What gets more random than a picture of a psychedelic-coloured dog?

I really love your work. I'd like to move towards more realistic art and it's very hard. Guess I could say I'm jealous.
What do you work with?
I really love your work. I'd like to move towards more realistic art and it's very hard. Guess I could say I'm jealous.
What do you work with?

Everyone has to start somewhere, I'm by no means a professional but I doodle and dabble whenever I'm in the mood and gradually I've improved despite the many pictures I've scrumpled up or wanted to burn upon completion. Just lots of practice and I'm sure everything will work out for you no matter what you're trying to do :)

I have the opposite problem as what you talked about in which I struggle to do anything cartoon-related or caricatured. I tend to do drawings based on picture references because it's easier to get proportions and shading right.

I usually work with either pencil crayon, pencils, oil pastels (the cheap ones) and sometimes charcoal. I also usually use white paper, mainly because it's the most common thing lying around. I have tried out water-colours and water-colour pencils, but that is something I am working on improving.

Thank you for commenting and showing interest though, your kindness is really appreciated. :)