What tv show or movie would you live in?

If you could live in a movie or tv show for a day, what would it be? I think it'd be interesting to live in Avatar the Last Airbender.
[Doctor Who would be a fun one, depending on which of the many settings in it you wound up in, and just when on the arc you arrived. Satellite Five would mostly suck, but New Earth could be pretty cool, for instance.]

Avatar could be kind of cool, but if I had to choose, I'd say Star Trek: The Next Generation. Safer than a lot of settings, but still plenty of room for adventuring in, and holodecks are kind of a cheat that mitigates the difficulty of having to choose, unless they're malfunctioning that week.
I'd most definitely pick the pokemon universe. It'd be awesome to go on an adventure with some pokemon and possibly ride something like a Charizard.

On another slight off topic note, I can also tell you a couple worlds I would not want to live in. Those being Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and Attack on Titan. lol
If you could live in a movie or tv show for a day, what would it be? I think it'd be interesting to live in Avatar the Last Airbender.

Well one love the avatar. Two that goes along with my answer. I would love to be in the original Teen Titans show at least for one day I believe the episode haunted would be pretty fun with the Titans. Or almost any of the episodes to be stuck in really.

I'm incompetent at the game itself. But if I managed to make friends with Yugi and co? At least I could go on adventures lol
Ed Edd n Eddy, hands down. It was everything i wanted when i watched it. Make random stuff out of junk, have a cool hideout and know everyone on the street.
I'd also have to say Avatar (preferable the TLA times) or Pokemon.