Who else has watched every episode of The Walking dead? !Warning may contain spoilers!

I've been watching TWD closely. I'm about three or four episodes behind at the moment, but right now I'm in the thick of Neagon's tyrannical rule. Thus far he's the most sociopathic barbarian warlord the group has faced, and i'm very angry that Rick has been cowed into serving him
I've been watching TWD closely. I'm about three or four episodes behind at the moment, but right now I'm in the thick of Neagon's tyrannical rule. Thus far he's the most sociopathic barbarian warlord the group has faced, and i'm very angry that Rick has been cowed into serving him
Yeah that sounds about right... Just wait though it gets even better
I haven't seen all the episodes from the prison or before, but I got really into and watched every episode after the prison was destroyed. I have also read all three walking dead comic compendiums(I believe that is what it's called) and really love both the show and comic, though what I'm not very fond of is how many good charecters die