Worst New Years Resolutions


Beautiful Disaster
We all have them. Whether or not we admit to it is another story. Let's see what we can come up with...

What's the worst new years resolution? This can be something you've heard from someone else or just something you came up with.

Honestly? I've never made one, which has to be the worst! Never bothered with it. I simply make changes as I see them.

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No regrets though. Serious :3
My resolution was to be a better writer.

Well at least I didn't write a six page assessment that I later found out was all cliché this year.

Instead I joined a roleplay in which one of my characters looked like young green deadpool and the other was a drow prostitute...
Worst New Year's resolution? I never made new year resolutions. *grins*

Ah~ Though my sister once said her New Year's resolution this year is to become a NEET. Not quite so sure if she was serious. Does that count? xD
The worst new years resolution is everyone of them :p i mean i never do them cuz a lot of them are a waste of time since we all know that most of them will be dropped in the first month of doing them. :p
I personally think all the "I'm going to lose this amount of weight this year", "I'm going to stop using alcohol entirely this year" sort of resolutions are kinda silly. Much better would be something like "I'm going to try and be more healthy", it's easier to achieve and doesn't create the risk of failing and then making you feel like you should stop trying entirely. Besides, life's surprising, you never know what's going to happen, so the best you can do is 'try'.

My last year's resolution was to try and apologise a bit less for myself. I often fall into a pit of apologising for existing and starting to feel miserable and making others feel bad too, think I've improved a bit though! This year? Perhaps taking better care of my mental health and not push my limits needlessly. Be more forgiving - to myself and others. :)
My New Year's resolution last year was to stop saying "ye" instead of "yes". It's even worse now. I don't think I've said "yes" aloud without forcing it since March.
My boy and I planned on quitting smoking for the new year. I begged him not to tell anyone-- at first because I didn't want anyone "checking in on us" but upon further deliberation I know it was because I didn't want anyone to call us out on failing :/ it's like trying a new diet and telling everyone you know about it.
I made a resolution to my sergeant that I would get a small loan of a million dollars. I regret to say that I lied.