The Scarletverse Yellow Light Bar


Well-Known Member
Anyone can join in here! Be it a member of TSF, TO or just about anyone else. You can even have a character just for this event!

Soundtrack: Blue Frank
-- Date: 7:44 PM July 3rd, 2032 --

It was Friday night in the hippest, newest and fanciest club in Downtown Newport. All sorts of people would gather here to get wasted, used, and abused. Clubs in the 2030s were wild. Filled with exotic drugs from all the corners of the Earth. It was a cloudy night when Moonstar sat in the very back of the club, enjoying the drinks that put him off. Drinks that were his escape. In his arms, lay the most exotic dancers that money could buy, except they were free. The business owner of Yellow Light Bar was in cahoots with the Scarlet Five, granting them free access and drinks at any hour of the day. This deal was done in exchange for protection against local gangs, as well as keeping the order. Moonstar would frequent the bar to get a little excitement in his life. Often the troublemakers here were brigands, creeps, and the usual lowlifes of the streets, but today was different. Someone special walked in the door and Moonstar noticed immediately.
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It was a man, but not a normal one.
He radiated power.
He had on a trench coat and top hat, and his skin was an inky black. And he carried a cane, but he didn't use it.
And from how the others' eyes slid right over him, it didn't seem they noticed him.
The man smiled lightly and headed toward Moonstar, walking purposefully.
The room was suddenly, despite the numerous bodies, a lot colder.
If he was scared... good. He should be.
But he was just here to talk.
Moonstar had nothing to fear...
Except the truth.

Oh, he didn't ping you, did he?
The man chuckled and did it.
Let's see... @Teeloffel
There we go.
Puppets without their puppeteers are such a bore.
The man was approaching Moonstar. The whole of it didn't make sense to him. The cane, the dark skin, the energy he had with him when he came into the room. Something was off, something was uncanny. The Man approached Moonstar and presented himself to him. The girls beside Moonstar immediately left, they knew this had to do with TSF or something beyond themselves. Leaving Moonstar alone was usually the right decision. Moonstar was not scared, rather he was alert, ready to burst out at any moment with an attack.
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The Man sat down on a chair that wasn't really there and looked at him, the imaginary chair facing away from him at about 45 degrees.
"Y̶o̷u̵'̶r̶e̸ ̷n̸o̴t̶?̴"
The man faced away for a second, then looked back.
"S̵o̵n̴,̷ ̷t̷h̷e̷ ̶p̷e̵o̸p̸l̶e̵ ̴w̷h̶o̷ ̵a̵r̷e̵n̸'̷t̴ ̵a̶f̵r̵a̵i̴d̸ ̵a̸r̸e̴ ̶e̷i̸t̶h̷e̵r̸ ̴f̷o̴o̶l̸s̷ ̴o̵r̴ ̷i̵n̵s̵a̴n̶e̶.̵"
He sighed, spinning his cane
"I̸ ̴g̷u̸e̵s̷s̷ ̴i̴t̴ ̷d̵o̴e̷s̸n̶'̸t̵ ̴m̶a̴t̵t̴e̴r̵.̷"
The man leaned on an invisible table, now directly facing him, the air getting colder.
"I̶'̴v̶e̸ ̸c̶o̸m̸e̸ ̸h̶e̴r̷e̶ ̸f̴o̸r̶.̴.̵.̴ ̴a̷n̵ ̴i̷n̶t̷r̷o̴d̵u̶c̷t̶i̸o̴n̴,̵ ̴o̶f̷ ̵s̴o̵r̸t̷s̴... A̶n̷d̸ ̸a̴ ̴p̵r̴o̵p̸o̵s̷i̸t̴i̶o̸n̶,̶ ̵b̸u̸t̷ ̴w̵e̸'̷l̸l̴ ̸g̷e̷t̸ ̴t̴o̷ ̵t̶h̴a̵t̶ ̶l̷a̵t̶e̶r̴.̸"
He smiled.
"H̵i̶.̶ ̶I̴ ̶g̶o̸ ̸b̸y̵ ̴m̴a̴n̷y̷ ̵n̷a̵m̶e̵s̶,̶ ̵b̵u̸t̶ ̶y̶o̵u̴ ̵\̷c̷a̶n̴ ̴c̸a̴l̵l̷ ̷m̶e̵ ̷T̸M̴I̸T̵M̸.̶ ̵Y̷o̷u̸ ̶m̶a̷y̷ ̶n̷o̵t̶ ̴r̵e̴c̵o̸g̵n̵i̵z̵e̶ ̵m̴e̸,̷ ̶b̴u̶t̵.̶.̷.̵ ̵H̶e̸ ̸d̶o̷e̶s̴," He said, pointing at Moonstar's head. "W̴e̷'̷r̶e̵ ̵s̷i̶m̸i̵l̶a̵r̴ ̷b̶e̷i̴n̷g̵s̸.̵"
TMITM leaned back, waiting for the question that would inevitably come. Questions. Always questions. Who, what, when, where, and above all else, why? He found it tiresome at best.
Heroes always have questions.
The Man pulsated with otherwordly energy, Adam could almost see tendrils sticking out of his back. There was an ominous aura around him like as if he knew every answer to every question Moonstar could ask him. He spoke in a peculiar tone, like one from ancient times. All twisted up and broken. The words from his mouth resonated within even the veins of Moonstar's body. It was chilling and it felt like the alcohol had dissipated from his body. The shining lights, the loud music, and the everpresent party emotions were gone and replaced with only a skeleton of emptiness.

He knew about Him it seemed. It's been many years since someone approached him knowing the one inside him. This man was strange and unknown to Moonstar. It would seem that these entities knew each other but The Beast inside him was quiet, only the everpresent growling persisted. Moonstar's eyes turned black with curiosity, a trait which he had acquired after gaining more control over the entity that resided within him. Moonstar knew that this man could mean trouble, although he had Someone on his side which he was sure could crush whatever entity this was.

"Hmph" Adam exclaimed, noting that the man could not be much more than a sorcerer playing tricks on him.
The Man's face hardened.
Just some sorcerer, eh?
He sighed.
"W̶h̶i̴l̷e̴ ̴i̵t̵ ̸i̷s̶ ̴t̸r̶u̶e̵ ̶t̸h̶a̸t̶ ̶I̴ ̷a̵m̵ ̸n̵o̶t̴ ̵a̶s̵ ̶p̵o̸w̶e̷r̴f̶u̴l̵ ̵a̶s̸ ̵I̴ ̸c̴o̵u̴l̵d̶ ̸b̷e̴,̵ ̵I̴ ̷c̸o̶u̴l̶d̵ ̵d̶e̵f̵i̵n̸i̵t̵e̸l̴y̴ ̵b̸e̷a̸t̷ ̸y̵o̶u̵,̴ ̴b̶o̵y̶,̸ ̸a̵n̴d̶ ̴i̷n̶ ̷t̶h̶i̶s̴ ̶w̶o̷r̴l̸d̴,̴ ̵I̴ ̵a̴m̶ ̵b̷u̵t̴ ̴a̸ ̶s̸h̸a̸d̶o̴w̶ ̷o̵f̸ ̸a̸ ̸s̷h̸a̵d̶o̵w̴."
He picked up a glass that you're pretty sure hadn't been there before, took a sip, and said, with eyes boring through his straight into his soul,
"D̴o̷ ̸y̸o̶u̷ ̸w̸a̸n̵t̵ ̸t̶o̶ ̶t̸e̶s̵t̸ ̷m̷e̶,̶ ̶c̸h̶i̶l̸d̷?̴"
Adam looked deep into the eye sockets of this creature and attempted to draw out it's power:

"You're right, you're just a shadow. I don't want a fight with some shadow creatures. Tell me what you want, otherwise, leave". He scuffed at the man
The Man smiled. Finally.
"I̵ ̶h̸a̶v̶e̴ ̸a̴ ̵p̵r̸o̵p̴o̸s̶i̴t̶i̶o̵n̷.̸ "
The man looked away at something else for a moment and then looked back.
"S̸i̷n̸c̴e̷ ̶w̴e̸'̷l̷l̶ ̶b̷e̵ ̵s̴e̶e̸i̵n̴g̸ ̴a̸ ̴l̵o̶t̸ ̸m̷o̷r̵e̵ ̶o̷f̶ ̴e̶a̵c̷h̶ ̴o̷t̴h̷e̵r̴.̶.̵.̴"
̴The man looked around blocking these sentences from authorities who would stop him
"̶H̵o̴w̶ ̷a̵b̸o̴u̴t̷ ̸y̶o̵u̸ ̵s̶t̶a̵y̷ ̵o̷u̵t̷ ̷o̴f̸ ̸m̴y̸ ̶w̵a̶y̴?̸"
The man stood up suddenly.
"W̵e̷l̵l̴,̵ ̶I̵ ̴g̷u̵e̵s̵s̷ ̵t̶h̵a̸t̸'̸s̶ ̷i̴t̴.̶" the man said, rolling his shoulders slightly with an air of impatience.
"P̸u̸p̸p̵e̵t̷s̸ ̴w̴i̸t̵h̶o̷u̷t̸ ̷t̴h̶e̶i̶r̴ ̵m̴a̴s̸t̴e̷r̵s̴ ̸a̷r̸e̶ ̷s̴u̶c̵h̵ ̷a̴ ̴b̴o̸r̷e̴,̷ ̸a̸n̸d̵ ̷I̷ ̷h̵a̷v̶e̸ ̸b̴e̵t̵t̵e̷r̸ ̸t̴h̷i̴n̶g̵s̸ ̴t̵o̷ ̶d̵o̵," the man said, fixing his coat that didn't really need fixing, and looking around the bar disdainfully.
"I̷'̶l̵l̸ ̵n̷e̶v̸e̶r̵ ̵u̴n̷d̴e̵r̷s̸t̵a̵n̸d̵ ̶i̷t̵.̶.̶.̷" he said, as his eyes rolled over people abusing themselves.
"W̴e̵l̸l̴,̴ ̸I̸ ̵m̸u̵s̷t̷ ̷b̸e̸ ̶o̵f̴f̷.̴ ̶T̴h̶i̶n̵k̷ ̶a̷b̴o̷u̶t̴ ̴i̴t̷,̴ ̸w̷o̶n̸'̸t̴ ̵y̵o̴u̴?̴" The man-shaped hole in the world said as he walked away, grabbing his cane from nowhere and walking briskly toward the door, people's eyes sliding right over him, not noticing as he walked away.
He was not walking fast enough for someone to not be able to overtake him, though, if they really wanted to. He did it on purpose.
But it was not to be.
He sighed internally as he phased out of reality into another.
The Man, although he barely credited the term, didn't understand why he had to try and reason with the Avatar of the Entity. The others had insisted that he try, but he knew that the Avatar wouldn't have stayed out of his way. He was annoyed and frustrated that he couldn't just kill him outright.
Heroes were annoying.
He couldn't kill or maim them without permission, which was infuriating.
He was a god. The oldest and most powerful being in this world and many others. Why, why, did he have to have permission from the other Entities that had no idea what he was, how powerful he truly is.
He is a king. A god of gods. Creation bent at his word, his breath.
And here he was, in this weak form.
With - ugh - weaknesses.
Not many, it's true, but the fact that he had just enough power to exist in something close to his full glory infuriated him, the tantalizing taste of power driving him to take over this city that had so much delicious power.