Worst Book Ever


Active Member
Any fellow readers out there? Ever found the worst book you've ever read? Reply below.

My worst has to go to the House of Night series. Unlikeable Mary Sue protagonist who every boy she meets falls in love with her almost instantly, a confusing plot involving vampires that repeats itself over and over with each installment and so many other things wrong with it that if I continued, we'd be here all day. ...Did I mention this series has 14 books? I was barely able to get through the third book...
That sounds as bad as Twilight. Vampy love. Mary Sues. Characters so adorable *cough* it makes a person want to put them through a giant meat grinder.
I don't remember the name of the book, since I read (tried to read) it a few years ago, but the writing was so atrocious I couldn't pass more than 50 pages. It was like a dramatically overacted movie on paper, the view point changed constantly (which I don't have a problem with if you can do it right) and the plot was even more confusing than the writing. And there would have been two books more. I can't understand how my friend was able to read through all of them. She explained the rest of the plot to me and oh boy it was worse than I had thought :D

But don't worry, I don't think that book has been translated to English.
there was this one book i read when i was younger, some self published piece of crap, it had the same premise of the entire show MLP
Oh gosh, worst books? For me, without a doubt it was this one called Fallen (?). It was your typical young adult dark fantasy romance book (first in a series, of course, because why not), and THIS time the plot was all about the troubled moody protag finding out she's the reincarnation of a girl from a doomed romance with a fallen angel...or something. It was interesting at first bc she was sent to this prison school bc this guy she crushed on died when they kissed at a party, but it was later revealed that it happened bc she HAD to be with the angel or something, so all other people she kissed but him would die (??? Ive repressed a lot of it). And it JUST SO HAPPENED all the named characters were fallen angels too, and this one dude who was the love interest's friend was a bad guy for no reason with no foreshadowing whatsoever??? They didn't even show him being evil, they were all, "oh yeah btw roland works with the bad guys :(" so?????????? It just fell apart at the seams.
Oh gosh, worst books? For me, without a doubt it was this one called Fallen (?). It was your typical young adult dark fantasy romance book (first in a series, of course, because why not), and THIS time the plot was all about the troubled moody protag finding out she's the reincarnation of a girl from a doomed romance with a fallen angel...or something. It was interesting at first bc she was sent to this prison school bc this guy she crushed on died when they kissed at a party, but it was later revealed that it happened bc she HAD to be with the angel or something, so all other people she kissed but him would die (??? Ive repressed a lot of it). And it JUST SO HAPPENED all the named characters were fallen angels too, and this one dude who was the love interest's friend was a bad guy for no reason with no foreshadowing whatsoever??? They didn't even show him being evil, they were all, "oh yeah btw roland works with the bad guys :(" so?????????? It just fell apart at the seams.
I had that book before, but I eventually lost it. I kinda liked it at first, but then I read it a second time...
I know! It had been really really good at first. The setting and the characters were really interesting and original for a YA book, and then...it dropped the ball so hard.
I have another novel I read where I thought the same thing with Fallen: Good Concept but wasted potential. It was a novel called the slime dungeon, which was about a man who dies and is reincarnated into the heart of a dungeon. With the help of a fairy named claire, he has to create a deadly dungeon full of monsters to keep the heroes from raiding and even destroying his heart (basically Dungeon Keeper). It was written kinda like an RPG and even had mechanics such as Mana storing and leveling up. Unfortunately, almost everyone were cardboard cutouts of fantasy tropes with the elf being elegant and agile and other characters like that. The writing was a bit poor too. I might come back to it one day since it's a trilogy and I'm a but curious on what the rest is like. Unlike Fallen, I don't think it was awful, but it could've been better.