top of it, successfully hiding it. Closing the door, she calmly sauntered away, heading back towards where the bike was left, knowing Arien would be right behind her.


Arien gave Valentina a contemplative glance. "That? I wouldn't advise it. Not unless you want to spend the rest of your unlife more demon than vampire. That was blood magic. And the kind of mind-fuckery I did to those guys? Blood magic will do to you ten thousand times over if you don't know how to use it properly." he replied, "And, well..." he gave an apologetic smirk, "I just don't have the patience for teaching. Sorry."

He shrugged "Who knows, though? You might have the talent for brute-forcing people's minds without blood magic. Viktor can achieve more than I can with blood magic just using his vampiric gifts."

The two arrived back at his bike and climbed on. "Let's go. The sun's almost up, and I don't want to deal with its shit."
as written by Tiko

It was to the docks of Westeria City that Sanina had led the small group where they had boarded a barge set to sail for Issunar in only a few hours. Preparations where swiftly made to harbor Riaze aboard the ship for a sizable sum - though the actual transaction was perhaps a bit underhanded as no one actually witnessed any transfer of money save for Sanina's reassurances to the Captain that it had all been taken care of.

Stashed away in a large cargo hold full of crates en route to Issunar might not have been the most glamorous of traveling arrangements, but it would do the trick. Of course, there was still the question of why they where leaving Westeria City.

Sanina had not lingered long enough to be approached for questions though, but assurances had been made that the ship would sail in two hours, with or without them.
as written by Architect and Sentry

A quiet melody played through the small speakers that were hidden somewhere above in the ceiling. Rick yawned softly, as he was seranaded by the plesant sounds of a piano and the muffled 'ding' that sounded with every passing floor. His back rested against the mirrored wall, and his arms lay crossed over his chest.

The night had been long. The day even longer. He'd managed to muster up enough strength to grab a drink after his shift, but that miniscule ray of energy had long since faded. Another ding sounded, and he looked up to notice he'd reached his floor. Glancing at his watch, he noted the time.

About 1 in the morning.

He entered the soul-less condo without a word. He kicked his shoes off in the door way and fixed himself a drink in the kitchen. He stood still for a moment, sipping the combination of fizzy cola and spiced rum, and seem to simply stare into the main room of his apartment.


The footsteps were swift and soft on the carpeted floor, running right by one of the doors just out of Rick's sight. They stopped just as suddenly as they'd started.

There was a slight tap on the dark granite bartop. It was the quiet sound of Rick's revolver being set on it. He pulled back on the hammer, and held it in his hand as he continued sipping from his glass.

He was tired. Way too tired to be dealing with this kind of crap. They didn't seem to stop regardless of how tired he was.

There was a giggle- this one, more familiar than the footsteps. A sound that had been heard many times by Rick's ear. Right on the other side of the bartop.

Rick paused, trying to decipher the noise that had intruded on his peace. He pushed the hammer on his revolver down as he thought. It had been a while since he seriously invited company over....

With a sigh, Rick grabbed a small black remote off the counter, and with the push of a button, the apartment was illuminated.

Just as he was able to see clearly, a hand that didn't look like it had been there in the first place slipped out of sight over the corner, followed by more footsteps.


Rick's brow furrowed and he drained the glass of it's contents. He walked around the bar, pistol in hand. He may have faintly recognized the voice, but that didn't mean it was defintely friendly.

A faucet ran loudly in the master bathroom, followed quickly by splashing. There was a shout, playful-


Unmistakably hers.

The door was cracked, and just between it Rick would be able to see a waterfall of white hair spilled over the side of the tub.


To say he froze in place was an understatement. He didn't just stop moving, he nearly stopped breathing. It was if a sudden shock had siezed up his entire being. Every dull thump of his heartbeat echoed slowly in his ears. It felt like he'd listened to sound of running water for years before he finally blinked.

He closed his eyes, and forced himself to take a deep breath, exhaling slowly. After another moment to compse himself, he opened his eyes, and the bathroom door.

The tub was dry and empty. Not even a slow tap of the faucet registering that it had been used recently.

Just nothing at all.

Though, from the bedroom, there was a low purr as the door squeaked, "Riiiiick."

It swung open slowly to nothing more.

There was a quiet click as the hammer on the revolver was pulled back once more. Rick quickly took a moment to fix the hat on his head before walking into the bedroom.

Someone was pushing a button better left unpushed, he intended to explain why.

Whoever it was disregarded it all. In the kitchen the sound of a knife on a cutting board echoed through the living room, and there it was again- her laugh. "Of course I can cook!"

An aggravated "Tsk." Escaped him as he walked through his bedroom door and into the hallway. He stole a glance into the guest room to ensure it was empty, before continuing back towards the kitchen.

No knife. No cutting board. But to his left, the TV blared, and from the couch a shuffle and a sweet whimper, "Rick..."

"If you continue to play this game with me, you're going to wear my patience thin." Rick growled as he stared at his own couch.

"I advise you to show yourself."

The room was silent this time. Right as he had demanded more.

He waited. The silence lasted a full minute before he loosened the grip on his pistol. He grabbed the remote off the counter, pointed it at the televison and turned it off. With a sigh he rubbed his eyes, making his way to the bedroom.

He knew he should probably spend some time searching his apartment, he should've made sure that it had all been his imagination. That he had simply forgotten he'd turned on the television, but he was tired.

He crawled into bed, pistol still in hand and sighed. This night would be long it seemed.

With a yawn he pulled his hat over his face, laid a hand over his chest, and closed his eyes.
as written by Saarai and Calcos

Several TIB and NPA agents roamed the shipyard in Colcord Point in search of cargo that was going to crack a case wide open. It had been weeks since they had gotten a tip that a major criminal organization was moving something big. Weapons, maybe drugs. They didn't know, they just knew it was important.

"Anything?" An NPA agent said over his comm, "Nothing." Another responded, "It was coming through here, right?" He asked, "Yeah, that's what the CI told us. The shipyard here in the city. He could have been playing us." The first answered, "Damn snitches. They're always playing us." The second said, "We got eyes on something!" Another agent chimed in, "Bodies inside a container and what might be an explosive. Got it on the scans."

The government agents kept their distance from the container, they feared it could explode at any moment.They weren't taking the risk. "Call for a bomb squad, clear the area. Get the director, someone, down here if you can."


Patrolling the streets of Westeria City never ended in a dull moment; some idiot criminal was bound to need an ass-kicking at some point, and she took it upon herself to mete out such punishment. Cruising through the streets, Arbiter waded through the frequencies on her scanner, looking for any activity that would require her immediate attention; and in no time at all, she found what she was looking for.

On a radio signal she had intercepted, she heard a call for a bomb squad at the docks in Colcord Point. Those words grabbed her focus, and she instantly whipped the vehicle around in a screeching 180 degree turn before barreling through the streets in the right direction.


She parked just outside of the perimeter, being careful not to alert anyone to her presence. "Shields," she said aloud. Immediately, several plates of a strange metal covered the Judgemobile, protecting it from gunfire, explosions, and most importantly theft.

From there, she snooped around, trying to find out anything useful. Turning a corner of one of the shipping container, she saw a cluster of NPA and TIB agents crowding a particular shipping unit; possibly the one she had heard them talking about on the scanner.

She made herself scarce, being careful not to be seen. Placing her back against the other side of the container, she peeked around, the lenses in her helmet zooming in on the scene, and a long-range microphone allowing her to pick up on what they were saying.


"Someone get me a shipping manifest. I want to know where this container came from, who owns the ship, what the captain ate for breakfast. Everything." Special Agent Jordan Dean said to her colleagues, watching as the WCPD pushed civilians further and further back.

An explosive the size as the one in the container didn't have the biggest blast radius, it was enough to level a building at least. This bomb was here to ruin someone's day. If it was coming from organized criminals then it was probably going to enemies. Or the law.

Or the government.

Mayor Harris hadn't exactly endeared himself to local criminal organizations, nor did the NPA and the Gang Task Force. They were all targets for the more ruthless, sociopathic, crime bosses and mobs. The mob war in Van Leugen showed just how bad things could get.

"Agent." A man said, handing Jordan a tablet. The TIB agent began to go through the handheld device in search of any clues as to the bomb's origin or destination. "Anything?" Another agent asked, "Yeah. Look at this..." Jordan said, pointing at the screen. "Says this came from Shintenchi." She explained.

"Think making us believe criminals were involved was a ploy? Terrorists, maybe? An act of war?" The other agent asked, "We'll see. For now, let's get that thing disarmed. Bomb squad should be here by now." Jordan said, making her way towards the barricades.

Someone connected to the bomb might have been close.


Arbiter cocked an eyebrow from beneath her mask. "A bomb? she murmured to herself, keeping a close eye on the goings on near the docks. She wouldn't dare to make her presence known, lest the myriad agents patrolling the area assume her to be a threat and open fire.

However, she felt it necessary to stick around and gather what information she could. Perhaps she could help them uncover the origin of the bomb they were currently investigating.


Jordan scanned the crowd of gathered bystanders as they were moved further away in search of anyone suspicious. Someone who didn't fit in with the rest. Her eyes came to rest on a man wearing a big coat. It was too warm for what he was wearing and he was too groomed, too clean, to be homeless. The man was nervous, looking around every few seconds at the crowd that had amassed at the docks.

"Possible suspect. Fair-skinned Human male. Dark hair. Tall. Wearing an oversized brown coat. Flank and take down. Fast." Jordan ordered, making her way towards the man. She let her gaze wander, keeping him unaware that he'd been spotted.

The bomb squad arrived only seconds later, rushing straight for the container. "Open it up!" One of them shouted, the police clearing a path for the squad to get through. They were quick to get to the container, pulling open it's doors slowly in case there was a booby trap.

"Clear. Opening."

The container door was fully opened to reveal a large crate of Scatterran-made military explosives wired to a tracking device. Someone was keeping an eye on where their bomb went. It was meant for a specific target.


Jordan and her agents closed in on the suspicious man, he was completely oblivious of them. This was going to be easy. With a quick hand gesture from one of the agents they pounced, grabbing the man's arms and forcing him to the concrete.

"Get the coat off." Jordan ordered, her agents pulling the man's coat from his body to reveal a vest strapped to him and wired up. First thought was that it was a bomb vest. There were no explosives. Jordan was quick to note that. This was something else.

"What are you wearing?" She asked, "The distraction." The man answered, beginning to chuckle loudly. He was, without a doubt, on his way to prison. He knew that, going in happy at a plan gone well was the best option.

Inside the container the bomb squad was trying to figure out how to disarm the explosive, they were distracted when the sound of a gunshot rang out. A bullet slamming into the ground near the bomb.

The bullet wasn't the same as others, it was made for something other than killing. When it began to beep and the bomb along with it, the bomb squad knew they were, as far as anyone else was concerned, fucked.

"Everyone ru-!"

The bomb exploded engulfing the bomb squad and the shipyard. Ships parked in the harbor began to sink as they were sucked into the explosion. The gathered crowd began to run, knocking over Jordan and her team as they tried to maintain control.

The decoy broke free of the distracted NPA agents, scrambling to his feet and dashing towards the collapsing harbor and scuttled ships.


The world turned to chaos in mere moments, the bomb's detonation a death knell, signalling a harrowing fate for the personnel trapped in the explosion, panic incited as civilians ran for their lives. Arbiter herself had been knocked back by the explosive force the bomb had emanated. She sat up, weary and trying to shake off the disorientation.

Looking up, she saw the man the police had in their hands just moments ago, running towards the ruins of the harbor. With a grunt, she sprang to her feet in a run, pushing past the ache in her side that the hard fall had bequeathed her. She was drawing nearer to him, leaping forward, arms outstretched ready to take him down before he could get to where he was going.


As Arbiter tackled the fleeing man a crane began to come down slowly. It wasn't guaranteed to be a threat, but it's presence looming over them and the harbor was distracting enough to the decoy. Jail was preferred over being crushed.

He threw back an elbow at Arbiter from the ground, hoping to break free of her grasp and make his escape while he still had the chance.

"Let me go!" He shouted, eyes searching for anything that could be used as a weapon.


The blow to her head didn't hurt so much as serve to disorient her, causing her head to jostle around inside the helmet she wore. She was forced off of the fleeing man's person, him having successfully shoved her away. In his quick scramble to find a weapon, she tried to get her bearings once more, coming to her feet via a backward roll, pushing herself off of the ground.

She thought to draw a gun on the guy, but thought that might be a bad idea during the ensuing chaos, especially with all of the police personnel present. So, she resided to run after him once more, a jumping kick aimed squarely at his head, hoping to deal enough damage to put the guy out of commission before he could do her any more harm.


The Arbiter's kick found it's mark, sending the man falling forward and sliding across the concrete on his belly. He grabbed his head, clearly in too much pain to remain a real threat to anyone. He might have had a concussion, but it was too early to tell.

"Damn it..." He muttered, turning over onto his back. His eyes locking onto the Arbiter. It was his first time getting a real look at them.

Meanwhile, Jordan and two of her agents were closing in. They hoped so, at least. The debris, the smoke, and the flames made it hard to track their suspect. They could only go in the direction he was seen fleeing in and hope he didn't get far.


Arbiter was locked onto the grounded man in moments, sauntering towards him at a quickened pace, her movements suggesting hatred and an unshakable intent to do harm. From her hip she procured a Taser, firing the one-million-volt-carrying wire at the decoy's position on the ground before her. She expected to keep him restrained long enough for the police to intervene, at which point she could disappear and the cops could have their suspect in cuffs.

All that stood between this man's capture -or salvation- was mere moments.


The decoy howled in pain for a quick second, his body tensing and convulsing as the electricity shot through it. His pain attracted Jordan, the woman assuming he had hurt himself trying to flee through the destruction he had caused.

It wasn't the best idea, and Jordan made a note not to do the same again. A metal container falling on her or another explosion wouldn't do her any good if she was caught up in it.

Still she had come too far to turn back now. The decoy was her only hope at finding out who detonated the bomb and why. She raised her gun as she neared where the scream had come from, ready to fire on the decoy if he made the wrong move.


The guy was down for the count, writhing as electricity filled his body, stunning and incapacitating him just long enough to accomplish what Arbiter had set out to do. Releasing the agonized man from his electricity-induced torment, Arbiter sought to make herself scarce as the agents closed in on their position, grappling to higher ground via a looming overhead crane that hadn't been taken with the rest of the debris.

From there, she would watch, ensuring her presence was no longer needed before moving on to the next sign of trouble.


Colcord Point was not having a good business day.

Screams echoed through the streets as crowds of shoppers and tourists ran through the streets, fleeing from all manner of alien creatures. Outside a casino, a group of well-dressed men and women were scattering, driven before a bulbous and glistening mass of slime that was bursting through the casino's main doors, dragging slot machines and other debris along inside its translucent body. The front of the building bulged and then buckled under its weight, glass and stone raining down on the street outside as the mass spilled into the street. As it moved, it wrapped itself around a limousine and absorbed the vehicle into its body, before beginning to ooze slowly in the direction the fleeing people had run.

A few streets away, the Jubilee Shopping Mall was ablaze, smoke pouring from cracks and breaks in the glass roof. Inside, a small horde of vaguely humanoid figures formed of pure flame lurched and staggered confusedly from store to store, setting everything flammable they came near ablaze. Some were beginning to shuffle towards the exit, and the open plaza that lay beyond.

Near the center of the district, a gigantic tree that stretched far above even the tallest buildings and spanned over a block in diameter had punched up through the street and the buildings in its way and reached towards the sky. It spread a vast green canopy that cast large parts of the area in shadow - though light was already low due to the massive portal even further overhead, turning the sky into a swirling multi-coloured vortex of unknown nature.

The Royal Gate hotel, just two blocks away from the spaceport, had been the victim of one of the Butcher's blazing fireballs. The metallic projectile now sat embedded in the side of the smoking structure, that threatened to collapse at any minute as rescue crews worked to evacuate the remaining guests.

The spaceport itself was chaos. Crowds of people surged in an attempt to get passage out of the city, many still believing that death was moments away at the hands of the Aschen. Police and staff members attempted to maintain calm and convince the panicking civilians that the planet had been preserved, but it was a nearly futile endeavour. Regardless, all ships were currently grounded due to the perils of the spacial rifts in the Sol system.

Not all civilians were panicking, however. Many were taking advantage of the chaos for their own good. In shopping centres and casinos across the district, both individuals and small gangs of looters were breaking into businesses and making off with everything from cash, to computing equipment, to giant bags of pasta. Some brandished firearms or powers against those that tried to stop them, and the WCPD was slow to respond - if they came at all.

In short, Colcord Point was not a good place to be right now. But then, few places in Westeria were.
as written by Luxin and Script

Panic had set in, and though her defense force, loyal and until now unbested in the field, was now gone from her, Assara Ellonin remembered her years of training to keep her alive through such situations. The ooze creature that had sprung into existence with hardly any warning was gone now, the casino she still hid in was in shambles. The ceiling was even a mess, blasted by the weapons fire of over two dozen guests in an attempt to disrupt the creature that had caused so much damage.

And to think she'd only come in here to get her men back in order before heading home to Iarin Space.

In her narrow hands she held her only personal weapon, the Shy Lady. It didn't look to be much of a threat, as the silver-metalled gun was small and unassuming, but as she began to move towards the massive maw of a hole that counted for where the front of the building had been, she held it somewhat away from her, as if it were far more dangerous than it looked.

As she stepped out into the faded light of the street, the portal high above absorbing most of the sunlight of Sol, she blinked several times, doing her best to adapt her vision rapidly. There would be problems for her, she was certain, if she had any trouble seeing right now. She didn't need to see the looters, but the city area was in chaos, and she knew that it didn't matter. Violence ruled.

"Is there anything that this damned little planet has that it can defend itself with? Certainly there was no need for such...such Aschen foolishness as to cause all this." Although she didn't have the whole picture, she'd long worried over the size of the Aschen borders, as the Onyx Galaxy was not quite far enough for her to be comfortable with such a large neighbor that close to home. As such, her bias was fairly evident whenever her emotions struck her true, which, considering her day, was very much the case.

She looked down the street in both directions, then cursed again. The viscous mass of gluttony and slime was headed towards the spaceport. She had hoped to be able to get there, swing herself aboard the Evvion, and make a quick trip out of the area, but it seemed that fate has other designs for her. Bolstering herself as best she could, and doing her best not to vomit as the stench of the blob suddenly drifted on a hot wind towards her, she gripped her gun more tightly and strode after the Ooze, hoping that it wouldn't end up eating her too.


Ahead, the ooze creature seemed to be unaware - or uncaring - of her presence. It continued to ponderously slide its way down the road, occasionally pausing to devour a piece of scenery or a vehicle. Others it simply rolled over, leaving them coated in a glistening layer of slime.

"Huh," a voice sounded from behind Assara, "Never fought jelly before."

The speaker was a young man who looked to be in his early twenties, his skin a shade of olive-green and his eyes bright yellow. He had an athletic build, muscles clearly visible through a torn shirt and jacket. Pointed ears showed through a mop of unruly black hair, and he flashed a grin at her, complete with sharp fangs.

"Sup?" Trys said, sauntering forwards with a swagger to his steps. "You planning on taking that thing on all alone? Not sure if you're brave, stupid, or a bigger deal than you look."


Assara's attention shifted as suddenly as she spun around, her pistol raising to be cupped in both hands, aimed at his chest. She paused for a moment, taking the sight of Trys in, then shook her head and lowered her weapon. He looked like a thug, even seemed to have the right weight distribution in his hips and shoulders, but he didn't smell anything like the streets. He seemed just a bit too clean to be nothing more than the average ruffian. The barrel of her gun lowered as she stood more straight, her posture pristine.

"My apologies. I didn't mean to put you at risk. Habit." She turned to shoot a quick look back at the slime, which wasn't moving away too terribly quickly, before turning to face hm once more. "And yes, I certainly was. It doesn't matter much when physical objects strike it. I saw dozens of rounds enter that thing's body in the casino, and it was hardly affected. This, however," She waved her gun slightly, "is a high-velocity plasma weapon. Dirupts the molecular structure of it's target on impact and ionizes whatever it can from the energy imparted. She's small, not unlike myself, but very effective at her job." She smiled a bit, then shook her head.

She turned back once more, taking a few cautious steps through the slime-covered rubble in the street, then found a more suitable pathway just off to her right. As she neared it, the jacket she wore, which was longer and has classical tails to indicate some measure of importance, tore partially at her waist, revealing a suit of mesh beneath the outwerwear. She swore in her native tongue's ancient dialect, something she'd studied more as a hobby than anything, and grabbed at the coat, doing what she could to cover the mesh up.


"Uhuh," Trys nodded, "Yep. I knew some of those words."

He followed along beside Assara with none of her caution, whistling softly to himself as he watched the ooze slowly swallow an entire bus whole. "Hungry fucker, ain't he? It, I guess." The creature seemed indifferent to their approach at present, apparently either oblivious or unthreatened.

"I can't imagine bullets would do much good against it," he went on, "But I reckon something bigger might. Bullets, it's just gonna eat up. Like on those gun shows where they shoot into ballistic gel. But, say..."

He sauntered over a few steps, to where a lamppost had been half ripped out of the ground by the impact of one of Butcher's cannon-shots in an adjacent building. Flexing his fingers, he reached out and grabbed it, and giving a grunt of effort he tore it free from the ground in a spray of sparks, adjusting his grip until he was brandishing it like an oversized baseball bat.

"...something like this? I reckon I could make it hurt."

He grinned.

"You wanna get its attention?"


The admiral watched him for a moment, then smirked slightly as he ripped free the lamppost. She had seen similar things done, though more often by construction bots and the like. When it was simply one creature alone was doing it, it impressed, even if she might not have shown it.

"Boy sees a good-looking gal and shows off a bit, hmm?" She chuckled quietly and then raised her left arm, switching the pistol from one hand to another in the process. She flicked her eyes briefly to the left, and the smirk returned, only to look back at Trys. "My turn."

With a soft 'whump', a small pellet-like emission shot from the end of her gun, speeding towards the ooze faster than the eye could track, at least for a human. It punctured the beast's body a few inches, causing the entire creature to glow with an admixture of blue and green, only for that spot and the area within 7 inches from it all around to spew out from the beast as the pellet detonated. It wasn't as big an effect she'd expected, but as the second shell of the pellet was exposed to air, the detonation she'd wanted ripped forth.

The cloud now surrounding the beast was not from the explosion, but rather a creation of the atomization of the creture's bodily ooze from the plasma's heat. She chuckled as she finally looked back over, pleased at the result.

"Well, go and give him a good thrashing, won't you?"


Trys snorted, "You're almost as modest as I am," he remarked, "But seriously, who needs to show off when I'm this gorgeous?"

The green-skinned teen winked, hanging back to watch as Assara fired her weapon. His eyebrows rose at the result. "Nice toy you got there," he remarked, "Can't pretend I had any idea what anything you said about it meant, but I can't argue with results."

As the smoke cleared, it was evident that the gun had made its mark. Parts of the ooze were splattered across the street, bubbling and melting away into nothingness, whilst its main body was rippling as it sought to fill in the crater left in its surface by the impact. In doing so, it quite notably shrunk.

"One thrashing, coming right up."

Trys leaped forwards, launching himself through the air with his lamppost in tow and crossing the distance to the creature in a single bound. He brought the post down on its mass as he landed, slamming it through its gelatinous body with a satisfying splat. The post punched straight through, severing the ooze clean in two, and its two halves drooped miserably away from the strike.

He grinned, taking a step back, but swiftly his grin faded. Each of the halves of the ooze was rippling and reforming, and before more than a few seconds had passed, there were now two smaller versions of the creature. And they were both now well and truly aware of their assailants.

With surprising speed, one of them lurched forwards, latching onto the lamppost and absorbing part of it into its body, tugging Trys forwards. The other rolled past him, making a beeline for Assara.

"My bad!" Trys yelled over his shoulder as he fought with his ooze for possession of his weapon.


She whistled softly as he sailed through the air without issue, his physical capabilities dwarfing what she knew she could do. She watched, then shook her head as she watched the lamppost passed through the slime, two forming from the wreckage of the one. As one of the pair charged her faster than she expected they could move, she called out to him, her eyes never leaving her target.

"Clean up your mess as best you can, civilian. We'll talk more when you're done." The words were stern and commanding, her Fleet Command training kicking in more heavily now that combat had been joined. She was calm and collected, her mind racking though dozens of thoughts on how to best this creature. Choosing to figure out more about this thing, should they meet another by chance, she backed off, letting the rubble begin to surround her more and more.

As the creature moved ever closer, sliding and separating slightly as it moved through the debris, she grew more and more confident. She stopped and raised her weapon directly above her head, aiming up.

"I hope you don't mind if I play with fire a little." She pulled the trigger, the plasma firing up into the concrete above her. As the stone mix cracked and broke, revealing rebar underneath, an amount of flaming debris from atop that tumbling down and flaring up across the slime's surface. As it lit up, the flame's heat grew into the extreme, her outerwear burning off, the metamesh beneath revealed from beneath.

She dug deep inside herself, both physically and mentally, and connected with her inner symbiotic being, accessing a strength and endurance far beyond the normal for her kind. It gave her skin the strength to endure the flames licking across what exposed parts of it there were. She stood in the flames, eyes closed as they blazed around her and her hair whipping the sudden air current changes.


Back on the street, Trys growled and lurched backwards, tearing the lamppost free of the slime's grip with a spray of goop. Grimacing as some of the ooze landed on his skin, burning slightly, he swung with it again, this time crushing a small section of it to one side. The sheared off slime rippled on the floor for a few moments, flopping like a fish out of water, before seeping away into a puddle of inanimate residue.

Trys grinned. "Divide and conquer not going so well for you now, huh?" he murmured, backing up to avoid the advance of the creature and readying for another swing.

As he did so, however, it made another move he wasn't expecting. The side of it facing him pulsed, and a ball of goop shot out from it to strike him in the torso. The force of the impact unbalanced him and knocked him to the ground, where the sticky slime gripped to the floor.

"Oh, gross!" he exclaimed, looking down at himself. The acidic jelly was eating through his clothes and burned at his skin, but it wasn't doing him any real harm - he had a feeling if he was a regular guy, however, it'd be a very different story.

Grunting with effort, he forced himself upright, tearing through the slime's projectile as the main body advanced. He was just about free, when the creature itself rolled over his foot.

"Seriously?" he groaned, "Fuck off!"

It was then that a flash of light drew his attention off to the side, as a radiant arrow shot through the air and punched into the slime. The shaft of light drove deep into the core of the creature before exploding, sending a ripple through the entire creature. The first arrow was swiftly followed by a volley, each striking in a different spot and shrinking the creature a little more.

One of the strikes freed Trys' foot, and he wrenched himself fully free of his goopy prison to turn toward the source of the arrows with a grin of recognition.

The newcomer was another youth of a similar age to Trys, but he appeared to be human - fair skinned and with a head of tangled platinum blonde hair, still drying from the earlier downpour. He wore a bright red hooded top, and carried a modern-looking composite longbow.

"I hope needing your ass saved by me isn't going to become a habit," Ari remarked with a raised eyebrow.

"If it means I keep running into you? Definitely." Trys replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly what it sounds like. C'mon, there's another one of them," he turned and gestured towards the blazing pile of rubble.

Then paused, realising that there was a blazing pile of rubble there now. "Oh. Er... you okay in there?" he called, hoping Assara would respond.


The sound of several very rapid, and very heavy, if suppressed, detonations caught her attention. She stepped over the rubble, her feet bare against the stone as her metamesh suit, similar in form to that of a short sleeved and legged surf suit keept her torso protected from the fire. As she stepped out, her auburn hair caught the light of the flames behind her, casting an almost ominous look to her, though she inhaled deeply, calm as a still pond.

She walked over to Trys quickly enough, her strides confident and even. As she looked at them both, her eyes held a green light within that rapidly dwindled. The further from the fire she got, the less she drew from her inner being, the symbiotic lifeform within her body. She smirked and looked at them.

"So, we've got a being who can rip up streetlamps, and I assume his cohort, capable of creating some sort of explosions." She noticed the bow in Ari's hand. "Explosive arrows, I take it? Plasma? Kinetic detonation? Or do you have saome sort of phase disruption system?" She was interested in how exactly he'd done what he'd done, as she could no longer see any remnant of the slime that had attacked Trys.

She ran a hand through her hair, brushing some of the pesky strands from her face as she stood there. She was highly aware that the meta-mesh suit was rather form-fitting, and that she wasn't exactly homely, but she kept her gaze leveled on the two men before her.


"Cohort?" Ari raised an eyebrow, "Not likely. Not his anyway."

"Hey..." Trys tore his eyes away from Assara's ... attire, and looked across at Ari ", yeah, hey! You said something dickish, right?"

"Classy," Ari rolled his eyes, apparently not suffering Trys' difficulties when it came to paying attention to the conversation. "I'm Ari," he directed towards Assara, "I'm with the Elysian Vanguard - are you hurt?"

"He's kind of a big deal," Trys noted, pointing across at the colossal tree that rose up through the street several blocks away, towering over even the skyscrapers. "See that? His fault."

Ari's cheeks reddened, "Okay, thanks, Tryst-"

"Trys. Not Tryst. I'm not an affair. I have them, but I'm not them."

"...whatever! Look, the important thing is, I'm here to help, a-"

"Doing a fantastic job of that so far, tree boy."

Ari groaned.


Their chatter caused her to raise an eyebrow, but remained quiet. She noticed Trys having a momentary issue speaking, something she filed away for later review, but it passed quickly enough. As she looked over at the tree, she offered her response.

"I'm actually better off now than I was before you met me, Trys. And it's a pleasure to meet you, Ari. My name is Assara Ellonin, Fleet Admiral of the Iarin Collective Intergalactic Navy. Tell me, when you mention Elysian, do you happen to mean the same Elysia that shows up in ancient Terran mythologies?"

She looked down around her, searching the ground for something. She wandered for a few moments, still paying attention to them all, before her thoughts were answered from the skies themselves. A simple white sheet of cloth, frayed on two edges and slightly scorched. She snatched it with a quick grab and then pulled it down, taking two opposite corners and tying them together around her waist. Although not needed to maintain her modesty, she still chose to add the skirt-like piece for her own reasons.


"It's good to meet you too, Assara. And, uh..." Ari hesitated, "I'm not actually sure of the exact reasoning behind the name. I guess it probably does? I'm still technically just an initiate, so..."

Trys raised an eyebrow, "You don't even know why your ancient holy order is named what it's named? Poor form, lionman."

"They don't have a handy ... trivia pack, you know!" Ari shook his head, "Anyway! The Vanguard is an order dedicated to protecting the people of Valore against evil."

"And slime monsters, apparently."

"You could stand to be a little more grateful, you know?" Ari gave an exasperated sigh, running a hand through his tangled hair with an expression that for a moment looked genuinely upset, "I've had a long day, and I royally fucked up with the tree thing, and I'm just trying to help, but-"

"Whoa, whoa, hey," Trys put a hand on Ari's arm reassuringly, "I'm just teasing, yeah? You've literally saved my life twice today, so, whatever else has gone wrong you're pretty much the most awesome person in my world right now."

Ari took a deep breath in, nodding his head. "This is only my second time in the field, you know, and the world almost fucking ended. That's like ... like ..."

"Doing your first day in retail on Black Friday at Omnimart?"

"Yeah, something like that." The olympian sighed again, before apparently remembering that Assara was there, and blushing. "Sorry. Small emotional breakdown. I'm fine now, though!" He forced a smile. "You were ah, asking about my arrows, right?"

It was notable that Ari didn't wear a quiver of any sort despite his bow, and it quickly became apparent why, as he reached out to pull an arrow of pure light from the air. It gleamed brilliantly in his grasp. "I've been told they're formed of pure divine energy, by someone who knows a lot more about that sort of thing than I do. A gift from Artemis - a Goddess from Ancient Avaros. I'm ... slightly related to her?"

Trys stared. "Wait wait wait... you're a ... demigod?"

"More like demi-demi-demi-demi-demi..." Ari hastily corrected, "It's not as crazy as it sounds, honestly."


The admiral waited patiently, her bare feet warm against the stone beneath her. She felt a small feeling that something had changed within her, as she'd not used her symbiotic capabilities for well over a decade, and it had come to her more easily than ever before. She pondered the possible consequences of such a thing while the two talked amongst themselves, to make certain she didn't intrude. She came back tot he conversation as she saw him pull the arrow out of thin air and mention something about being related to a deity.

"Interesting. I'd heard such claims from the Milky Way before, that gods would cavort amongst mortal beings, but this would be the first time I've been present for such a presence." She bowed slightly in respect. "My greetings to your family, when you get the chance. However, I have something more prevalent to ask. May I have you accompany me back to Iarin Space, that the Iarin people might see if we can't recreate a mortal form of your arrows? I know it is a bit much, but it would be of great aid to us, should we ever have to deal with this," she gestured to the chaos of Westeria's shipping area, "in our homelands."

"Also," she continued, "We should move indoors. I'm all for staying safe among the masses out and about, but I do not trust the events of the last few days, and I would rather stay in a place where we could more easily defend ourselves, if it comes to such." She was trusting them at the moment, if only because they seemed amiable enough, but she was prepared for their alliance, if it was such, to wear and snap away at any point.


"Oh... I'm not sure that's possible," Ari answered, blinking in surprise, "I've got a duty here, to the Vanguard... not to mention I don't think Artemis would be a fan of mortals recreating her gifts." He paused, "Er, no offence. I try to avoid saying 'mortals' because it makes me sound like a jackass with a superiority complex."

"Too real?" Trys smirked, patting Ari on the back, "I'm kidding, but yeah, I think asking a kid... you are actually my age, right? Not just immortal-never-aging?"

"I'm nineteen. For realsies."

"Oh my god, you said for realsies, that's fucking adorable." Trys snickered, "Anyway, yeah, asking some random kid to go on an expedition to wherever-the-fuck halfway across the galaxy..? I guess you're optimistic, at least."

Ari cleared his throat, "If you two want to find shelter, go ahead. There are still people who need my help."

"Oh no, you are not getting rid of me that easily," Trys grumbled.


"Across the...Oh, no. It's far more distant than that. The boundaries of Iarin Space, which approximates roughly 7 systems within its borders, are in the Onyx Galaxy, not the Milky Way. It's roughly 300 million parsecs or so to get there, which for the craft we develop and fly, that's a week's trip at least." She chuckled very slightly, then sighed contentedly.

"And no offense taken. It was a tall thing to ask of you, even if my culture would consider you an adult by now." As she began to let her eyes wander, mostly to see if there was anything suitable to wait out this insanity in, she realized that her ship might still be at the spaceport. It would've been a tough thing to steal, even moreso to fly, and she suspected that it would have stayed rather well-kept from debris.

"You're choosing to stay out here? Seems...unwise. However, I have need to get to my ship. I meant to be gone almost a week ago, but my men were..." She paused, choking up a bit. They had all been close to her, a rare enough thing in its own right, and because of that her emotions were still unchecked as she thought of them each in turn.

Tarron, Hunnos, Mallac, Kweppi, and Yetter. Each and every one was gone, and had gone out to keep her alive. She wiped an errant tear that had sprung up at the corner of her right eye, flicking it to the ground without a second thought before clearing her throat.

"Suffice it to say that I would be glad if you both might accompany me there. I have only so much combat experience, and it would reflect poorly on me if I were to be brought low by something like...Well, like that slime." She shrugged and looked from one to the other, her green-eyed gaze holding each one briefly before switching.


"I'm sorry about your men," Ari said softly, frowning, "I can help you get to the spaceport, but from what I saw in the air, it's chaos down there. There's a massive crowd outside, and it didn't look like anything was taking off."

Trys grimaced, "Like rats fleeing a sinking ship. Assholes."

"I'm not sure you can call people assholes for trying to get off of a planet they thought was going to be destroyed, Trys," Ari remarked dryly.

"I can call people assholes for whatever I want! I might be wrong, I might also be an asshole for doing it, but so help me I reserve that right," Trys grumbled.

"I ... suppose you do." Ari laughed, prompting a grin from the other teen, before turning his attention back to Assara. "If you still want to head that way, I can go with you. If leaving isn't an option, is there an embassy you can head to?"


She shook her head. "You have nothing to apologize for, I assure you. They were not caught by any of the chaotic things being birthed from nowhere, but rather from gunfire as several assailants attempted to rape the young woman serving at one of the casino's bars. I was unable to reach them in time, but they did good work until the end, and will be honored upon my return to Iara'Agar."

She paused herself and listened as they jabbered back and forth once more, but although the words were more heated, she figured it was almost more for show. opinions, certainly, but it wasn't in her experience to see such reactions. Especially not when the action causing it made such sense.

"I would appreciate your company, Ari. And yours as well, Trys, if you're interested in tagging along. As to whether there is a place for me to recuperate here, I doubt it. I was one of the first envoys of the Iarin Collective to come to Terra. There has been one other, though he does not know that we have been keeping an eye on him."


"If nothing else, I imagine the spaceport will be where you can learn more about what your next move should be," Ari noted, "There's enough people there that if the situation changes, the authorities will get the information there fast."

Trys snorted, "The authorities haven't been much help so far," he muttered, "Anyway, let's get moving. The spaceport's only a few blocks that way. What can go wrong in that distance?"

The greenskinned teen set off walking, and after a moment's pause, Ari followed after him.

"Why were you with that mob in the park, anyway, Trys?" he asked as they walked.

"Cause we've rolled over for the Aschen one too many times. Wasn't about to let them just waltz in and hold us at gunpoint without kicking up a riot. Didn't ask anyone to follow me, but I guess a lot of people had the same idea." Trys shrugged, "Could've gone better. Could've gone worse. Hard to say how it'd have gone down if the park hadn't come to life. Or if you didn't show up."


She remained quiet as they walked, keeping her eyes open and peeled for potential danger. Although it was only a few blocks, she knew that there were more than enough potential dangers. She began to feel slightly self-conscious about her current attire, but shoved the thoughts away. She may look like just a refugee with a simple gun, weak and helpless, but she had Trys and Ari nearby, and she hoped that might be enough to dissuade most.

"So, what brought you both together and to Westeria?" She pointedly avoided asking about there chat about mobs and riots, as she was a person of station, and she didn't want to have to bring them to the authorities later on if she could help it. It was hardly a good time for it anyways.

"And why would you stay here? Ari, I understand that your heritage dictates this your homeland, but travelling the starry seas above the sky is something all its own. An experience unlike any other."

A sound ahead of them and to the left drew her attention. When she looked, she only saw the shimering of hot air rising from an alley into the main thoroughfare.
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as written by barney_fife, Script, and Luxin

The faint noise grew to a cacophony of shouting and weapons fire, more specifically the unique crack of disruptor weapons. A moment later a battered white Tech Con pickup truck careened out from an alleyway, with a police car in tow, the men were cackling and firing their weapons back at the car.

One of them swiveled the pickup's fuel rod cannon back at the police car before firing, sending the law enforcement vehicle up in a brilliant burst of green plasma and bright yellow flame. At that point the truck careened down the road, heading right for the Admiral and her two accomplices, it's engine revving while its passengers fired their weapons into the air.

Eventually the truck came to an abrupt stop several feet in front of them, and the door opened up, a rugged Tech Con mercenary, or what appeared to be a Tech Con Mercenary stepped out, and shouldered a disruptor rifle.

"Well well well, what do we have here." He grunted.


"I come from another city to the west of here," Ari explained, "A lot quieter than Westeria. I ended up joining the Vanguard after ... well, I didn't have a lot of direction. And that kept getting me into trouble."

Trys raised an eyebrow "And here I thought you were a perfect little boyscout."

"Yeah, no. As for how we met..?" Ari shot Trys a sidelong glance, "Trys was in the centre of a mob confronting some of the invading Aschen. When the soldiers opened fire... the Vanguard weren't about to stand by and let that happen. I wasn't, anyway."

Before he could go on to answer with his reasons for not wanting to leave, the car chase ahead of them tore onto the scene. Ari's eyes widened as the police car exploded, before his expression settled into a hardened scowl.

"Assara," he said quietly as the vehicle approach, "I'd suggest getting to cover. I think this is going to get messy."

"Oh, it's getting messy alright," Trys growled, cracking his knuckles.

When the vehicle pulled up and the mercenary stepped out, it was Ari who stepped forwards to speak first. Trys eyed him warily, but held his temper to give the other teen a chance to speak.

The Vanguard apprentice was clearly anxious, but met the man's eyes unflinchingly. "I don't suppose you're going to quietly surrender and let me take you to the police, are you?"


Assara's face lit up slightly at the somewhat sentimental, if cliche, story rounded out. It was nice to know that simple things in life still happened, causing joy and peace among places far and wide. Her sister had recently celebrated the birth of a young one, and the Bonding of her eldest child. Assara had been unable to make either event due to her position in the Iarin Navy, but she had sent them her best wishes as soon as she'd heard the news.

As the white truck stopped, she chuckled softly. Ari's words had given her thought, but she hardly looked important just then. Her hair was a mess, what was once makeup was now more a layer of fine cinders and ash, and her clothing, while simple, was hardly anything noteworthy from the distance they were at. All in all, she looked much like a refugee who'd happened to come across a pistol and some compatriots.

Yet she held her tongue. Instead of meeting the man's eyes, she cast her gaze more at his feet, assuming a less dominant stance and appearing more submissive. She maintained her grip on the gun, but let the more natural state of postures and positions between male and female roles, reinforced over countless years and centuries, affect her. It was a ploy, but one she'd used before to great effect when an enlisted naval member had blackmailed her in her early days witht he Iarin Forces. For him, it had ended poorly.


The mercenary that stepped out let out an audible chuckle at Ari's suggestion to quietly surrender to be taken to the police. "And be lined up and shot like Captain Henderson? Fat chance." He said, swinging his rifle to bear, right as a second figure stepped out from the passenger side rear cab of the truck. A solidly built figure wearing a strange armored suit that appeared to be some kind of power armor. The facemask of the armor was missing, however. Instead it was replaced with a skull shaped metal mask that hid the man's face. The keen observer would only make his eyes, which were a piercing almost iridescent blue.

As he walked up behind the Tech Con mercenary, and his footsteps echoed through the street, but his eyes were locked on Ari, then they moved to Trys, and Assara.

He raised a hand and forced the Tech Con mercenary to lower his rifle as his eyes moved towards Ari. "Your survival is entirely contingent on the events that follow." He said in a gravely voice. "Allow us to go on our way in peace, and you won't be harmed. Attempt to detain us, and you will be destroyed, either way you will not be taking us to the Police this day."


Ari's eyes flicked between the mercenaries, then to the vehicle itself and the mounted weapon upon it. He knew he was hard to kill - that much had been proven in the past - but he'd never figured out exactly how hard to kill he was. He wasn't sure he wanted to put it to the test. Not to mention that he had the wellbeing of Trys and Assara to worry about.

A fight here wasn't advantageous. But could he let these men just walk away after murdering the police officers in that car?

"Who are you?" Ari asked, meeting the skull-masked man's gaze defiantly, "You know you won't get away with driving around shooting police forever. There's always a bigger fish."

Behind him, Trys' expression was like a thundercloud, his body tensed and prepared to launch like a coiled spring at the first sign of aggression from the aschen men.


Assara watched cautiously, then as the armored man spoke, she stepped forward, all manner of submission gone. As she walked forward, she expected a scathing comment from the first man, who looked more like a mercenary who hadn't been able to bag a job in over a year, but simply lifted her pistol to keep it in line with the bridge of his nose. As she passed Ari and Trys, she spoke softly to them both.

"Let's try some diplomacy, perhaps," she said to them, then spoke up to make sure she was heard.

"You wish to walk free, and I wish to see myself to my craft waiting in the spaceport. These things are truths, or as close to such things as can be maintained in a hostile environment. However, there remains the issue that you did cause the deaths of at least the officers in pursuit of you, though why they pursued you I have no choice." She paused, and looked down the line of her arm and gun.

"Before you say a word, it's obvious you're not the one in charge. Keep your gun down and this will end without violence." She turned back to the armored man, looking up at him due to their difference in height and noting his eyes. "You, however, seem much more in control of things. Shall we parley, and find if our common goals can be reasonably achieved, or must there be bloodshed without anything being worked out at all. I agree that we could turn and walk our separate paths, but though those officers do not belong to my people I still feel that there should be at least some effort on the part of you and those who have joined up with you to make amends in one fashion or another." She smiled ever so slightly, not knowing who, or even what, she might be talking to.

"Surely you can understand that?"


The armored man watched Ari, he paused a moment as the Tech Con mercenary backed up behind him. The Armored man's gravely voice pierced the din of the surrounding environment, reality itself bending to amplify his speech to enable him to be heard clearly. Though he was several feet away from the group, it sounded as if he was right in front of them.

"It doesn't matter who we are, all that matters is our plan." He answered cryptically, before his attention turned to the woman with the gun, he made a face behind his mask. Precognition didn't highlight the woman to be an immediate threat, and even if she was he was confident that he was leagues beyond her in capability. He listened to Assara's proposal, before he replied.

"These savages murdered millions of my people in a cowardly act of barbarism, the deaths of a few cogs in their machine are irrelevant, and will be the first in many deaths of these savages when the Empire comes to exact terrible revenge upon this planet." The man said, taking a step forward.

"Whether or not you and your friends live to witness this terrible reckoning remains to be seen. Speak your proposal." He said, still approaching the trio, and as he did so, debris in the ground cleared itself to reveal a path, water parted to provide a dry spot for his feet, and his left hand clenched into a fist, and the fabric of space time bent around it. Those capable of sensing power could detect a furnace of raw celestial energy welling up in this strange man, though he showed no outward changes save for his hand.

His mind's eye glanced through all possible realities, precognition flitting through potential outcomes.

"What benefit would I get from listening to you, why should I not simply lay you and your friends low, and proceed upon my path."


"Assara," Ari murmured as she advanced, "I think it would be best if we just walked away." The olympian had picked up on the energy coming from the man, which had confirmed his suspicions as to his nature. He had to wonder just how many of these Alteran-esque beings the Aschen had, that they might find one wandering around causing apparently aimless chaos in the aftermath of a disaster. He'd have thought they'd have better things to do.

"I've got two reasons for you ri-" Trys began, but cut off as Ari turned to him and shot him a pleading stare. He scowled, but quieted, clenching his fists.

It was at that moment, however, that space-time snapped.

If the prevalence of giant ooze monsters, living fire and giant sky-portals wasn't enough evidence that the fabric of reality had seen its fair share of abuse here over the last few hours, then truly, nothing was. As the man warped reality around his hand, once more it tore at the seams.

It manifested first as a glowing tear in the air around the man's fist, that rapidly broadened into a rift. Bolts of unnatural energy sparked from within it, striking out in violent arcs. One arced straight towards the armoured man, another towards Ari.

The bolt struck the olympian in the chest and threw him backwards without even a chance to scream. He flew across the street and slammed into a car, bending the metal of its frame, and lay still.

"Ari!" Trys yelled, turning to run towards the fallen boy, even as the storm around the rift intensified.

It began to suck air into it like a vortex with terrifying speed, and within extremely close proximity to it, even physical objects warped and twisted to be sucked inside. The surface of the road warped upwards unnaturally into the rift, stretching in a manner that tarmac ought not have been able to.

Trys grimaced, feeling the tug of the portal and turned back as it was beginning to grow, extending a hand for Assara, "Grab on!" he yelled, digging his feet into the ground to resist the pull.

Chaotic energies continued to arc from the rift with growing density, until the area around it became a miniature storm. Debris and even vehicles on the street began to slowly inch towards it, drawn by the vortex. If they didn't clear out in time, all of them would be swallowed by it.

And its radius just seemed to be growing. And growing.
as written by Tiko

And then time seemed to simply cease. Or at least it did from the perspective of the Tech Con Mercenary as the world around him appeared frozen and faded. The infinite possible time-lines that lay before him turned to static as he was effectively severed from such things for the moment.

The possibilities still existed though, and he would catch glimpses of them in the peripheral of his vision. Silvery tendrils of light that served as a physical manifestations of a grander design. An infinitely spanning web-work of life-lines that spread across universes, all co-existing neatly with one another.

Before him stood a remarkably average looking individual. His build was more lanky than muscular, and he was substantially less than imposing standing before Bishop. Shaggy black hair and grey eyes were his only real distinguishing features, along with the almost perpetual look of boredom upon his face.

In one hand he held a pocket watch that he closed and slipped into his pocket.

"Two hours. The time required for you to create quite the upset," the stranger mused. "Not that I can say I'm surprised, but then again, little surprises me these days."

To the others that had been engaged with the mercenary, there was no further sign of either the mercenary, or a visible hint of the stranger's presence. Time was flowing normally for them. The rift was growing all the more volatile though, and a strange black sludge was beginning to spill from it to seep across the ground.
as written by Luxin and Script

Assara watched, almost as if she were suspended in time herself. Things moved in ways she'd not expected, changing and altering so suddenly, but subtly at first, that her mind was unable to fully comprehend it. There was something off about the larger man as he moved closer, but then he simply vanished. No warning, no fanfare, he just disappeared from view entirely, replaced by a three-dimensional rip in the air. As the air began disappearing into the gape, she yelped slightly in surprise, dropping into a more stable and low crouch as her training kicked in.

"The hell is that," She cried out over the sudden rush of wind around them all, holstering her gun as she reached out to lock arms with Trys. "Why in the name of any and all deities is there a damned thing that, to me, looks like some ship just jumped beyond light sitting where that thing was?"

The suction grew more intense, the ooze sliding out of the hole, and in response she flung herself towards Trys, accidentally kicking a rock into the black goop as she did so. As she moved closer to the ma, she pushed more off the ground, actually vaulting over him and landing such that her feet were braced on the far side of a concrete barrier. Now helping to brace Trys, she looked at Ari, silently praying to his mother, whomever she was, that he would be okay in the end of things.

"We need to get inside, Trys. If this gets any stronger, we won't be able to hold off against it." As if to put weight to her argument, one of the cars nearest to the rift began to slide, a hideous screech emitting fromt he tires on the asphalt.


"Not without the boy scout," Trys growled under his breath, planting his foot in the road with enough force to dig it into the concrete for extra grip. "I pay my fucking debts, and right now I owe him my life. Twice."

Ari's body was already beginning to slide across the road towards the rift, and the ooze coming from beyond it. Light as he was, he moved faster than the cars. Trys didn't wait to talk any longer. He launched himself forwards with vigour, throwing his weight against the pull of the still perilously close rift. He had to angle himself at a diagonal so as to counteract its tug, that was beginning to warp and tear the road up in an increasing radius around itself.

He reached Ari just as the other teen was picking up speed, and grabbed hold of him unceremoniously by the waist, lifting him up into a shoulder carry like he weighed nothing. "You better still be breathing, god boy," Trys muttered.

With another burst of effort, he started to push away from the rift directly. The further he moved, the easier it was - it seemed that the further from the rift they got, the less force it exerted. It remained to be seen whether it would continue to grow or not.

As he moved, he cast his eyes towards Assara to check on whether she was clear of its pull.
as written by barney_fife and Tiko

The moment Bishop's abilities began to bend time and space, his suit's tactical systems threw off alarm bells. Red icons in Anquietas flashed across a hud being projected inside the mask, and as the rift violently grew, it discharged energy bolts, one impacting Ari and throwing him into a car, the other impacting Bishop. However as the bolt impacted his chest, the energy was harmlessly dissipated by the suit's shields, and the energy spread across the chestplate before dissipating.

At that point everything seemed to freeze, and he was cut off from his precognition abilities.

He looked to the smaller man in front of him, and his face contorted to a sneer behind his mask. To be bested by such an insignificant creature enraged the super-soldier. He committed to himself that should he survive this encounter, he would modify his suit accordingly to compensate for this series of failures.

"Two Hours, two Failures. Did the Vanguard send you to end me before I committed my resources to their destruction?" He said, his attention on the man before him.

"Many have tried to destroy me, and many have failed. You will be among them when I lay you low."


"Hm?" Alan inquired absentmindedly. "Oh, I have no affiliation with any Vanguard. No, I'm simply a messenger. The threads that weave the tapestry of creation grow frayed. Every fire lit, hastens the decline..."

He gestured to their surroundings as a black patch discolored the threads of the very lives that Bishop had been about to snuff out. It spread rapidly and began to devour the life-lines entwined all around them, merging with other blackening lines like some cancerous disease. It was like watching a series of dominoes toppling in rapid succession until there was nothing left.

"Do as you will. But preserve the tapestry."


Bishop observed the black patch, and the contaminated threads with mild curiosity. What Alan was showing him was consistent with the data that his suit was providing him. His reality altering abilities were causing the fabric of space to Destabilize.

"What you say is consistent with what I have observed. Very well I will heed your request." He replied.

With his main reality altering abilities out of the question, he would have to rely on his psychic, and technological prowess to emerge victorious in any confrontation.

"Now, release me." He demanded.
as written by Luxin and Script

Assara's hair whipped to and fro as the wind rushed past her, air drawing into the vortex with each passing moment. She watched, feeling useless, as Trys dashed to save Ari, managing it in what she would only ever call the nick of time after this. Her attention, however, was quickly returned to her own safety moment later, as the suit she wore projected a holographic display into the air before her face.

Like any HUD, it had basic parameters she would be curious about, but one she had not expected to start changing by any great amount, and consequently the one causing all of the alarms just then, was the gravimetric sensor. It was showing that the rift was shifting from a vortex to something more. It wasn't bending the simple, physical aspects of the area nearby, but the gravity as well, causing a black-hole like effect. As the pull suddenly shifted, gravity distorting such that it too pulled into the vortex at an incresingly steep angle, She stood on the concrete barrier her feet had been planted upon.

Only she was standing on the barrier's side, as though it were the normal ground.

A moment later and the effect subsided, shifting as the gravitational abnormalities spun around the rift itself. She fell to her side, wincing slightly at the scrapes she got from the ground, then quickly stood and held out a hand to Trys.

"We have to leave. Now! Get your ass moving, Civilian!"


Trys nodded, hastening across to Assara with care, making sure he had solid footing with each step. He couldn't afford to slip. Once he reached her, he took her hand. "Apologies in advance, admiral," he grunted, "but this won't be very dignified."

Much as he had with Ari, Trys hauled Assara onto his shoulder - somewhat less roughly, but without much more ceremony. With them both retrieved, he turned his attention towards getting the fuck out of there.

After the first few difficult steps, they began to break free of the worst of the vortex, and Trys picked up speed. Not wanting to take any chances, he kept moving, running far enough that the vortex was barely visible down the street. Only then did he halt, setting Assara down onto her feet and turning back to look.

It seemed as though the rift had stopped growing, and its pull had with it. Vehicles and the sides of the nearby buildings had been distorted and sucked in, leaving an almost perfectly circular area around it of empty space. Even the concrete and earth itself had been sucked in in the same radius, leaving a large crater - that was rapidly filling with black sludge. Trys could only wonder at why the sludge was immune to the pull.

Shaking his head dismissively, he laid Ari down, crouching next to the olympian and placing a hand on his neck to check for a pulse. When he found one, he breathed a sigh of relief. "Guess we're halfway to even now," he muttered. Only then did he turn to look back at the rift again.

"Well... at least it doesn't look like it's getting any bigger?"


Assara was about to quip back at him, but the words were lost as she was set over his shoulder like a sack of grain. She blushed slightly as his hand crossed over her ass, but it kept moving to grip around her thighs to keep her steady, so she passed it off as an accident that had embarrassed her. Such things were bound to be the case when you wore realistically nothing more than a suit designed ot hug one's every curve.

She watched the rift as they moved farther away from it, still wondering at the sludge itself. She'd still never seen anything like it, and though she dearly did wish to take some with her for study, she figured it would likely be her end if she were to go anywhere near that thing again. And that loss would be too great for her people. Not finishing the mission she'd set herself on? That could be waived away as simply a non-issue. Losing her though would cripple the Iarin Navy in a way they would not be able to readily replace. As trys spoke to Ari, her attention drew to them instead, following Trys as he stood and looked back.

"It shouldn't. It's some sort of destabilized area, much like the areas of spacetime that most ships capable to passing the light-speed barrier create briefly upon passing the speed of light itself. Depending on the type of drive your ship has can affect how much destabilization there is." She shrugged. "It's an inexact science at best, with techniques ranging from no suppression of the effect at all, to nearly eighty percent suppression, with an active component to restabilize the area in the days following. I would never have expected to see something like that, though the actions this particular instability has caused are strange and don't match any I know, within the atmosphere of a planet."


"All I know," Trys muttered, "is that it's not the weirdest thing that's happened today. It all seems to go back to the Aschen. This shit kicked off when they showed up. I don't know what they're fucking with, but they're idiots for it."

He shook his head, "I hope you don't mind waiting for your ship a little longer. I need to find Ari's vanguard buddies, see if they can help him. I have no fucking idea whether he's alright or not. Least he's breathing."

"'m okay..."

Trys started at the quiet mumble from the floor, and quickly crouched down beside Ari, whose eyes were now open. "Morning, sunshine."

"What happened?" Ari asked weakly, raising a hand to his chest and wincing as he brushed up against it. "There was a ... portal?"

"Some sorta rift. Vortex. Thing. The aschen fucker made it, by accident as far as I could tell. You alright? You took a bolt of ... I dunno whether it was lightning... but something like it, right to the chest."

Ari smiled faintly. "Takes a lot to kill a demigod," he mumbled. "Apparently."

Trys smirked. "Good to know, eh? Think you can walk?"

In response, the teen pushed himself into a sitting position, "Maybe ... I'm still a little ..." Ari winced as the bruises from the impact with the car caught up with him. "Ow, okay, there's the pain. How long was I out?"

"Not long. Anyway, no matter. Where're your other Vanguardian friends at?" Trys asked.

"They shouldn't be far... we were going to do a sweep, try and deal with anything that was a high-level threat before it did too much damage. Sarael went toward the plaza, I think." Ari frowned, "But what about the other stuff here... and the rift?"

"You're in no state to be worrying about that, boyscout," Trys noted, before turning to Assara. "I'm gonna get him to his allies. You're welcome to tag along, or you can try and make your own way to the spaceport. Wouldn't recommend that, in case the merc holds a grudge."

As he spoke, he once more scooped Ari up off the ground.

"Hey! I said I might be able to walk!" He protested.

"Not fast enough for my liking, buddy," Trys remarked with a grin, "Let's move."

After waiting for a response from Assara, Trys began to move off through the city.
as written by Tiko

Meanwhile, the black ooze continued to creep along the ground climbing and seeming to almost grasp at objects as it pulled itself along. Had the others been close enough to examine it thoroughly they might have taken note that it wasn't immune to the pull of the rift, but rather it was fighting against it.

As it oozed its way into the cracks and crevices of the scattered debris, it began to anchor itself to whatever it could take hold of. Fire hydrants, telephone poles, broken concrete, vehicles...

As its progress slowed it seemed to be pulsing with a life of its own, almost as if it was breathing. It was from that breath, that new life was imparted upon the ooze creatures that had been slain.

As the black viscous material located the bits of residue and slime that coated the street, they began to ripple and grow once more. This time though, the green slime was laced with vein like tendrils of black as they began to separate from the black pool. They were much smaller than the original slime creature had been, but there were now dozens of them pulling their way free of the black ooze.


"As you wish..."

And with that, Alan was gone. Everything surrounding Bishop was gone. It wasn't as if it faded away, but rather it seemed to simply ceased to exist. Bishop now found himself standing atop the ground where he had been only minutes prior, but his surroundings had drastically changed.

Those he had been confronting were no longer in the immediate vicinity, and Bishop himself was surrounded by an unnatural pulsating pool of black ooze that was edging its way past an overturned trash can and towards his feet.

It was slow moving, but had all but encircled where he now stood. Nearby a few vehicles remained free of the black ooze, but it was beginning to climb the wheels of the vehicles to use the underside of the cars to help anchor itself against the pull of the rift.

Bishop himself would be equally subject to the rift's pull.
as written by barney_fife and Tiko

Bishop, no thanks to his attuned senses and his Alteran physique took no time in adapting to the sudden change in scenery. The suit's inertial dampeners engaged to make Bishop much heavier than he normally would be, allowing his feet purchase on the ground against the rift's pull.

The Black ooze was another situation he had to quickly adapt. The Tech Con truck was stuck in the ooze, but the mercenaries had fled on foot, the ones that escaped the rift.

Bishop started away from the ooze, but with the suit's traction systems, his footsteps were slow and heavy, fighting the grip of the rift he trudged forward, detaching a trio of thermite grenades from his suit, he hurled them back at the Ooze, where they would detonate in a firey plume, consuming everything around them in intense flame.


The moment the grenades were released from Bishop's grasp they were subject to the gravitational pull of the rift, and rather than landing in the ooze they were drawn through the rift itself. It was impossible to determine the result their detonation had, but the ooze on this side of the rift churned and bubbled as if shuddering before falling still once more. No apparent change had occurred, and the ooze maintained its position. It made no seemingly pointed attempt to pursue Bishop as he moved away from it, but the rift continued to regurgitate more of the thick ooze to pool on the ground around the rift. The consistency of it - and the gravitational pull of the rift - left it moving at a sluggish pace and of no particular threat to anyone moving away from it on foot.
as written by Luxin

"I'll be an extra gun to keep you both safe, I think. My own matters can wait and, should these odd situations continue to arise, I may be stranded here for quite some time." She sighed, still wishing she weren't appearing so much a vagabond, but it was a small blessing. She shot one last look back at the rift, which had appeared to no longer be growing, just in time to see Bishop's return. He wasn't looking in their direction, at least not yet, and she took the opportunity presented to shove into Trys as best she could.

"We need to move. Now!" He voice was urgent, but hushed. "That thing is back, and I would rather not have to deal with it, it that's at all possible. Quickly, let's find his company, and then we'll recover ourselves some, yes?" She looked back again, this time hesitantly, to where Bishop moved about, slowly. She couldn't help but feel her curiosity after what he was, but she brooked no desire to ask or study him unless he was very thoroughly dead.
as written by Tiko

Several weeks had passed since the rift had opened up a few blocks from the harbor of Colcord Point. Much of the once booming borough of Westeria City now sat abandoned with bits of trash tumbling through the streets and the occasional stray animal scrounging about for a morsel to eat, but among its regions that maintained an element of life to it was a several block vicinity surrounding the rift.

Hundreds of people it would seem had been drawn to the region and a peculiar level of construction and building was going on - both around the rift itself as well as the surrounding blocks and buildings.

Numerous oozlings meandered about the streets, sludging along haphazardly and seemingly indifferent to the people coming and going while the main body of pulsating ooze that had spilled through the rift maintained a seemingly restful state where it had anchored itself to the surrounding landscape.
as written by Azrican

74km off the coast of Westeria City
The pitch black of night was only illuminated by the sparks and tendrils of lightning, accompanied by the thunderous din of the storm that outlined the massive shape of a delta-wing craft. Stretching for over a kilometer the silent arbiter pointed in the direction of what could only be assumed was a great city in the distance, though now it appeared abandoned and derelict. The soft falling of rain was almost enough to overpower the shrill, desperate howl of massive airjets that fought to keep the hundred-thousand tonne craft aloft as two great walls seemed to fall open from the vessel’s belly.

On the upper side of the large craft, transparent alloy filtered to display the roiling maw of blackness and ocean in front of the vessel. A Planetary Fleet Commander stood with his hands drawn behind his back, watching quietly as Lieutenants and Ensigns worked tirelessly in front of him. A marine Major stood a few meters to his left, idly setting a tablet device down as the Commander turned to him. Major Nathan Ledford then crossed his arms in front of him as a holographic map of the city’s coastal districts appeared in front of him.

“The LZ is known as ‘Colcord Point’, or that’s at least what we’ve found from the locals. We’ve got our boats ready to drop when you are.” Ledford responded, indicating to several highlighted sections of the map with a nod of his chin. The Commander returned with a curt nod of his own, rolling on the balls of his feet for a few moments.

“The Colonel wants Oscar company reinforced ASAP, and I had to divert from a patrol just to make the timetable -- bringing a Globewalker in this close unsettles me but, the Syndicate has the air lanes under firm control.” He responded, his voice low and stern before the map disappeared and several video feeds opened of the Globewalker II’s central hangar bay. Marines lined up in platoon formation, opposite oblique and rugged watercraft that would ferry them from the bay to the landing sites just over the horizon.

“Thank you again for the lift Commander West, we’ll be out of your hair soon enough and you’ll be back in orbit before the next cycle, provided we don’t need any air support of course.” The Major said, turning back and taking the tablet in one hand.

“It’s that that has me so worried, Major. I don’t want to send an air sortie anywhere near that thing, I don’t fucking know why we’re sending marines in without knowing what exactly that fucking thing is.” The Commander retorted, pointing to his left where a holographic overlay of the city detailed the gaping tear of inky blackness that still resided over it.

“That’s what the 44th is here to find out.” Ledford said, planting his hands on his hips and turning with the Commander as the two officers oversaw the preparations for the landing.

Meanwhile, in the bowels of the vessel, a platoon of marines stood before three sleek watercraft. The small vessels, capable of barely carrying an entire squad of 13 comfortably, were restrained by three sets of powerful locks that kept them from plummeting through the open bay and into the black sea below. The men of Whiskey Romeo, the attached reconnaissance platoon of Whiskey company, stood in formation chattering amongst themselves and doing whatever they could to prepare themselves for the transit.

Corporal Eustace Martin chewed on a stick of gum, the straps of his helmet dangling beside his face as he watched several Armis drones embark on a final cursory inspection of their craft. Unlike the marines before them, the droids bore no nervous faces or movements. They were impeccable card players, Martin thought to himself. That, and really good liars.

“Hey Eustie, you think we’ll see any action at the landing zone?” The marine next to him, Private Andrew Hill tapped his upper arm and adjusted the strap of his M-18 assault rifle. Martin glanced over to his fellow enlistedman and gave a pretentious shrug: Hill was a youthful Corsican, with calm brown eyes and mousey features that looked out of place in the gruff appearances of Exogarden marines.

“City’s been abandoned, Private. We’ll be lucky if we even see a fucking civvie still in that shit hole. We’re just going to shore up Oscar company’s flank -- wait until they move Hotel Sierra in from the outskirts and then we’re out. We’ll be back on the Herodion in a week or two.” He replied dryly, uncaring of the disappointed look that crossed Hill’s face as he turned back to face the MTIV Kermit landers.

“God dammit, I don’t wanna’ sit on my ass for two weeks with nothin’ to do. I miss fuckin’ KX5-Zero-One, that was some fuckin’ action.” Hill replied, reminiscing of the prior world the 44th had deployed to.

“Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure you’ll get jumpy and pump a bunch of lead into a stray dog or something.” The Corporal said back and elicited a short chuckle from the marines in front of them both. Private Kemp Cooper and PFC Nigel Anderson looked back with a wide grin, then both tapped a spare magazine against the lip of their helmets.

“Hill was too busy shitting his pants on KX5 -- look at you, you fucking pussy. You don’t even know which end to point the fucking rifle.” Cooper remarked boisterously and then gave the younger Private a firm shove. The Corsican quickly threw a punch back, at Cooper’s backpack before he flipped his comrade the bird.

“Fuck you, I ate some spoiled nutra-bars is all.” He said, repeating the last a few more times as the three marines all chuckled to themselves and shook their heads. Before any of them could respond however, the snapping of boots on metal crawled along the platoon of marines as a Sergeant Major strode in front of the formation.

Celso Ferro was an imposing Azrican, standing several heads above those under (and above) his command even without the exoskin and fatigues common of the Marine Infantry. The enlisted men all quieted themselves, lest they earn a short glare or boisterous insult from the man as he walked in front of one of the MTIVs and then hauled himself on top of an ammunition crate.

As he came to face the platoon, the marines all snapped to attention and silence pervaded over them: while several other platoons were getting the same treatment, the drones that would be piloting the landing craft onto the beach continued their duties. They inspected the MTIV’s outriggers, ensured the hulls were water-tight one final time and then joining the Sergeant Major in formation before the landing craft.

“Alright marines, listen the fuck up. We are green-light for a landing operation on the city: this is not a drill, we are landing in a combat zone to support Oscar company. Whiskey Seven, you’ll be the first in by about twelve minutes. Your objectives will be marked, we need you to secure the vehicle-landing sites from street side before we move armor and the rest of Whiskey company on: 6 and 5th platoons will be your infantry security from the beach, and they’ll signal the rest of the company in once you’re done.”

Sergeant Major Ferro hitched a thumb back to the landing craft, then pantomimed the movement and objectives with a finger on the palm of his hand. When he finished, the NCO motioned to a First Sergeant at the head of the line. Richard Johnson swung the helmet off his head, leaving it hanging from the vest of his exoskin as he joined the Sergeant Major in front of the platoon.

“Thank you SGM. You get all that, Whiskey 7?” First Sergeant Johnson asked, inspecting the marines as they silently nodded back at him. The men all watched their NCO intently, though when he withdrew a small holo pad and held it in his hand they focused on the milky green map of the city’s coastline that appeared. “We’ll be going in hard and fast -- if there’s anything in the AO, you are to engage it with extreme prejudice understand? We’re not here to hand out HUMAID.”

As the First Sergeant spoke, a dull klaxon sounded through the hangar bay and the marines stood rigid once more. The signal to embark was heard by the entire company arranged out in formation, and they began to file into the landing vessels and dropships. Several squads down the line piled into Alligator Marine Fighting Vehicles and Bovine APCs, amphibious vehicles capable of making the long swim behind the MTIV and MELV landing craft.

With that, 7th platoon itself began to embark on their three Marine Tactical Insertion Vehicles. The Armis drones followed them, ensuring the marines were all included and then taking their positions at the back end of the vehicles in the piloting station. First Sergeant Johnson was the last one in, and gave a thumbs up to the droid. He joined his marines, standing at the front of the landing craft as the two main doors closed and finally blotted out the dull klaxon. A holographic screen flickered to life as the doors shut, showing not only the hangar in front of them but a distance marker to their objective and a timer.

An automated voice pulsed through the compartment as the marines readied themselves for the inevitable shock of being dropped two hundred meters to the water below. Machinery and locks groaned from outside the dark interior of the MTIV, and Corporal Martin silently reached up to grab hold of a handguard on the wall of the lander. With a loud, mechanical din the locks were released, and weightlessness seized the lander for a quick moment until the hangar bay disappeared: it was replaced with the coarse wind of the storm and a black, inky blanket.

Martin prepared himself by bending his knees, and was nearly lifted off his feet as the lander impacted the water, sending a white spray of foam and sea as the sixteen tonne vessel settled atop the waves. The MTIV then began to pitch and roll in the froth, her bow end teetering up and then down as the Armis drone quickly activated the lander’s waterjet propulsion system and directed the vehicle into formation.

Bravo and Charlie squad’s landers were next, a video relay on the front airscreen linkedin to their own vessel as the three Kermits closed together in formation. Alpha squad’s lander was twenty meters ahead of the other two, and great sprays of dark water foiled around the hull of the craft as speed increased and the craft’s hyrdofoil activated. Rising the Kermit out of the water, she began to glide like a sea bird skimming just above the surface of the ocean.

The three Kermit MTIVs were underway for an hour in the choppy surf, fighting the swelling waves that sought to claim the tiny vessels. By the time the first light of dawn began to gray the sky over the coastline of Westeria, the landing craft were racing towards the beach at an incredible pace: no less than twelve kilometers ahead of the main landing force of heavier craft and vehicles.

Sergeant Johnson stood at the front of the lander, looking away from the holographic overlay. He took a few steps to a nearby seat, pulling the restraint bars up with one hand and seating himself on the small bulwark that lined the compartment of the landing craft. “Alright marines, I’d buckle the fuck up -- we need to get this thing over the sea wall and onto streets.”

The nine other marines all exchanged cautious looks with one another, then were quick to find a seat as the Kermit let out a noticeable groan when two powerful turbojets powered up in the rear of the craft. Martin could feel the acceleration quicken, and it nearly caused him to teeter over before he found a seat at the back of the MTIV by the Armis droid’s piloting station. Beside him, Private Hill quickly yanked the bars down over his shoulder, and it was then Martin noticed the marine breathing rather heavily.

“Just take it nice and slow, Private. Try not to bite your tongue off, either.” Martin said as he pulled the bars down over his own shoulders. He shot a quick smile back as he noticed Hill’s face, a mixture of apprehension and fear playing over his young features.

“Don’t worry, worst comes to worst just hope your neck snaps in the crash.” Specialist Laurance Roberts replied from the seat beside Hill’s, and gave the marine a few compassionate pats on the thigh before placing a pack of cigarettes in his mouth. Hill seemed to catch on as well, and was quick to stuff a handkerchief in his gullet while his wide eyes darted around the troop compartment. With the marines secured, all eyes went up to First Sergeant Johnson at the front of the craft, whom sat with his own eyes peeled to the digital overlay as a ribbon of sand and the grey concrete of the sea wall grew closer and closer.

Beyond that, what appeared to be a luxurious resort or casino of some type reached up into the sky ahead of them. That was Alpha squad’s primary landing zone: getting there seemed simple enough, if they could somehow manage to clear the five or ten meters of stone and cement that separated the city’s streets from the beach. As the Kermit broke through one final wave, Johnson looked back to the pilot droid with one simple hand signal.

“Alright, hit it!”

Even with the crash of waves and soundproofing of the troop compartment, the turbojet engines fired with an incredible rumble that forced Martin and the other marines into their seats. The Corporal felt his whole body shit sideways as the beach suddenly grew closer and closer at an alarming speed. Then, he noticed the bow of the vessel tilting farther and farther upwards, and the rush of wind that ran along the keel of the vessel as if it threatened to lift into the air at any moment.

“Jesus fucking Christ Sergeant, we couldn’t just take a bird in?!” Corporal Ernes Cristian remarked from up in the front, eyes closed tightly and feet kicking with every bump and wave the Kermit overcame as it rocketed towards the beach. A few marines managed nervous laughs.

“Where’s the fun in a nice smooth airjet ride! Besides, we’re marines. We like to surf.” Johnson responded, though his own voice was laced with an intermittent anxiety. The beach was now a thick line of sand that seemed to stand just barely a few meters above the water, though Martin knew there was actually several dozen meters of space they would have to clear before reaching the sea barrier: and then still, beyond that, a further fifteen meters to go before they were on the streets.

“I’ve never surfed in my fucking life!” PFC Nigel Anderson shouted, his knuckles a pale white against the restraints of the chair as the MTIV suddenly bucked and shuddered. Martin could tell it had left the water, the bow of the craft pointed at a steeper and steeper angle as the beach suddenly disappeared in a fizz of white sea foam and glimmering water. An emptiness filled his stomach again as the turbines, now free of the ocean, drove the craft with a shrieking whine into the air.

As the craft cleared the beach, and then went over the sea wall, all Martin caught before the MTIV began to spin was the flash of a white and blue police cruiser on the street below them. Then, metal crunched and sparks flew in front of the craft’s bow as the lander came plummeting through a wall. Concrete, steel and glass were shattered as sixteen tons of metal and machine came plowing through the bay windows of a cafe on the second story of a casino building.

Martin, and several of the other marines, must have lost consciousness for a few minor seconds because the Corporal awoke to find himself upside down, his rifle dangling from the sling across his torso. Specialist Shoulhi Morris, seated next to him, awoke with a loud hack as he too suddenly realized the craft must have impacted upside down.

“Jesus … are, are we dead yet?” He replied with a grumble, his hands exploring up and down around him as he tried to find the release for the bar restraints. He reached one hand to the ceiling, preparing himself for the inevitable fall as he struggled with the other to release himself from the seat.

“Shit, looks like we got a little topsy-turvy in that marines. Don’t break your necks getting out of the seats.” Johnson’s voice boomed through the compartment, and he was the first one down. Landing with a thud on the ceiling of the lander, which was now the floor, he rolled onto his side and then stood up. "Get your shit together and let's get moving, on the double boys."

Martin finally found the release for his own seat, and crashed onto the floor with a grunt. He helped Hill out of his restraints next, and brought him upright. The marine thanked him with a winded breath, grabbing his rifle and the rest of the kit. The Armis drone was doing its best to ensure none of the marines were injured freeing themselves as well, and with the marines finally ready it waited for the signal from Johnson before opening the bow doors of the Kermit.

Metal and concrete squealed and crunched as the doors were forced open with the power of a hydraulic piston system. Bits of glass and concrete littered the soft velvet of a casino floor as first the Sergeant jumped down and then the other marines quietly filed out. The ten marines all kept their weapons at the ready, inspecting the empty floor with cautious eyes and ears while the lander let out an occasional burst of electricity, or groaned as the weight inside was evacuated.