Wishing for Us (Fantasy + Fluff!)


Fish Sandwich
*~*~ Wishing for Us ~*~*

The number of souls searching for something in this world is endless. Across the globe, wishes are made into the night's sky, filled with hopes and dreams. Some wishes are destitute, some filled with passion. One winter's night, a man in the sky collected these wishes in a jar, and promised them all to be granted.

However, no wishes could be granted, so long as the souls attached to the wishes inside, were detached from one another. All the man asks, in order to fill the deepest desires of the selected group, is for them to coexist and learn to understand one another.

The night the wishes were placed in the man's jar, the soul's entered a dream world unlike Earth. A land of mist, moss and snow. They each awoke in their own room of a mansion crafted from glass and emerald, peaceful and safe, as well as unaware of their newfound company. It is in this mansion where the story will reside.

*~*Minimum One Paragraph Per Post*~*
*~*Character submissions Open!*~*
I'm interested in this! Do you have a sheet you want us to fill out or should we use our own?
Well, this is quite an idea for a fantasy story, indeed! Any more specifics we gotta know for those who wanna join, then?